High level Bluetooth Low Energy API and radio abstraction layer

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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00020 #include "UUID.h"
00021 #include "Gap.h"
00022 #include "GattAttribute.h"
00023 #include "GattClient.h"
00024 #include "CharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery.h"
00025 #include "ble/DiscoveredCharacteristicDescriptor.h"
00027 /**
00028  * @brief Representation of a characteristic discovered during a GattClient
00029  * discovery procedure (see GattClient::launchServiceDiscovery ).
00030  *
00031  * @details Provide detailed informations about a discovered characteristic like:
00032  *     - Its UUID (see getUUID()).
00033  *     - The most important handles of the characteristic definition
00034  *       (see getDeclHandle(), getValueHandle(), getLastHandle())
00035  *     - Its properties (see getProperties()).
00036  * This class also provide functions to operate on the characteristic:
00037  *     - Read the characteristic value (see read())
00038  *     - Writing a characteristic value (see write() or writeWoResponse())
00039  *     - Discover descriptors inside the characteristic definition. These descriptors
00040  *       extends the characteristic. More information about descriptor usage is
00041  *       available in DiscoveredCharacteristicDescriptor class.
00042  */
00043 class DiscoveredCharacteristic {
00044 public:
00045     /**
00046      * Structure that encapsulates the properties of a discovered
00047      * characteristic.
00048      */
00049     struct Properties_t {
00050         uint8_t _broadcast       :1; /**< Broadcasting the value permitted. */
00051         uint8_t _read            :1; /**< Reading the value permitted. */
00052         uint8_t _writeWoResp     :1; /**< Writing the value with Write Command permitted. */
00053         uint8_t _write           :1; /**< Writing the value with Write Request permitted. */
00054         uint8_t _notify          :1; /**< Notifications of the value permitted. */
00055         uint8_t _indicate        :1; /**< Indications of the value permitted. */
00056         uint8_t _authSignedWrite :1; /**< Writing the value with Signed Write Command permitted. */
00058     public:
00059         /**
00060          * @brief   Check if broadcasting is permitted.
00061          *
00062          * @return  true if broadcasting the value is permitted, and false
00063          *          otherwise.
00064          */
00065         bool broadcast(void) const {
00066             return _broadcast;
00067         }
00069         /**
00070          * @brief   Check reading is permitted.
00071          *
00072          * @return  true if reading the value is permitted, and false
00073          *          otherwise.
00074          */
00075         bool read(void) const {
00076             return _read;
00077         }
00079         /**
00080          * @brief   Check if writing with Write Command is permitted.
00081          *
00082          * @return  true if writing the value with Write Command is permitted,
00083          *          false otherwise.
00084          */
00085         bool writeWoResp(void) const {
00086             return _writeWoResp;
00087         }
00089         /**
00090          * @brief   Check if writing with Write Request is permitted.
00091          *
00092          * @return  true if writing the value with Write Request is permitted,
00093          *          false otherwise.
00094          */
00095         bool write(void) const {
00096             return _write;
00097         }
00099         /**
00100          * @brief   Check notifications are permitted.
00101          *
00102          * @return  true if notifications of the value are permitted, false
00103          *          otherwise.
00104          */
00105         bool notify(void) const {
00106             return _notify;
00107         }
00109         /**
00110          * @brief   Check if indications are permitted.
00111          *
00112          * @return  true if indications of the value are permitted, false
00113          *          otherwise.
00114          */
00115         bool indicate(void) const {
00116             return _indicate;
00117         }
00119         /**
00120          * @brief   Check if writing with Signed Write Command is permitted.
00121          *
00122          * @return  true if writing the value with Signed Write Command is
00123          *          permitted, false otherwise.
00124          */
00125         bool authSignedWrite(void) const {
00126             return _authSignedWrite;
00127         }
00129         /**
00130          * @brief "Equal to" operator for DiscoveredCharacteristic::Properties_t
00131          *
00132          * @param[in] lhs The left hand side of the equality expression
00133          * @param[in] rhs The right hand side of the equality expression
00134          *
00135          * @return true if operands are equals, false otherwise.
00136          */
00137         friend bool operator==(Properties_t lhs, Properties_t rhs) {
00138             return lhs._broadcast == rhs._broadcast &&
00139                    lhs._read == rhs._read &&
00140                    lhs._writeWoResp == rhs._writeWoResp &&
00141                    lhs._write == rhs._write &&
00142                    lhs._notify == rhs._notify &&
00143                    lhs._indicate == rhs._indicate &&
00144                    lhs._authSignedWrite == rhs._authSignedWrite;
00145         }
00147         /**
00148          * @brief "Not equal to" operator for DiscoveredCharacteristic::Properties_t
00149          *
00150          * @param lhs The right hand side of the expression
00151          * @param rhs The left hand side of the expression
00152          *
00153          * @return true if operands are not equals, false otherwise.
00154          */
00155         friend bool operator!=(Properties_t lhs, Properties_t rhs) {
00156             return !(lhs == rhs);
00157         }
00159     private:
00160         operator uint8_t()  const; /* Disallow implicit conversion into an integer. */
00161         operator unsigned() const; /* Disallow implicit conversion into an integer. */
00162     };
00164     /**
00165      * Initiate (or continue) a read for the value attribute, optionally at a
00166      * given offset. If the characteristic or descriptor to be read is longer
00167      * than ATT_MTU - 1, this function must be called multiple times with
00168      * appropriate offset to read the complete value.
00169      *
00170      * @param[in] offset
00171      *              The position - in the characteristic value bytes stream - where
00172      *              the read operation begin.
00173      *
00174      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if a read has been initiated, or
00175      *         BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if some internal state about the connection is invalid, or
00176      *         BLE_STACK_BUSY if some client procedure is already in progress, or
00177      *         BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED due to the characteristic's properties.
00178      */
00179     ble_error_t read(uint16_t offset = 0) const;
00181     /**
00182      * @brief Same as #read(uint16_t) const but allow the user to register a callback
00183      * which will be fired once the read is done.
00184      *
00185      * @param[in] offset
00186      *              The position - in the characteristic value bytes stream - where
00187      *              the read operation begin.
00188      * @param[in] onRead
00189      *              Continuation of the read operation
00190      */
00191     ble_error_t read(uint16_t offset, const GattClient::ReadCallback_t & onRead) const;
00193     /**
00194      * Perform a write without response procedure.
00195      *
00196      * @param[in]  length
00197      *           The amount of data being written.
00198      * @param[in]  value
00199      *           The bytes being written.
00200      *
00201      * @note   It is important to note that a write without response will generate
00202      *         an onDataSent() callback when the packet has been transmitted. There
00203      *         will be a BLE-stack specific limit to the number of pending
00204      *         writeWoResponse operations; the user may want to use the onDataSent()
00205      *         callback for flow-control.
00206      *
00207      * @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Successfully started the Write procedure, or
00208      *         BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if some internal state about the connection is invalid, or
00209      *         BLE_STACK_BUSY if some client procedure is already in progress, or
00210      *         BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM if there are no available buffers left to process the request, or
00211      *         BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED due to the characteristic's properties.
00212      */
00213     ble_error_t writeWoResponse(uint16_t length, const uint8_t *value) const;
00215     /**
00216      * Initiate a GATT Characteristic Descriptor Discovery procedure for descriptors within this characteristic.
00217      *
00218      * @param[in] onDescriptorDiscovered This callback will be called every time a descriptor is discovered
00219      * @param[in] onTermination This callback will be called when the discovery process is over.
00220      *
00221      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if descriptor discovery is launched successfully; else an appropriate error.
00222      */
00223     ble_error_t discoverDescriptors(const CharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery::DiscoveryCallback_t& onDescriptorDiscovered,
00224                                     const CharacteristicDescriptorDiscovery::TerminationCallback_t& onTermination) const;
00226     /**
00227      * Perform a write procedure.
00228      *
00229      * @param[in]  length
00230      *           The amount of data being written.
00231      * @param[in]  value
00232      *           The bytes being written.
00233      *
00234      * @note   It is important to note that a write will generate
00235      *         an onDataWritten() callback when the peer acknowledges the request.
00236      *
00237      * @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Successfully started the Write procedure, or
00238      *         BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if some internal state about the connection is invalid, or
00239      *         BLE_STACK_BUSY if some client procedure is already in progress, or
00240      *         BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM if there are no available buffers left to process the request, or
00241      *         BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED due to the characteristic's properties.
00242      */
00243     ble_error_t write(uint16_t length, const uint8_t *value) const;
00245     /**
00246      * Same as write(uint16_t, const uint8_t *) const but register a callback
00247      * which will be called once the data has been written.
00248      *
00249      * @param[in] length
00250      *              The amount of bytes to write.
00251      * @param[in] value
00252      *              The bytes to write.
00253      * @param[in] onWrite
00254      *              Continuation callback for the write operation
00255      *
00256      * @retval BLE_ERROR_NONE Successfully started the Write procedure, or
00257      *         BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE if some internal state about the connection is invalid, or
00258      *         BLE_STACK_BUSY if some client procedure is already in progress, or
00259      *         BLE_ERROR_NO_MEM if there are no available buffers left to process the request, or
00260      *         BLE_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED due to the characteristic's properties.
00261      */
00262     ble_error_t write(uint16_t length, const uint8_t *value, const GattClient::WriteCallback_t & onWrite) const;
00264     void setupLongUUID(UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t longUUID, UUID::ByteOrder_t order = UUID::MSB) {
00265         uuid.setupLong(longUUID, order);
00266     }
00268 public:
00269     /**
00270      * @brief Get the UUID of the discovered characteristic
00271      * @return the UUID of this characteristic
00272      */
00273     const UUID& getUUID(void) const {
00274         return uuid;
00275     }
00277     /**
00278      * @brief Get the properties of this characteristic
00279      * @return the set of properties of this characteristic
00280      */
00281     const Properties_t& getProperties(void) const {
00282         return props;
00283     }
00285     /**
00286      * @brief Get the declaration handle of this characteristic.
00287      * @details The declaration handle is the first handle of a characteristic
00288      * definition. The value accessible at this handle contains the following
00289      * informations:
00290      *    - The characteristics properties (see Properties_t). This value can
00291      *      be accessed by using #getProperties .
00292      *    - The characteristic value attribute handle. This field can be accessed
00293      *      by using #getValueHandle .
00294      *    - The characteristic UUID, this value can be accessed by using the
00295      *      function #getUUID .
00296      * @return the declaration handle of this characteristic.
00297      */
00298     GattAttribute::Handle_t getDeclHandle(void) const {
00299         return declHandle;
00300     }
00302     /**
00303      * @brief Return the handle used to access the value of this characteristic.
00304      * @details This handle is the one provided in the characteristic declaration
00305      * value. Usually, it is equal to #getDeclHandle() + 1. But it is not always
00306      * the case. Anyway, users are allowed to use #getDeclHandle() + 1 to access
00307      * the value of a characteristic.
00308      * @return The handle to access the value of this characteristic.
00309      */
00310     GattAttribute::Handle_t getValueHandle(void) const {
00311         return valueHandle;
00312     }
00314     /**
00315      * @brief Return the last handle of the characteristic definition.
00316      * @details A Characteristic definition can contain a lot of handles:
00317      *     - one for the declaration (see #getDeclHandle)
00318      *     - one for the value (see #getValueHandle)
00319      *     - zero of more for the characteristic descriptors.
00320      * This handle is the last handle of the characteristic definition.
00321      * @return The last handle of this characteristic definition.
00322      */
00323     GattAttribute::Handle_t getLastHandle(void) const {
00324         return lastHandle;
00325     }
00327     /**
00328      * @brief Return the GattClient which can operate on this characteristic.
00329      * @return The GattClient which can operate on this characteristic.
00330      */
00331     GattClient* getGattClient() {
00332         return gattc;
00333     }
00335     /**
00336      * @brief Return the GattClient which can operate on this characteristic.
00337      * @return The GattClient which can operate on this characteristic.
00338      */
00339     const GattClient* getGattClient() const {
00340         return gattc;
00341     }
00343     /**
00344      * @brief Return the connection handle to the GattServer which contain
00345      * this characteristic.
00346      * @return the connection handle to the GattServer which contain
00347      * this characteristic.
00348      */
00349     Gap::Handle_t getConnectionHandle() const {
00350         return connHandle;
00351     }
00353     /**
00354      * @brief "Equal to" operator for DiscoveredCharacteristic
00355      *
00356      * @param[in] lhs
00357      *              The left hand side of the equality expression
00358      * @param[in] rhs
00359      *              The right hand side of the equality expression
00360      *
00361      * @return true if operands are equals, false otherwise.
00362      */
00363     friend bool operator==(const DiscoveredCharacteristic& lhs, const DiscoveredCharacteristic& rhs) {
00364         return lhs.gattc == rhs.gattc &&
00365                lhs.uuid == rhs.uuid &&
00366                lhs.props == rhs.props &&
00367                lhs.declHandle == rhs.declHandle &&
00368                lhs.valueHandle == rhs.valueHandle &&
00369                lhs.lastHandle == rhs.lastHandle &&
00370                lhs.connHandle == rhs.connHandle;
00371     }
00373     /**
00374      * @brief "Not equal to" operator for DiscoveredCharacteristic
00375      *
00376      * @param[in] lhs
00377      *              The right hand side of the expression
00378      * @param[in] rhs
00379      *              The left hand side of the expression
00380      *
00381      * @return true if operands are not equal, false otherwise.
00382      */
00383     friend bool operator !=(const DiscoveredCharacteristic& lhs, const DiscoveredCharacteristic& rhs) {
00384         return !(lhs == rhs);
00385     }
00387 public:
00388     DiscoveredCharacteristic() : gattc(NULL),
00389                                  uuid(UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t(0)),
00390                                  props(),
00391                                  declHandle(GattAttribute::INVALID_HANDLE),
00392                                  valueHandle(GattAttribute::INVALID_HANDLE),
00393                                  lastHandle(GattAttribute::INVALID_HANDLE),
00394                                  connHandle() {
00395         /* empty */
00396     }
00398 protected:
00399     /**
00400      * Pointer to the underlying GattClient for this DiscoveredCharacteristic object.
00401      */
00402     GattClient              *gattc;
00404 protected:
00405     /**
00406      * Discovered characteristic's UUID.
00407      */
00408     UUID                     uuid;
00409     /**
00410      * Hold the configured properties of the discovered characteristic.
00411      * For more information refer to Properties_t.
00412      */
00413     Properties_t             props;
00414     /**
00415      * Value handle of the discovered characteristic's declaration attribute.
00416      */
00417     GattAttribute::Handle_t  declHandle;
00418     /**
00419      * Value handle of the discovered characteristic's value attribute.
00420      */
00421     GattAttribute::Handle_t  valueHandle;
00422     /**
00423      * Value handle of the discovered characteristic's last attribute.
00424      */
00425     GattAttribute::Handle_t  lastHandle;
00427     /**
00428      * Handle for the connection where the characteristic was discovered.
00429      */
00430     Gap::Handle_t            connHandle;
00431 };