Dependencies:   mbed wave_player 4DGL-uLCD-SE MMA8452

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/map.h	Wed Nov 25 04:25:25 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Copyright 2020 Georgia Tech.  All rights reserved.
+// The materials provided by the instructor in this course are for
+// the use of the students currently enrolled in the course.
+// Copyrighted course materials may not be further disseminated.
+// This file must not be made publicly available anywhere.
+#ifndef MAP_H
+#define MAP_H
+#include "hash_table.h"
+ * A structure to represent the map. The implementation is private.
+ */
+struct Map;
+// A function pointer type for drawing MapItems.
+// All tiles are 11x11 blocks.
+// u,v is the top left corner pixel of the block
+typedef void (*DrawFunc)(int u, int v);
+ * The data for elements in the map. Each item in the map HashTable is a
+ * MapItem.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    /**
+     * Indicates the "type" of the MapItem: WALL, DOOR, PLANT, etc. This is
+     * useful for determining how to interact with the object when updating the
+     * game state.
+     */
+    int type;
+    /**
+     * A function pointer to the drawing function for this item. Used by draw_game.
+     */
+    DrawFunc draw;
+    /**
+     * If zero, this item should block character motion.
+     */
+    int walkable;
+    /**
+     * Arbitrary extra data for the MapItem. Could be useful for keeping up with
+     * special information, like where a set of stairs should take the player.
+     * 
+     * Iterpretation of this can depend on the type of the MapItem. For example,
+     * a WALL probably doesn't need to use this (it can be NULL), where an NPC
+     * might use it to store game state (have I given the player the key yet?).
+     */
+    void* data;
+} MapItem;
+typedef struct {
+    int tm;
+    int tx, ty;
+} StairsData;
+// MapItem types
+// Define more of these!
+#define WALL    0
+#define DOOR    1
+#define PLANT   2
+#define WATER   3
+#define KEY     4
+#define GOODIE   5
+#define SNAKE_BODY   6
+#define CLEAR   7
+#define STAIRS  8
+#define SONAR  9
+#define PUZZLE 10
+#define NPC 11
+#define SNAKE_HEAD   12
+#define POISON   13
+#define SPEEDUP   14
+#define SLOWDOWN   15
+#define DECLENGTH 16
+#define RANDOM 17
+#define MOVING 18
+#define INVINC 19
+#define INCLENGTH 20
+ * Initializes the internal structures for all maps. This does not populate
+ * the map with items, but allocates space for them, initializes the hash tables, 
+ * and sets the width and height.
+ */
+void maps_init();
+ * Returns a pointer to the active map.
+ */
+Map* get_active_map();
+ * Sets the active map to map m, where m is the index of the map to activate.
+ * Returns a pointer to the new active map.
+ */
+Map* set_active_map(int m);
+ * Returns the map m, regardless of whether it is the active map. This function
+ * does not change the active map.
+ */
+Map* get_map(int m);
+ * Print the active map to the serial console.
+ */
+void print_map();
+// Access
+ * Returns the width of the active map.
+ */
+int map_width();
+ * Returns the heigh of the active map.
+ */
+int map_height();
+ * Returns the total number of cells in the active map.
+ */
+int map_area();
+MapItem* get_current(int x, int y);
+ * Returns the MapItem immediately above the given location.
+ */
+MapItem* get_north(int x, int y);
+ * Returns the MapItem immediately below the given location.
+ */
+MapItem* get_south(int x, int y);
+ * Returns the MapItem immediately to the right of the given location.
+ */
+MapItem* get_east(int x, int y);
+ * Returns the MapItem immediately to the left of  the given location.
+ */
+MapItem* get_west(int x, int y);
+ * Returns the MapItem at the given location.
+ */
+MapItem* get_here(int x, int y);
+// Directions, for using the modification functions
+#define HORIZONTAL  0
+#define VERTICAL    1
+ * If there is a MapItem at (x,y), remove it from the map.
+ */
+void map_erase(int x, int y);
+ * Add WALL items in a line of length len beginning at (x,y).
+ * If dir == HORIZONTAL, the line is in the direction of increasing x.
+ * If dir == VERTICAL, the line is in the direction of increasing y.
+ *
+ * If there are already items in the map that collide with this line, they are
+ * erased.
+ */
+void add_wall(int x, int y, int dir, int len);
+ * Add a PLANT item at (x,y). If there is already a MapItem at (x,y), erase it
+ * before adding the plant.
+ */
+void add_plant(int x, int y);
+void add_goodie(int x, int y);
+void remove_goodie(int x, int y);
+void add_snake_body(int x, int y);
+void add_snake_head(int x, int y);
+void add_snake_tail(int x, int y);
+void add_nothing(int x, int y);
+//Added buffs/debuffs/extra stuff below
+void add_poison(int x, int y);
+void add_speedup(int x, int y);
+void add_slowdown(int x, int y);
+void add_decrease_length(int x, int y);
+void add_random(int x, int y, int d);
+void add_moving(int x, int y);
+void add_invinc(int x, int y);
+void add_inclength(int x, int y);
+#endif //MAP_H