Library for EarthLCD ezLCD3xx line of products

Dependents:   ezLCDTest

/media/uploads/codeman/front.jpg /media/uploads/codeman/all.jpg /media/uploads/codeman/arlcd.jpg /media/uploads/codeman/side.jpg

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ezLCDLib.cpp	Mon Apr 22 06:33:57 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ezLCDLib.h"
+#define XSIZE 6
+#define YSIZE 9
+#define BUFF_LEN 10
+ezLCD3::ezLCD3(PinName tx, PinName rx) : Stream("ezLCD3") , _ser(tx, rx)
+    _ser.baud(115200);               // default baud rate
+/* itoa:  convert n to characters in s */
+void ezLCD3::itoa(int value, char *sp, int radix)
+    char tmp[16];// be careful with the length of the buffer
+    char *tp = tmp;
+    int i;
+    unsigned v;
+    int sign;
+    sign = (radix == 10 && value < 0);
+    if (sign)   v = -value;
+    else    v = (unsigned)value;
+    while (v || tp == tmp) {
+        i = v % radix;
+        v /= radix; // v/=radix uses less CPU clocks than v=v/radix does
+        if (i < 10)
+            *tp++ = i+'0';
+        else
+            *tp++ = i + 'a' - 10;
+    }
+    if (sign)
+        *sp++ = '-';
+    while (tp > tmp)
+        *sp++ = *--tp;
+void ezLCD3::sendInt( int i )
+    char value[5]= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    itoa(i, value, 10);
+    if(value[0]) putc(value[0]);
+    if(value[1]) putc(value[1]);
+    if(value[2]) putc(value[2]);
+    if(value[3]) putc(value[3]);
+    if(value[4]) putc(value[4]);
+int ezLCD3::getInt( char *str )
+    return atoi(str);
+void ezLCD3::getString( char *str )
+    char value[5]= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    int counter;
+bool ezLCD3::waitForCR( void )
+    while(! _ser.readable());
+    if(_ser.getc() == '\r')
+        return true;
+    else
+        return false;
+void ezLCD3::cls()
+    sendInt(Clr_Screen);
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::cls(int bColor)
+    sendInt(Clr_Screen);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(bColor);
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::cls(int bColor, int fColor)
+    sendInt(Clr_Screen);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(bColor);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(fColor);
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::color(int fColor)
+    sendInt(Color);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(fColor);
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::pos(int col, int row)
+    //posXY(XSIZE*col, (YSIZE*row));
+void ezLCD3::xy(int x, int y)
+    sendInt(XY);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(x);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(y);
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+void ezLCD3::plot( void )
+    sendInt(Plot);
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::plot( int x, int y )
+    sendInt(Plot);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(x);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(y);
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::line(int x, int y )
+    sendInt(Line);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(x);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(y);
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::circle(int radius, bool filled)
+    sendInt(Circle);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(radius);
+    if(filled) {
+        _ser.putc(' ');
+        _ser.putc('f');
+    }
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::box(int x, int y, bool filled)
+    sendInt(Box);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(x);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    sendInt(y);
+    if(filled) {
+        _ser.putc(' ');
+        _ser.putc('f');
+    }
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::light(int i)
+    if (i >= 0 && i <= 100) {
+        sendInt(Light);
+        putc(' ');
+        sendInt( i );
+        putc('\r');
+        waitForCR();
+    }
+int ezLCD3::getMaxX( void )
+    sendInt(Xmax);
+    putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+int ezLCD3::getMaxY( void )
+    sendInt(Ymax);
+    putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::string( int ID ) {
+void ezLCD3::string( int ID , char *str) {
+void ezLCD3::reverseMode()
+    putc(0x7c);
+    putc(0x12);
+void ezLCD3::resolution(int type)
+    switch (type) {
+        case LCD_128x64 :
+            resolution(128, 64);
+            break;
+        case LCD_160x128 :
+            resolution(160, 128);
+            break;
+    }
+void ezLCD3::print( char *str )
+    unsigned char c;
+    sendInt(Print);
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    _ser.putc('\"');
+    while( (c = *str++) )
+        _ser.putc(c);
+    _ser.putc('\"');
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+void ezLCD3::resolution(int x, int y)
+    _xMax = x;
+    _yMax = y;
+int ezLCD3::_putc( int c)
+    _ser.putc('2');
+    _ser.putc('5');
+    _ser.putc(' ');
+    _ser.putc('\"');
+    _ser.putc(c);
+    _ser.putc('\"');
+    _ser.putc('\r');
+    waitForCR();
+    return (c);
+int ezLCD3::_getc(void)
+    char r = 0;
+    return(r);
+int ezLCD3::putc ( int c )
+    return(_ser.putc(c));
+int ezLCD3::getc (void)
+    return(_ser.getc());
+void ezLCD3::lcdbaud(int b)
+    if (b > 0 && b < 7) {
+        putc(0x7c);
+        putc(0x07);
+        putc(b+'0');
+    }