Simple Thread Class



File content as of revision 0:c555ee16b8e7:

#ifndef _THREAD_CNHZCY14_
#define _THREAD_CNHZCY14_

#include <stdint.h>
#include "cmsis_os.h"

namespace cnhzcy14

class CyThread
    /** Create a new thread, and start it executing the specified function.
    @param task function to be executed by this thread.
    @param argument pointer that is passed to the thread function as start argument. (default: NULL).
    @param priority initial priority of the thread function. (default: osPriorityNormal).
    @param stack_size stack size (in bytes) requirements for the thread function. (default: DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE).
    @param stack_pointer pointer to the stack area to be used by this thread (default: NULL).
    void init(void (*task)(void const *argument), void *argument=NULL,
           osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal,
           uint32_t stack_size=DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE,
           unsigned char *stack_pointer=NULL);

    /** Terminate execution of a thread and remove it from Active Threads
    @return status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
    osStatus terminate();

    /** Set priority of an active thread
    @param priority new priority value for the thread function.
    @return status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
    osStatus set_priority(osPriority priority);

    /** Get priority of an active thread
    @return current priority value of the thread function.
    osPriority get_priority();

    /** Set the specified Signal Flags of an active thread.
    @param signals specifies the signal flags of the thread that should be set.
    @return previous signal flags of the specified thread or 0x80000000 in case of incorrect parameters.
    int32_t signal_set(int32_t signals);

    /** State of the Thread */
    enum State {
        Inactive, /**< Not created or terminated */
        Ready, /**< Ready to run */
        Running, /**< Running */
        WaitingDelay, /**< Waiting for a delay to occur */
        WaitingInterval, /**< Waiting for an interval to occur */
        WaitingOr, /**< Waiting for one event in a set to occur */
        WaitingAnd, /**< Waiting for multiple events in a set to occur */
        WaitingSemaphore, /**< Waiting for a semaphore event to occur */
        WaitingMailbox, /**< Waiting for a mailbox event to occur */
        WaitingMutex, /**< Waiting for a mutex event to occur */

    /** State of this Thread
    @return the State of this Thread
//    State get_state();

    /** Wait for one or more Signal Flags to become signaled for the current RUNNING thread.
    @param signals wait until all specified signal flags set or 0 for any single signal flag.
    @param millisec timeout value or 0 in case of no time-out. (default: osWaitForever).
    @return event flag information or error code.
    static osEvent signal_wait(int32_t signals, uint32_t millisec=osWaitForever);

    /** Wait for a specified time period in millisec:
    @param millisec time delay value
    @return status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
    static osStatus wait(uint32_t millisec);

    /** Pass control to next thread that is in state READY.
    @return status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
    static osStatus yield();

    /** Get the thread id of the current running thread.
    @return thread ID for reference by other functions or NULL in case of error.
    static osThreadId gettid();

    virtual ~CyThread();

//    osThreadId _tid;
    osThreadDef_t _thread_def;
    bool _dynamic_stack;


#endif //_THREAD_CNHZCY14_