Library for MI0283QT-2 LCD

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GLCD Class Reference

GLCD Class Reference

Graphic LCD Library for MI0283QT-2 LCD. More...

#include <MI0283QTlib.h>

Public Member Functions

 GLCD (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName rst, PinName bklgh)
 Create the GLCD Object and initlaize the I/O pins.
void lcd_init (void)
 Configure the SPI port with default parameters.
void lcd_init (unsigned speedf)
 Initialize the LCD with an optional SPI freq.
void lcd_init (unsigned int speedf, unsigned int speeds)
 Initialize the LCD with two optionals SPI freq: fast and slow speed.
void lcd_clear (unsigned int color)
 Clear the entire screen with color.
void lcd_clear (unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int color)
 Clear a specified screen region.
unsigned int lcd_drawimage (char *fname)
 Draw an RGB image file (320x240) starting at x=0, y=0 The image is read byte per byte.
unsigned int lcd_drawimagebuff (char *fname)
 Draw an RGB image file (320x240) starting at x=0, y=0 The image is read using a buffer.
unsigned int lcd_drawimagebyline (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int lnum)
 Draw an image file (320x240) staring at x=0, y=0 The image is displayed line-by-line so the main program can do other jobs between the call.
unsigned int lcd_drawimagebyline (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int lnum, unsigned int xstart, unsigned int ystart, unsigned int scale)
 Draw an image file (less then 320x240) specifying the x and y position and the scale value.
unsigned int lcd_drawmovie (char *fname, unsigned int x_start, unsigned int y_start)
 Play a movie file 80x60 pixel.
unsigned int lcd_drawmoviebuff (char *fname, unsigned int x_start, unsigned int y_start)
 Play a 160x120 pixel ready made movie file.
void lcd_drawicon (const unsigned int *icon, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int size)
 Draw an RGB icon at x, y.
void lcd_drawicon (const unsigned char *icon, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int size)
 Draw an RGB icon at x, y.
void lcd_drawicon (const unsigned char *icon, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int xsize, unsigned int ysize)
 Draw an RGB icon at x, y.
void lcd_drawline (unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int color)
 Draw a color line from xy to xy.
void lcd_drawpixel (unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int color)
 Draw a single pixel.
void lcd_drawch (unsigned ch, unsigned int xpos, unsigned int ypos, unsigned int color)
 Draw a character at xy position.
void lcd_drawstr (char *__putstr, unsigned int xpos, unsigned int ypos, unsigned int color)
 Draw a string at xy position.
void lcd_setfontsmall (void)
 Set the font type to small: 12x6.
void lcd_setfontbig (void)
 Set the font type to big: 24x12.
unsigned int lcd_RGB (unsigned int color)
 Return the color value use by the LCD.
unsigned int lcd_RGB (unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b)
 Return the color value use by the LCD.
void lcd_setbackgroundcolor (unsigned int color)
 Set the background color.
void lcd_setverticalarea (unsigned int topf, unsigned int height, unsigned int butf)
 Function to start the automated scroll of the screen.
void backlighton (void)
 Set the backlight ON.
void backlightoff (void)
 Set the backlight OFF.
void backlightset (double val)
 Set the backlight at a particular value.

Detailed Description

Graphic LCD Library for MI0283QT-2 LCD.

Image Format. About image format, I choose the way to make the library capable to read the simple RGB format. That's: a file with RGB bytes written. This format is very simple to obtain, using the convert.exe software. This program is inside the "Imagemagick" installation software. You can download the portable versio for windows at this link:

Icone Format. I use some free icons from Internet. I use the bin2h utility to convert this file to .h format. (


 // Init code...
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "GLCDlib.h"
 // Configure the GLCD pin: 
 //         mosi, miso, clk, cs,  rst, bklgh
 GLCD lcd(  p11,  p12,  p13, p14, p17, p26);
 int main() {

    //... do somethings...
   lcd.lcd_clear( LCD_WHITE);
    //... the LCD is ON

Definition at line 89 of file MI0283QTlib.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GLCD ( PinName  mosi,
PinName  miso,
PinName  sclk,
PinName  cs,
PinName  rst,
PinName  bklgh 

Create the GLCD Object and initlaize the I/O pins.

pinmosi, pin miso, pin sclk, pin cs, pin LCD_reset, pin LCD_backlight

Definition at line 60 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void backlightoff ( void   )

Set the backlight OFF.

Definition at line 99 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void backlighton ( void   )

Set the backlight ON.

Definition at line 94 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void backlightset ( double  val )

Set the backlight at a particular value.

valbacklight value to set.

Definition at line 104 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_clear ( unsigned int  x0,
unsigned int  y0,
unsigned int  w,
unsigned int  h,
unsigned int  color 

Clear a specified screen region.

Like as a rectangle fill

x0start x position
y0start y position
wrectangle width
hrectangle hight
colorThe color we use to fill the area.

Definition at line 386 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_clear ( unsigned int  color )

Clear the entire screen with color.

param color The color we want to use to fill the screen

Definition at line 348 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_drawch ( unsigned  ch,
unsigned int  xpos,
unsigned int  ypos,
unsigned int  color 

Draw a character at xy position.

chthe character to draw
xposx position
yposy position
colorthe color to use

Definition at line 178 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_drawicon ( const unsigned char *  icon,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  size 

Draw an RGB icon at x, y.

The size is specified for width and hight.

*iconpointer at the array with the RGB value in byte format. That is: 0xRR, 0xGG, 0xBB
xx position
yy position
sizethe width and height

Definition at line 1035 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_drawicon ( const unsigned int *  icon,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  size 

Draw an RGB icon at x, y.

The size is specified for width and hight.

*iconpointer at the array with the RGB value in integer format. That is: 0x00RRGGBB
xx position
yy position
sizethe width and height

Definition at line 1114 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_drawicon ( const unsigned char *  icon,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  xsize,
unsigned int  ysize 

Draw an RGB icon at x, y.

The size is specified for width and hight.

*iconpointer at the array with the RGB value in byte format. That is: 0xRR, 0xGG, 0xBB
xx position
yy position
xsizethe width
ysizethe height

Definition at line 1074 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

unsigned int lcd_drawimage ( char *  fname )

Draw an RGB image file (320x240) starting at x=0, y=0 The image is read byte per byte.

So use this function if you don't care about speed

fnameThe file name we want to display

Definition at line 426 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

unsigned int lcd_drawimagebuff ( char *  fname )

Draw an RGB image file (320x240) starting at x=0, y=0 The image is read using a buffer.

You can set the buffer using the define: BUFFER_LINE This procedure speedup the draw of the image. At the cost of more RAM. The defaullt buffer size is: 320*BUFFER_LINE*3

fnameThe file name we want to display

Definition at line 481 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

unsigned int lcd_drawimagebyline ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  lnum 

Draw an image file (320x240) staring at x=0, y=0 The image is displayed line-by-line so the main program can do other jobs between the call.

The buffer size is equivalent to a LCD line, so must be: 320x3 bytes.

bufferThe pointer at the data to be displayed
lnumThe number of the line to display. From 0 to 239.

Definition at line 609 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

unsigned int lcd_drawimagebyline ( unsigned char *  buffer,
unsigned int  lnum,
unsigned int  xstart,
unsigned int  ystart,
unsigned int  scale 

Draw an image file (less then 320x240) specifying the x and y position and the scale value.

The image is displayed line-by-line so the main program can do other job during the call. It is possible to specify a x and y starting position and a scale value. The buffer size is equivalent to a LCD line, so must be: 320x3 bytes.

bufferThe pointer at the data to be displayed
lnumThe number of the line to display. From 0 to 239.
xstartx position
ystarty position
scaleScale factor value. There are two value defined: SCALE_320x240 and SCALE_160x120 Using the second value it's possible to draw, from a 320x240 image, a 160x120 image. at the xy specified. This is the only value supported for now.

Definition at line 561 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_drawline ( unsigned int  x0,
unsigned int  y0,
unsigned int  x1,
unsigned int  y1,
unsigned int  color 

Draw a color line from xy to xy.

x0x position
y0y position
x1x position
y1y position
colorcolor to use

Definition at line 1173 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

unsigned int lcd_drawmovie ( char *  fname,
unsigned int  x_start,
unsigned int  y_start 

Play a movie file 80x60 pixel.

The file is a ready-made array of pictures extracted from a movie, resized to 80x60 and converted to RGB format. I use this procedure in a Ubuntu Linux PC:

  mplayer -endpos 10 -nosound -vo png:z=0 perla.avi
  mogrify -resize 80x60 *.png
  mogrify -format rgb *.png
  cat *.rgb > unico_80x60.bin

First I convert 10 sec of my avi files with mplayer, then I use mogrify to resize the 150 images to 80x60 pixel. The next step is to convert the PNG format to RGB. At this point I create a single file using a simple cat command. With this little format there is enough speed to play the movie at 15fps.

Definition at line 656 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

unsigned int lcd_drawmoviebuff ( char *  fname,
unsigned int  x_start,
unsigned int  y_start 

Play a 160x120 pixel ready made movie file.

Display a movie file.

The file is a ready-made array of pictures extracted from a movie, resized to 160x120 pixel and converted to RGB format. I use this procedure in a Ubuntu Linux PC:

  mplayer -endpos 10 -nosound -vo png:z=0 perla.avi
  mogrify -resize 160x120 *.png
  mogrify -format rgb *.png
  cat *.rgb > unico_160x120.bin
  RGBconv_tst unico_160x120.bin unico_160x120_lcd.bin

First I convert 10 sec of my avi files with mplayer, then I use mogrify to resize the 150 images generated to 160x120 pixel. The next step is to convert the PNG format to RGB. At this point I create a single file using a simple cat command. To speed up the playing procedure, I convert the RGB 24bit file to the LCD format RGB 565bit using a simple programm I create. The procedure use the USB and Ethernet memory area as a ping pong buffer. The buffer loaded from the SDCard is send to the LCD using the DMA. During this time another buffer is read and stored to the second buffer. The single DMA transfer is too short for me and I use 3 linked list to chain 3 buffer of memory and send simultaneously more then 12KB if data.

fnamethe file name to display
x_startand y_start, the x and y position where to display the movie.

The file is ready made to speed up the entire process.

thename file.

Definition at line 772 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_drawpixel ( unsigned int  x0,
unsigned int  y0,
unsigned int  color 

Draw a single pixel.

x0x position
y0y position
colorcolor to use

Definition at line 1149 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_drawstr ( char *  __putstr,
unsigned int  xpos,
unsigned int  ypos,
unsigned int  color 

Draw a string at xy position.

*putstrthe string to draw
xposx position
yposy position
colorthe color to use

Definition at line 157 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_init ( unsigned  speedf )

Initialize the LCD with an optional SPI freq.

Used as FastSpeed

clockspeed in Hz
void lcd_init ( void   )

Configure the SPI port with default parameters.


Definition at line 110 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_init ( unsigned int  speedf,
unsigned int  speeds 

Initialize the LCD with two optionals SPI freq: fast and slow speed.

speedfThe fast freq. used to drive the GLCD
speedsThe freq. at wich the SPI is configured after the use.

Definition at line 131 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

unsigned int lcd_RGB ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  g,
unsigned int  b 

Return the color value use by the LCD.

There are two form: 666 and 565

rthe Red color value
gthe Green color value
bthe Blue color value
the color in the format: 666 or 565

Definition at line 342 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

unsigned int lcd_RGB ( unsigned int  color )

Return the color value use by the LCD.

There are two form: 666 and 565

colorthe color in the format: 0x00RRGGBB
the color in the format: 666 or 565

Definition at line 335 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_setbackgroundcolor ( unsigned int  color )

Set the background color.

colorthe color of the background

Definition at line 153 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_setfontbig ( void   )

Set the font type to big: 24x12.

Definition at line 148 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_setfontsmall ( void   )

Set the font type to small: 12x6.

Definition at line 143 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.

void lcd_setverticalarea ( unsigned int  topf,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  butf 

Function to start the automated scroll of the screen.

Definition at line 306 of file MI0283QTlib.cpp.