QRSS Rx Network receiver. A receiver to sample a segment of RF spectrum and send this data to a server for further processing and display. NXP mbed Design Challenge entry (Honorable Mention). Published in Circuit Cellar, Feb 2012

Dependencies:   NetServices mbed DNSResolver

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/comms.h	Wed Jan 25 20:32:53 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+    QRSS Receiver Application
+    by Clayton ZL3TKA/VK1TKA
+    clayton@isnotcrazy.com
+    Header File for Communications Module
+#ifndef _COMMS_H
+#define _COMMS_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "global.h"
+#include "EthernetNetIf.h"
+#include "UDPSocket.h"
+#include "dnsresolve.h"
+#include "BufferSys.h"
+#include "gps.h"
+// Definitions
+// UDP output data size - includes header
+#define COMMS_DATABUFF_HEADER   (4+4)
+// UDP Control Buffer Size
+#define COMMS_CNTRLBUFF_SIZE    (60)
+// Number of seconds between each poll message
+#define POLL_MSG_PERIOD         (6)
+// default poll period in absence of 1PPS (mSec)
+#define POLL_TIMEOUT            (10000)
+// time to stop sending data if no commands are received
+#define RUNNING_TIMEOUT         (30000)
+//  Message Encoding
+#define COMM_POLL_MSG               10
+#define COMM_CMND_MSG               11
+#define COMM_DATA_MSG               12
+#define COMM_MSG_VERSION            1
+#define COMM_MSG_SW_VERSION         1
+#define COMM_MSG_HW_ID              1
+#define COMM_MSG_REF_CLOCK          96000000
+#define COMM_MSG_RF_MIXER           10125000
+#define COMM_MSG_SAMPLE_CLOCK       13500000
+#define COMM_MSG_SAMPLE_DIVIDER     (384*64)
+#define COMM_MSG_NAME               "QRSS_proto"
+#define COMM_MSGNAME_LEN            10
+#define COMM_CMND_MSG_LENGTH        (5*4)
+// Macros
+// Classes
+//  Communications Class
+class TCommunications
+    // create/destroy
+    public:
+        TCommunications() :
+            EthernetUpLED( LED2 ),
+            RunningLED( LED4 )
+            {}
+        ~TCommunications() 
+            {}
+    // Local Types - state machine state
+    typedef enum {
+        ST_START_ETH,
+        ST_POLL_SERVER,
+        ST_RUNNING
+        } TCommsStates;
+    // API
+    public:
+        // Initialisation
+        void Init();
+        // Set up Server DNS name
+        void SetServer( char *szNm )
+            { 
+                strncpy( szServerName, szNm, sizeof(szServerName) ); 
+                szServerName[sizeof(szServerName)-1] = 0;   // place terminator at end incase name was too long
+            }
+        // Processing routine
+        void Poll();
+        //  RecordPPSTimestamps Method
+        //      Records timestamps of events (1PPS or capture of LO divider)
+        void RecordPPSTimestamps( uint32_t uiPPSCapture, uint32_t uiLOscCapture, 
+                                  TGPSController::TGPSData &GPSInfo );
+        // Test if comms is ready for sample data (ie in RUNNING state)
+        bool Running()
+            { return (eState==ST_RUNNING); }
+        // Return NCO Inc setting received
+        uint32_t NCOPhaseInc()
+            { return uiNCOPhaseInc; }
+        // Return Test Mode setting received
+        uint32_t TestMode()
+            { return uiTestModeInc; }
+        //  Pass sample data for sending. Send when buffer is full
+        void SendSamples( uint32_t uiTimestamp, TDataSample sSample );
+    // Private methods
+    private:
+        // Callback for incoming UDP data
+        void onUDPSocketEvent( UDPSocketEvent evnt );
+        // Send a UDP Poll Message
+        bool SendPollMessage();
+        // Place a word into a buffer - network byte order
+       void WriteWord( uint8_t * &pucBuff, int32_t iWord, int &iLn )
+            {
+                *pucBuff = (uint8_t)(iWord>>24);
+                pucBuff++;
+                *pucBuff = (uint8_t)(iWord>>16);
+                pucBuff++;
+                *pucBuff = (uint8_t)(iWord>>8);
+                pucBuff++;
+                *pucBuff = (uint8_t)(iWord>>0);
+                pucBuff++;
+                iLn += 4;
+            }
+        // Read a word from a buffer - network byte order
+       uint32_t ReadWord( uint8_t * pucBuff )
+            { return (0x1000000*pucBuff[0]) | (0x10000*pucBuff[1]) | (0x100*pucBuff[2]) | (pucBuff[3]); }
+    // data
+    private:
+        // LEDs
+        DigitalOut EthernetUpLED;
+        DigitalOut RunningLED;
+        // State machine state
+        TCommsStates    eState;
+        // Ethernet Interface
+        EthernetNetIf   eth;
+        // UDP Socket for comms
+        char            szServerName[50];
+        UDPSocket       ServerSocket;
+        Host            MyPort;
+        Host            ServerPort;
+        IpAddr          ServerAddr;
+        // DNS lookup
+        DNSResolver     dnsService;
+        // Host Details
+        // Output buffers - word align this buffer
+        uint32_t        auiDataBuffer[(COMMS_DATABUFF_SIZE/4)+8];   // the buffer - defined as words to ensure alignment
+        uint8_t        *pucBuffDataPtr;     // buffer pointer - as a byte pointer
+        int             iBufferCount;       // byte count
+        // Incoming UDP Data
+        uint32_t        uiCommand;
+        uint32_t        uiNCO;
+        uint32_t        uiTestOsc;
+        bool            bGotCmnd;
+        // PPS Timer Event Counter
+        int             iPPSCount;
+        // Send Poll Message timer
+        Timer           PollTimer;
+        Timer           CommandTimer;
+        // Timer Capture Data - queue of 8 captures. [0] is the most recent
+        uint32_t        auiPPSCaptures[8];
+        uint32_t        auiLOscCaptures[8];
+        // Last GPS info        
+        TGPSController::TGPSData    LastGPSInfo;
+        // data from the command packet
+        uint32_t        uiNCOPhaseInc;
+        uint32_t        uiTestModeInc;
+// declare the Communications module
+extern TCommunications Comms;
+//  END