Mbed Cloud Example Project - LPC546xx (Completed Version)

Fork of mbed-cloud-example-lpc546xx by Clark Jarvis

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+# Simple Mbed Cloud Client template application
+## Overview
+This is a template application for platform vendors. It demonstrates how to create a simple Mbed Cloud Client application that can connect to Mbed Cloud, register resources and get ready to receive a firmware update.
+It's intended to be customized to add platform-specific features (such as sensors and actuators) and configure the connectivity and storage to work **out-of-the-box**. The Simple Mbed Cloud Client template application works in **developer mode** by default.
+## Setup process
+This is a summary of the process for developers to get started and get a device connected to Mbed Cloud.
+### Mbed Online IDE
+1. Import the application into the Online IDE.
+2. Add the API key to establish connection to Mbed Cloud.
+3. Install the developer certificate.
+4. Compile and program.
+### Mbed CLI tools
+1. Import the application in developer's desktop:
+    ```
+    mbed import https://os.mbed.com/teams/mbed-os-examples/code/mbed-cloud-example
+    cd mbed-cloud-example
+    ```
+2. Download the developer certificate from Mbed Cloud.
+3. Compile and program:
+    ```
+    mbed compile -t <toolchain> -m <target> -f
+    ```
+## Porting to a new platform
+### Requirements
+The hardware requirements for Mbed OS platforms to support Mbed Cloud Client are [here](https://cloud.mbed.com/docs/current/cloud-requirements/index.html).
+In general, to start creating a secure connected product, you need a microcontroller that has the following features.
+* RAM: 128K or more
+* Flash: 512K or more
+* True Random Number Generator (TRNG)
+* Real Time Clock (RTC)
+Additionally, to use Mbed Cloud Client, the microcontroller needs to support the following in Mbed OS (latest version preferred) or in a compatible driver library:
+* A storage device (SDcard, SPI Flash, Data Flash)
+* IP connectivity (Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular, 6LoWPAN, Thread)
+For the Firmware update over the air (FOTA), you need the following:
+* [FlashIAP](https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/blob/master/drivers/FlashIAP.h) - Flash In-Application Programming (IAP)
+* [Mbed Bootloader](https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-bootloader) or a bootloader compatible with Mbed Cloud Client.
+### References
+* Check which Mbed OS platforms are supported in the [Mbed Cloud quick-start guide](https://cloud.test.mbed.com/quick-start).
+* Check which storage options are available [here](https://os.mbed.com/docs/v5.8/reference/storage.html).
+* Check which network options are available [here](https://os.mbed.com/docs/v5.8/reference/network-socket.html).
+### Porting steps
+Supporting a new derivative platform requires the following steps:
+* Fork the template and create an example application for your platform in https://os.mbed.com.
+* (Optional) Change the connectivity interface. Ethernet is the default - see `main.cpp`.
+* (Optional) Change the filesystem and/or the block device for storage. FAT filesystem over SD card is the default. See `main.cpp`.
+* (Optional) Make minor changes in `mbed_app.json` to support multiple platforms with same connectivity and storage.
+<span class="notes">**Note:** Make sure that the application works out-of-the-box and no changes are required in the `main.cpp` file. The goal is to deliver a great UX to our developers.</span>
+### Porting example
+In this example, an app with an SD card and on-chip Ethernet is taken to a custom board that has an MCU + Wi-Fi module.
+#### Changing the storage option
+##### For an SD card
+1. Add the SD card driver (`sd-driver.lib`) if it is not already added.
+    On the command line:
+    ```
+    mbed add https://github.com/armmbed/sd-driver
+    ```
+2. In the online compiler, click **Import**, then click here to import from URL.
+3. Then enter https://github.com/armmbed/sd-driver for the **Source URL** and **Import As:** Library.
+4. Include the header files for the SD driver and FAT file system:
+    ```cpp
+    #include "SDBlockDevice.h"
+    #include "FATFileSystem.h"
+    ```
+5. Declare the global objects for the SD card and file system.
+    ```cpp
+    SDBlockDevice bd(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_CLK, SPI_CS);
+    FATFileSystem fs("sd", &sd);
+    ```
+<span class="notes">**Note:** The `SPI_*` macros represent the pin names. The names can be defined in a variety of places including the sd-driver, your project’s configuration file (`mbed_app.json`) or the `pinnames.h` file for the target that defines the default pin names. You can use other pin names depending on the platform and the connections.</span>
+For example, if the SPI signals for the SD card interface are connected on an Arduino compatible shield, you may define them like this:
+SDBlockDevice sd(D11, D12, D13, D10);
+##### For SPI Flash (devices that support SFDP)
+<Please note that this section of the document is under construction.  More information is needed.>
+1. Add the SPI Flash driver (`spif-driver`) if it is not already added.
+    ```
+    mbed add https://github.com/ARMmbed/spif-driver
+    ```
+2. Include the header files for the SPI Flash driver and LitteFS file system. For SPI Flash, we recommend LittleFS file system which supports wear leveling.
+    ```cpp
+    #include "SPIFBlockDevice.h"
+    #include "LittleFileSystem.h"
+    ```
+3. Declare the global objects for the SD card and file system:
+    ```cpp
+    SPIFBlockDevice spif(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_CLK, SPI_CS);
+    LittleFileSystem fs("fs", &spif);
+    ```
+4. Update the construction of the `SimpleMbedCloudClient` object to pass in the file system and block device:
+    ```cpp
+    SimpleMbedCloudClient client(&net, &spif, &fs);
+    ```
+#### Changing the network interface
+##### For Ethernet
+The Ethernet interface is included within Mbed OS, so you do not need to add a library.
+1. Include the header file for the interface.
+    ```
+    #include "EthernetInterface.h"
+    ```
+2. Declare the network interface object.
+    ```
+    EthernetInterface net;
+    ```
+3. Connect the interface.
+    ```
+    status = net.connect();
+    ```
+4. When the Mbed Cloud Client is started, pass the network interface.
+    ```
+    SimpleMbedCloudClient client(&net, &sd, &fs);
+    ```
+##### For WiFi
+This example references the ESP8266 WiFi module, but the instructions are applicable to other modules.
+1. Add the ESP8266 WiFi interface driver (esp8266-driver) if it is not already added.
+    ```
+    Mbed add https://github.com/ARMmbed/esp8266-driver
+    ```
+    <span class="notes">**Note:** You may have to update the firmware inside the ESP8266 module.</span>
+2. Include the header file for the interface.
+    ```cpp
+    #include "ESP8266Interface.h"
+    ```
+3. Add the driver configuration information in `mbed_app.json` (located at the top level of the Mbed Cloud Connect example project).
+    ```json
+        "config": {
+            "wifi-ssid": {
+                "help": "WiFi SSID",
+                "value": "\"SSID\""
+            },
+            "wifi-password": {
+                "help": "WiFi Password",
+                "value": "\"PASSWORD\""
+            }
+        }
+    ```
+4. Declare the network interface object.
+    ```cpp
+    ESP8266Interface net(D1, D0);
+    ```
+5. Connect the interface.
+    ```cpp
+    ```
+6. When the Mbed Cloud Client is started, pass the network interface.
+    ```cpp
+    SimpleMbedCloudClient client(&net, &sd, &fs);
+    ```
+#### Changing the target MCU
+To change the target board to another board that is supported by Mbed OS, simply change the target name.
+##### Using the command line
+Use the -m option.
+mbed compile -m Hexiwear -t GCC_ARM
+##### Using the online compiler
+Click the platform name on the top right corner, then select another platform.
+##### Using an IDE
+First re-export (create project files) for the target with the command line.
+mbed export -m Hexiwear -i uvision
+#### Creating a custom target board
+Read the Mbed OS [Contributing](https://os.mbed.com/docs/latest/reference/porting-targets.html) documentation on how to add a new target.
+#### Update the application logic
+The template example uses a ticker object to periodically fire a software interrupt to simulate button presses. Let’s say you want to make an actual button press.
+By default, there is a Ticker object, which fires every five seconds and invokes a callback function.
+Ticker timer;
+timer.attach(eventQueue.event(&fake_button_press), 5.0);
+This callback function changes the `button_res` resource:
+void fake_button_press() {
+    int v = button_res->get_value_int() + 1;
+    button_res->set_value(v);
+    printf("Simulated button clicked %d times\n", v);
+If you want to change this to an actual button, here is how to do it:
+1. Remove:
+    ```cpp
+    Ticker timer;
+    timer.attach(eventQueue.event(&fake_button_press), 5.0);
+    ```
+1. Declare an `InterruptIn` object on the button, and attach the callback function to the `fall` handler:
+    ```cpp
+    InterruptIn btn(BUTTON1);
+    btn.fall(eventQueue.event(&fake_button_press), 5.0);
+    ```
+1. Rename `fake_button_press` to `real_button_press`.
+#### Updating the LwM2M objects
+See guide at [TODO]
+## Enabling firmware updates
+To enable firmware updates, a compatible bootloader needs to be added in the `tools/` folder. The process to merge the application with the bootloader currently only works when building with Mbed CLI. In the future, this combine process will be done automatically by Mbed tools.
+1. Compile [mbed-bootloader](https://github.com/armmbed/mbed-bootloader) for the platform and storage configuration used in this application. Place the binary in the tools folder.
+1. Add a section to `mbed_app.json` under `target_overrides` with the bootloader configuration. For example:
+    ```json
+        "K64F": {
+            "target.mbed_app_start"            : "0x0000a400",
+            "update-client.bootloader-details" : "0x00007188",
+            "sotp-section-1-address"           : "(32*1024)",
+            "sotp-section-1-size"              : "( 4*1024)",
+            "sotp-section-2-address"           : "(36*1024)",
+            "sotp-section-2-size"              : "( 4*1024)",
+            "update-client.application-details": "(40*1024)"
+        }
+    ```
+Next, instruct your users to do the following:
+1. Install the [manifest tool](https://github.com/armmbed/manifest-tool).
+1. Generate an update certificate:
+    ```
+    $ manifest-tool init -a YOUR_MBED_CLOUD_API_KEY -d yourdomain.com -m device-model-id -q --force
+    ```
+    <span class="notes">**Note:** Make sure to replace `YOUR_MBED_CLOUD_API_KEY` with an Mbed Cloud API key.
+1. Build the application and combine it with the bootloader:
+    ```
+    $ mbed compile -m YOUR_TARGET -t GCC_ARM
+    $ tools/combine_bootloader_with_app.py -m YOUR_TARGET -a BUILD/YOUR_TARGET/GCC_ARM/simple-mbed-cloud-client-example_application.bin -o combined.bin
+    ```
+1. Flash `combined.bin` to the development board.
+1. Write down the endpoint ID of the board. You need it to start the update.
+Now, a firmware update can be scheduled as explained in the [Mbed Cloud documentation](https://cloud.mbed.com/docs/current/updating-firmware/index.html). You can do it with the manifest tool itself or via the Mbed Cloud portal. Here we explain how to do it with the manifest tool.
+1. Change the application, for example by changing some strings in `main.cpp`.
+1. Compile the application:
+    ```
+    $ mbed compile -m YOUR_TARGET -t GCC_ARM
+    ```
+1. The manifest tool can both sign the update - using the private key generated earlier - and upload it to Mbed Cloud in a single command. Run:
+    ```
+    $ manifest-tool update device -p BUILD/YOUR_BOARD_NAME/GCC_ARM/simple-mbed-cloud-client-example_application.bin -D YOUR_ENDPOINT_NAME
+    ```
+    Replace `YOUR_BOARD_NAME` with the name of your development board, and replace `YOUR_ENDPOINT_NAME` with the endpoint name in Mbed Cloud.
+1. Inspect the logs on the device to see the update progress. It looks similar to:
+    ```
+    Firmware download requested
+    Authorization granted
+    Downloading: [+++- ] 6 %
+    ```
+1. When the download completes, the firmware is verified. If everything is OK, the firmware update is applied.
+## Known issues
+Please check the issues reported on github.
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