
Dependencies:   mbed 4DGL-uLCD-SE PinDetect

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/farkle_assistant.cpp	Fri Oct 22 20:30:07 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "farkle_assistant.h"
+uLCD_4DGL myLCD(p9, p10, p11);
+Speaker mySpeaker(p21);
+PinDetect pb1(p19);
+PinDetect pb2(p18);
+PinDetect pb3(p17);
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+void Dice::displayDice(int position) {
+    if (position < 4) {
+        y1 = 1, y2 = 43;
+        x1 = 1 + ((position - 1) * 42);
+        x2 = 1 + (position * 42);
+    } else {
+        y1 = 43, y2 = 85;
+        x1 = 1 + ((position - 4) * 42);
+        x2 = 1 + ((position - 3) * 42);
+    }
+    myLCD.filled_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, DGREY);
+    myLCD.rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, WHITE);
+    if (value == 1) {
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 21, y1 + 21, 3, WHITE);
+    }else if (value == 2) {
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y1 + 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y2 - 11, 3, WHITE);
+    }else if (value == 3) {
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 21, y1 + 21, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y1 + 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y2 - 11, 3, WHITE);
+    }else if (value == 4) {
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y1 + 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y2 - 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y1 + 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y2 - 11, 3, WHITE);
+    }else if (value == 5) {
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y1 + 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y2 - 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y1 + 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y2 - 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 21, y1 + 21, 3, WHITE);
+    }else {
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y1 + 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y2 - 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y1 + 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y2 - 11, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x1 + 11, y1 + 21, 3, WHITE);
+        myLCD.filled_circle(x2 - 11, y2 - 21, 3, WHITE);
+    }
+void FarkleGame::runFarkle() {
+    myLCD.cls();
+    myLCD.color(WHITE);
+    myLCD.text_width(2);
+    myLCD.text_height(2);
+    myLCD.locate(0,1);
+    myLCD.printf("Shake\n");
+    myLCD.printf("Board\n");
+    myLCD.printf("------\n");
+    myLCD.printf("To\n");
+    myLCD.printf("Roll\n");
+    myLCD.printf("%d Dice\n", numDie);
+    rollDice();
+void FarkleGame::rollDice() {
+    pb2.mode(PullUp);
+    int n = 0;
+    x = 0;
+    y = 0;
+    z = 0;
+    MMA8452 acc(p28, p27, 40000);
+    acc.setBitDepth(MMA8452::BIT_DEPTH_12);
+    acc.setDynamicRange(MMA8452::DYNAMIC_RANGE_4G);
+    acc.setDataRate(MMA8452::RATE_100);
+    while (n == 0) {
+        acc.readXYZGravity(&x,&y,&z);
+        if (pb2 == false) {
+            mySpeaker.PlayNote(400, 0.15, 0.05);
+            numDie = ((numDie + 1)%7);
+            runFarkle();
+        }else if ((x*x + y*y + z*z) > 2) {
+            mySpeaker.PlayNote(600, 0.15, 0.05);
+            mySpeaker.PlayNote(700, 0.15, 0.05);
+            mySpeaker.PlayNote(800, 0.15, 0.05);
+            mySpeaker.PlayNote(600, 0.15, 0.05);
+            myLCD.cls();
+            for (int i = 0; i < numDie; i++) {
+                values[i] = (rand() % 6) + 1;
+                Dice dicen(values[i]);
+                arrayDice[i] = dicen;
+                arrayDice[i].displayDice(i+1); 
+            }
+            calcRoll();
+            n = 1;
+        }
+        wait(0.1);
+    }       
+void FarkleGame::calcRoll() {
+    pb1.mode(PullUp);
+    pb3.mode(PullUp);
+    rollScore = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+        count[i] = 0;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < numDie; i++) {
+        if (values[i] == 1){count[0]++;}
+        else if (values[i] == 2){count[1]++;}
+        else if (values[i] == 3){count[2]++;}
+        else if (values[i] == 4){count[3]++;}
+        else if (values[i] == 5){count[4]++;}
+        else{count[5]++;}  
+    }
+    if (count[0] == 1 and count[1] == 1 and count[2] == 1 and count[3] == 1 and count[4] == 1 and count[5] == 1) {rollScore += 1500;}
+    else {
+        for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++){
+            if (j == 0) {rollScore += (count[j]/3)*1000 + (count[j]%3)*100;}
+            else if (j == 1) {rollScore += (count[j]/3)*200;}
+            else if (j == 2) {rollScore += (count[j]/3)*300;}
+            else if (j == 3) {rollScore += (count[j]/3)*400;}
+            else if (j == 4) {rollScore += (count[j]/3)*500 + (count[j]%3)*50;}
+            else {rollScore += (count[j]/3)*600;}
+        }
+    }
+    if (rollScore == 0) {
+        totalScore = 0;
+        myLCD.color(WHITE);
+        myLCD.text_width(1);
+        myLCD.text_height(1);
+        myLCD.locate(0,12);
+        myLCD.printf("FARKLE!");
+        mySpeaker.PlayNote(300, 0.15, 0.05);
+        wait(0.1);
+        mySpeaker.PlayNote(300, 0.15, 0.05);
+        while(1) {
+            if(pb1 == false) {
+                mySpeaker.PlayNote(600, 0.15, 0.05);
+                displayScore();
+            }
+        }
+    }else {
+        totalScore += rollScore;
+        myLCD.color(WHITE);
+        myLCD.text_width(1);
+        myLCD.text_height(1);
+        myLCD.locate(0,12);
+        myLCD.printf("Roll Score: %d\n", rollScore);
+        myLCD.printf("Turn Score: %d\n", totalScore);
+        while(1) {
+            if (pb3 == false) {
+                mySpeaker.PlayNote(800, 0.15, 0.05);
+                takeAway();
+            }
+            else if (pb1 == false) {
+                mySpeaker.PlayNote(600, 0.15, 0.05);
+                displayScore();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void FarkleGame::displayScore() {
+    myLCD.cls();
+    myLCD.text_width(2);
+    myLCD.text_height(2);
+    myLCD.locate(0,1);
+    myLCD.printf("Your\nTurn\nScore\n-----\n %d\n", totalScore);
+    numDie = 6;
+    while(1) {
+        if (pb1 == false) {
+            mySpeaker.PlayNote(600, 0.15, 0.05);
+            rollScore = 0;
+            totalScore = 0;
+            runFarkle();
+        }
+    }
+void FarkleGame::takeAway() {
+    sub = 0;
+    if (count[0] == 1 and count[1] == 1 and count[2] == 1 and count[3] == 1 and count[4] == 1 and count[5] == 1) {sub = 0;}
+    else {
+        for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++){
+            if (j == 0) {sub += (count[0]/3)*3 + (count[0]%3);}
+            else if (j == 1) {sub += (count[1]/3)*3;}
+            else if (j == 2) {sub += (count[2]/3)*3;}
+            else if (j == 3) {sub += (count[3]/3)*3;}
+            else if (j == 4) {sub += (count[4]/3)*3 + (count[4]%3);}
+            else {sub += (count[5]/3)*3;}
+        }
+    }
+    numDie -= sub;
+    if (numDie == 0) {
+        numDie = 6;
+        runFarkle();
+    }else {runFarkle();}
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