
Dependents of m3pi

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

An m3pi demo program for Bluetooth control. bluetooth, hm10, m3pi
An m3pi demo program utilizing a LIDAR sensor. Lidar, m3pi
An m3pi demo program for Bluetooth control.
m3pi for proj2
An example PID line following program (half speed) following, line, m3pi, PID, pololu
moves around
Basic program for PRO1 line follower /Team 2
m3pi, Filesystem, mbed-os
test publish
code droite gauche ect.
Full power test to measure current through m3pi
m3pi with RN41XVC-I/RM bluetooth module
Team 2, Pro 1. M3pi robot control.
Same as freertos_bluetooth but now with FreeRTOS v_8.2.1
Code for m3pi (bluetooth, maze solver, line follower...)
Final version of the m3pi software