This program is for an autonomous robot for the competition at the Hochschule Luzern. We are one of the 32 teams. <a href=""></a> The postition control is based on this Documentation: Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots: An Experimental Overview from Alessandro De Luca, Giuseppe Oriolo, Marilena Vendittelli. For more information see here: <a href=""></a>

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of autonomousRobotAndroid by Christian Burri



File content as of revision 0:31f7be68e52d:

#ifndef _STATE_H_
#define _STATE_H_

#include <cmath>
#include "mbed.h"
#include "MaxonESCON.h"
#include "RobotControl.h"
#include "Task.h"
#include "HMC5883L.h"
#include "HMC6352.h"
#include "defines.h"

 * @author Christian Burri
 * @section LICENSE
 * Copyright (c) 2013 HSLU Pren Team #1 Cruising Crêpe
 * All rights reserved.
 * @section DESCRIPTION
 * State is the main mechanism for communicating current realtime system state to
 * the rest of the system for logging etc.

class State : public Task


    state_t* s;
    RobotControl*       robotControl;
    MaxonESCON*         motorControllerLeft;
    MaxonESCON*         motorControllerRight;
    HMC6352*            compass;
    AnalogIn*           battery;
    Timer               timer;
    float               period;

    float               magout[3];


     * Creates a robot control object and initializes all private
     * state variables.
     * @param RobotControl Objekt to read the state.
     * @param motorControllerLeft a reference to the servo drive for the left motor.
     * @param motorControllerRight a reference to the servo drive for the right motor.
     * @param compass Modul HMC5883L
     * @param Analog Input Battery Voltage input
     * @param period the sampling period of the run loop of this controller, given in [s].
    State(state_t* s, RobotControl* robotControl, MaxonESCON* motorControllerLeft, MaxonESCON* motorControllerRight, HMC6352* compass, AnalogIn* battery, float period);

    * Destructor of the Object to destroy the Object.
    virtual     ~State();

     * Initzialize the File. Open the File plots.txt and set the title at first line
    void initPlotFile(void);

    * Save the char to the file.
    * For example at the end.
    * Don't forget the \n at first.
    void savePlotText(char text[]);

    * Close the File
    void closePlotFile(void);

     * Return the Battery voltage
     * state variables.
     * @return Batterie Voltage [V]
    float readBattery();

    void startTimerFromZero();

    * Save the new state to a new line
    void savePlotFile(state_t s);

    void        run();


    void setBatteryBit();

    void setEnableLeftBit();

    void setEnableRightBit();
