Revisions of public/GattServerEvents.h

Revision Date Message Actions
714:a6130aaa0fd9 2015-07-02 Synchronized with git rev 7e8977d8 File  Diff  Annotate | base
260:ea7f9f14cc15 2015-01-21 Synchronized with git rev bec9560c File  Diff  Annotate
253:097be53aea02 2014-12-12 Synchronized with git rev 2552bf25 File  Diff  Annotate
249:5d9118449482 2014-12-12 Synchronized with git rev 7a298b6a File  Diff  Annotate
248:792e326c2dfd 2014-12-12 Synchronized with git rev 7ac6aea0 File  Diff  Annotate
227:5c4cb4553821 2014-12-01 Synchronized with git rev 04ceb5ce File  Diff  Annotate
199:6b57874115f6 2014-12-01 Synchronized with git rev 6e85b53f File  Diff  Annotate
198:933961a2ac6f 2014-11-28 Synchronized with git rev 1c37781d File  Diff  Annotate
146:543877bb1f52 2014-11-28 Synchronized with git rev e8e3a7aa File  Diff  Annotate
145:a7ded9ad83c8 2014-11-21 Synchronized with git rev 80f44173 File  Diff  Annotate
140:407d134c179d 2014-11-21 Synchronized with git rev 5b8a2fb5 File  Diff  Annotate
139:baaf1c5f0db2 2014-11-21 Synchronized with git rev d93ad344 File  Diff  Annotate
135:6cf6e7bd21c9 2014-11-21 Synchronized with git rev 503f8d52 File  Diff  Annotate
134:49321f76753e 2014-11-21 Synchronized with git rev 814fa470 File  Diff  Annotate
127:4e106f4a80b7 2014-11-21 Synchronized with git rev 66c13350 File  Diff  Annotate
126:fdebe4d5d62f 2014-11-21 Synchronized with git rev 1d0b27e5 File  Diff  Annotate
116:ca826083980e 2014-09-02 Release 0.1.0 File  Diff  Annotate
106:a20be740075d 2014-07-23 initial re-organization of BLE_API directory structure File  Diff  Annotate