For Terrarium Controller Project

Fork of NetServices by Segundo Equipo

Mon Apr 29 19:27:43 2013 +0000


Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 1
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 2 /*
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 3 Copyright (c) 2010 Donatien Garnier (donatiengar [at] gmail [dot] com)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 4
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 6 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 7 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 8 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 9 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 10 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 11
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 12 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 13 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 14
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 21 THE SOFTWARE.
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 22 */
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 23
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 24 #include "lwipNetTcpSocket.h"
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 25 #include "lwip/tcp.h"
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 26
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 27 //#define __DEBUG
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 28 #include "dbg/dbg.h"
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 29
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 30 #include "netCfg.h"
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 31 #if NET_LWIP_STACK
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 32
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 33 LwipNetTcpSocket::LwipNetTcpSocket(tcp_pcb* pPcb /*= NULL*/) : NetTcpSocket(), m_pPcb(pPcb), m_lpInNetTcpSocket(), //Passes a pcb if already created (by an accept req for instance), in that case transfers ownership
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 34 m_pReadPbuf(NULL)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 35 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 36 DBG("New NetTcpSocket %p\n", (void*)this);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 37 if(!m_pPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 38 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 39 m_pPcb = tcp_new();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 40 DBG("Creating new PCB %p\n", m_pPcb);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 41 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 42 if(m_pPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 43 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 44 //Setup callbacks
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 45 tcp_arg( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, (void*) this ); //this will be passed to each static callback
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 46
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 47 tcp_recv( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, LwipNetTcpSocket::sRecvCb );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 48 tcp_sent((tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, LwipNetTcpSocket::sSentCb );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 49 tcp_err( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, LwipNetTcpSocket::sErrCb );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 50 //Connected callback is defined in connect()
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 51 //Accept callback is defined in listen()
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 52 DBG("NetTcpSocket created.\n");
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 53 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 54 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 55
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 56 LwipNetTcpSocket::~LwipNetTcpSocket()
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 57 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 58 /* if(m_pPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 59 tcp_close( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb); //Disconnect & free pcb*/
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 60 close();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 61 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 62
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 63 NetTcpSocketErr LwipNetTcpSocket::bind(const Host& me)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 64 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 65 if(!m_pPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 66 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM; //NetTcpSocket was not properly initialised, should destroy it & retry
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 67
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 68 err_t err = tcp_bind( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, me.getPort()); //IP_ADDR_ANY : Bind the connection to all local addresses
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 69 if(err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 70 return NETTCPSOCKET_INUSE;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 71
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 72 return NETTCPSOCKET_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 73 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 74
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 75 NetTcpSocketErr LwipNetTcpSocket::listen()
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 76 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 77 if(!m_pPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 78 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM; //NetTcpSocket was not properly initialised, should destroy it & retry
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 79 /*
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 80 From doc/rawapi.txt :
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 81
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 82 The tcp_listen() function returns a new connection identifier, and
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 83 the one passed as an argument to the function will be
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 84 deallocated. The reason for this behavior is that less memory is
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 85 needed for a connection that is listening, so tcp_listen() will
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 86 reclaim the memory needed for the original connection and allocate a
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 87 new smaller memory block for the listening connection.
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 88 */
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 89
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 90 // tcp_pcb* pNewPcb = tcp_listen(m_pPcb);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 91 tcp_pcb* pNewPcb = tcp_listen_with_backlog((tcp_pcb*)m_pPcb, 5);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 92 if( !pNewPcb ) //Not enough memory to create the listening pcb
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 93 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 94
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 95 m_pPcb = pNewPcb;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 96
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 97 tcp_accept( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, LwipNetTcpSocket::sAcceptCb );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 98
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 99 return NETTCPSOCKET_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 100 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 101
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 102 NetTcpSocketErr LwipNetTcpSocket::connect(const Host& host)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 103 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 104 if(!m_pPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 105 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM; //NetTcpSocket was not properly initialised, should destroy it & retry
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 106
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 107 ip_addr_t ip = host.getIp().getStruct();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 108 err_t err = tcp_connect( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, &ip, host.getPort(), LwipNetTcpSocket::sConnectedCb );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 109
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 110 if(err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 111 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 112
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 113 return NETTCPSOCKET_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 114 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 115
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 116 NetTcpSocketErr LwipNetTcpSocket::accept(Host* pClient, NetTcpSocket** ppNewNetTcpSocket)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 117 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 118 if( !m_pPcb ) //Pcb doesn't exist (anymore)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 119 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 120 //Dequeue a connection
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 121 //if( m_lpInPcb.empty() )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 122 if( m_lpInNetTcpSocket.empty() )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 123 return NETTCPSOCKET_EMPTY;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 124
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 125 tcp_accepted( ((tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb) ); //Should fire proper events //WARN: m_pPcb is the GOOD param here (and not pInPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 126
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 127 /* tcp_pcb* pInPcb = m_lpInPcb.front();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 128 m_lpInPcb.pop();*/
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 129
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 130 if( (m_lpInNetTcpSocket.front()) == NULL )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 131 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 132 m_lpInNetTcpSocket.pop();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 133 return NETTCPSOCKET_RST;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 134 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 135
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 136 if( (m_lpInNetTcpSocket.front())->m_closed )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 137 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 138 Net::releaseTcpSocket(m_lpInNetTcpSocket.front());
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 139 m_lpInNetTcpSocket.pop();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 140 return NETTCPSOCKET_RST;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 141 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 142
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 143 ip_addr_t* ip = (ip_addr_t*) &( (m_lpInNetTcpSocket.front()->m_pPcb)->remote_ip);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 144
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 145 *ppNewNetTcpSocket = m_lpInNetTcpSocket.front();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 146 *pClient = Host(
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 147 IpAddr(
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 148 ip
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 149 ),
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 150 m_lpInNetTcpSocket.front()->m_pPcb->remote_port
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 151 );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 152 m_lpInNetTcpSocket.pop();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 153 // *pClient = Host( IpAddr(pInPcb->remote_ip), pInPcb->remote_port );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 154
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 155 //Return a new socket
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 156 // *ppNewNetTcpSocket = (NetTcpSocket*) new LwipNetTcpSocket(pInPcb);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 157
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 158 //tcp_accepted( ((tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb) ); //Should fire proper events //WARN: m_pPcb is the GOOD param here (and not pInPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 159
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 160 /* if(*ppNewNetTcpSocket == NULL)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 161 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 162 DBG("Not enough mem, socket dropped in LwipNetTcpSocket::accept.\n");
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 163 tcp_abort(pInPcb);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 164 }*/
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 165
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 166 return NETTCPSOCKET_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 167 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 168
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 169 #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 170 #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 171
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 172 int /*if < 0 : NetTcpSocketErr*/ LwipNetTcpSocket::send(const char* buf, int len)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 173 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 174 if( !m_pPcb ) //Pcb doesn't exist (anymore)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 175 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 176 int outLen = MIN( len, tcp_sndbuf( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb) );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 177 //tcp_sndbuf() returns the number of bytes available in the output queue, so never go above it
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 178 err_t err = tcp_write( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, (void*) buf, outLen, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 179 //Flags are TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY & TCP_WRITE_FLAG_MORE (see tcp_out.c) :
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 180 //If TCP_WRITE_FLAG_MORE is not set ask client to push buffered data to app
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 181 if(err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 182 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 183 switch( err )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 184 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 185 case ERR_CONN:
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 186 return (int) NETTCPSOCKET_SETUP; //Not connected properly
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 187 case ERR_ARG:
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 188 return (int) NETTCPSOCKET_SETUP; //Wrong args ! (like buf pointing to NULL)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 189 case ERR_MEM:
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 190 default:
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 191 return (int) NETTCPSOCKET_MEM; //Not enough memory
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 192 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 193 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 194 return outLen;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 195 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 196
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 197 int /*if < 0 : NetTcpSocketErr*/ LwipNetTcpSocket::recv(char* buf, int len)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 198 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 199 if( !m_pPcb ) //Pcb doesn't exist (anymore)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 200 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 201 int inLen = 0;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 202 int cpyLen = 0;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 203
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 204 static int rmgLen = 0;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 205 //Contains the remaining len in this pbuf
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 206
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 207 if( !m_pReadPbuf )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 208 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 209 rmgLen = 0;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 210 return 0;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 211 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 212
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 213 if ( !rmgLen ) //We did not know m_pReadPbuf->len last time we called this fn
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 214 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 215 rmgLen = m_pReadPbuf->len;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 216 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 217
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 218 while ( inLen < len )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 219 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 220 cpyLen = MIN( (len - inLen), rmgLen ); //Remaining len to copy, remaining len in THIS pbuf
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 221 memcpy((void*)buf, (void*)((char*)(m_pReadPbuf->payload) + (m_pReadPbuf->len - rmgLen)), cpyLen);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 222 inLen += cpyLen;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 223 buf += cpyLen;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 224
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 225 rmgLen = rmgLen - cpyLen; //Update rmgLen
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 226
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 227 if( rmgLen > 0 )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 228 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 229 //We did not read this pbuf completely, so let's save it's pos & return
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 230 break;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 231 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 232
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 233 if(m_pReadPbuf->next)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 234 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 235 pbuf* pNextPBuf = m_pReadPbuf->next;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 236 m_pReadPbuf->next = NULL; //So that it is not freed as well
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 237 //We get the reference to pNextPBuf from m_pReadPbuf
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 238 pbuf_free((pbuf*)m_pReadPbuf);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 239 m_pReadPbuf = pNextPBuf;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 240 rmgLen = m_pReadPbuf->len;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 241 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 242 else
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 243 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 244 pbuf_free((pbuf*)m_pReadPbuf);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 245 m_pReadPbuf = NULL;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 246 rmgLen = 0;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 247 break; //No more data to read
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 248 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 249
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 250 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 251
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 252 //tcp_recved(m_pPcb, inLen); //Acknowledge the reception
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 253
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 254 return inLen;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 255 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 256
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 257 NetTcpSocketErr LwipNetTcpSocket::close()
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 258 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 259 //DBG("LwipNetTcpSocket::close() : Closing...\n");
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 260
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 261 if(m_closed)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 262 return NETTCPSOCKET_OK; //Already being closed
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 263 m_closed = true;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 264
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 265 if( !m_pPcb ) //Pcb doesn't exist (anymore)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 266 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 267
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 268 //Cleanup incoming data
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 269 cleanUp();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 270
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 271 if( !!tcp_close( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb) )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 272 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 273 DBG("LwipNetTcpSocket::close() could not close properly, abort.\n");
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 274 tcp_abort( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 275 m_pPcb = NULL;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 276 return NETTCPSOCKET_MEM;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 277 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 278
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 279 DBG("LwipNetTcpSocket::close() : connection closed successfully.\n");
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 280
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 281 m_pPcb = NULL;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 282 return NETTCPSOCKET_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 283 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 284
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 285 NetTcpSocketErr LwipNetTcpSocket::poll()
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 286 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 287 NetTcpSocket::flushEvents();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 288 return NETTCPSOCKET_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 289 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 290
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 291 // Callbacks events
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 292
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 293 err_t LwipNetTcpSocket::acceptCb(struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 294 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 295 if(err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 296 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 297 DBG("Error %d in LwipNetTcpSocket::acceptCb.\n", err);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 298 return err;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 299 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 300 //FIXME: MEM Errs
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 301 //m_lpInPcb.push(newpcb); //Add connection to the queue
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 302 LwipNetTcpSocket* pNewNetTcpSocket = new LwipNetTcpSocket(newpcb);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 303
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 304 if(pNewNetTcpSocket == NULL)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 305 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 306 DBG("Not enough mem, socket dropped in LwipNetTcpSocket::acceptCb.\n");
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 307 tcp_abort(newpcb);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 308 return ERR_ABRT;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 309 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 310
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 311 pNewNetTcpSocket->m_refs++;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 312 m_lpInNetTcpSocket.push( pNewNetTcpSocket );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 313
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 314 // tcp_accepted(newpcb);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 315 // tcp_accepted( m_pPcb ); //Should fire proper events //WARN: m_pPcb is the GOOD param here (and not pInPcb)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 316 queueEvent(NETTCPSOCKET_ACCEPT);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 317 return ERR_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 318 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 319
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 320 err_t LwipNetTcpSocket::connectedCb(struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, err_t err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 321 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 322 queueEvent(NETTCPSOCKET_CONNECTED);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 323 return ERR_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 324 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 325
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 326 void LwipNetTcpSocket::errCb(err_t err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 327 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 328 DBG("NetTcpSocket %p - Error %d in LwipNetTcpSocket::errCb.\n", (void*)this, err);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 329 //WARN: At this point, m_pPcb has been freed by lwIP
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 330 m_pPcb = NULL;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 331 //These errors are fatal, discard all events queued before so that the errors are handled first
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 332 discardEvents();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 333 m_closed = true;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 334 cleanUp();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 335 if( err == ERR_ABRT)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 336 queueEvent(NETTCPSOCKET_CONABRT);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 337 else //if( err == ERR_RST)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 338 queueEvent(NETTCPSOCKET_CONRST);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 339 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 340
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 341 err_t LwipNetTcpSocket::sentCb(tcp_pcb* tpcb, u16_t len)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 342 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 343 // DBG("%d bytes ACKed by host.\n", len);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 344 queueEvent(NETTCPSOCKET_WRITEABLE);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 345 return ERR_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 346 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 347
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 348 err_t LwipNetTcpSocket::recvCb(tcp_pcb* tpcb, pbuf *p, err_t err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 349 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 350 //Store pbuf ptr
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 351 // DBG("Receive CB with err = %d & len = %d.\n", err, p->tot_len);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 352 // tcp_recved( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, p->tot_len); //Acknowledge the reception
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 353
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 354 if(err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 355 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 356 queueEvent(NETTCPSOCKET_ERROR);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 357 return ERR_OK; //FIXME: More robust error handling there
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 358 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 359 else if(!p)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 360 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 361 DBG("NetTcpSocket %p - Connection closed by remote host (LwipNetTcpSocket::recvCb).\n", (void*)this);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 362 //Buf is NULL, that means that the connection has been closed by remote host
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 363
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 364 //FIX: 27/05/2010: We do not want to deallocate the socket while some data might still be readable
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 365 //REMOVED: close();
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 366
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 367 //However we do not want to close the socket yet
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 368
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 369 queueEvent(NETTCPSOCKET_DISCONNECTED);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 370 return ERR_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 371 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 372
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 373 //We asserted that p is a valid pointer
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 374
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 375 //New data processing
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 376 tcp_recved( tpcb, p->tot_len); //Acknowledge the reception
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 377 if(!m_pReadPbuf)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 378 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 379 m_pReadPbuf = p;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 380 queueEvent(NETTCPSOCKET_READABLE);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 381 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 382 else
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 383 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 384 pbuf_cat((pbuf*)m_pReadPbuf, p); //m_pReadPbuf is not empty, tail p to it and drop our ref
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 385 //No need to queue an event in that case since the read buf has not been processed yet
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 386 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 387 return ERR_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 388 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 389
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 390
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 391 void LwipNetTcpSocket::cleanUp() //Flush input buffer
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 392 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 393 //Ensure that further error won't be followed to this inst (which can be destroyed)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 394 if( m_pPcb )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 395 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 396 tcp_arg( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, (void*) NULL );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 397 tcp_recv( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, NULL );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 398 tcp_sent((tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, NULL );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 399 tcp_err( (tcp_pcb*) m_pPcb, NULL );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 400 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 401
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 402 if( m_pReadPbuf )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 403 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 404 DBG("Deallocating unread data.\n");
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 405 pbuf_free((pbuf*)m_pReadPbuf); //Free all unread data
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 406 m_pReadPbuf = NULL;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 407 recv(NULL,0); //Update recv ptr position
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 408 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 409 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 410
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 411 // Static callbacks from LwIp
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 412
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 413 err_t LwipNetTcpSocket::sAcceptCb(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *newpcb, err_t err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 414 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 415 LwipNetTcpSocket* pMe = (LwipNetTcpSocket*) arg;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 416 return pMe->acceptCb( newpcb, err );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 417 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 418
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 419 err_t LwipNetTcpSocket::sConnectedCb(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, err_t err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 420 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 421 LwipNetTcpSocket* pMe = (LwipNetTcpSocket*) arg;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 422 return pMe->connectedCb( tpcb, err );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 423 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 424
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 425 void LwipNetTcpSocket::sErrCb(void *arg, err_t err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 426 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 427 if( !arg )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 428 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 429 DBG("NetTcpSocket - Error %d in LwipNetTcpSocket::sErrCb.\n", err);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 430 return; //The socket has been destroyed, discard error
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 431 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 432 LwipNetTcpSocket* pMe = (LwipNetTcpSocket*) arg;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 433 return pMe->errCb( err );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 434 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 435
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 436 err_t LwipNetTcpSocket::sSentCb(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 437 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 438 LwipNetTcpSocket* pMe = (LwipNetTcpSocket*) arg;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 439 return pMe->sentCb( tpcb, len );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 440 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 441
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 442 err_t LwipNetTcpSocket::sRecvCb(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err)
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 443 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 444 if( tpcb->flags & TF_RXCLOSED )
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 445 {
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 446 //The Pcb is in a closing state
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 447 //Discard that data here since we might have destroyed the corresponding socket object
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 448 tcp_recved( tpcb, p->tot_len);
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 449 pbuf_free( p );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 450 return ERR_OK;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 451 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 452 LwipNetTcpSocket* pMe = (LwipNetTcpSocket*) arg;
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 453 return pMe->recvCb( tpcb, p, err );
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 454 }
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 455
segundo 0:ac1725ba162c 456 #endif