Class mRotaryEncoder for mechanical incremental rotary encoders with pushbuttons. Use debouncing and callback-functions for rotation and pressing of button. This version is for old mbed. New version for mbed-os see

Dependencies:   PinDetect

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00001 #ifndef MROTENC_H_INCLUDED
00002 #define MROTENC_H_INCLUDED
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "PinDetect.h"
00008 /** This Class handles a rotary encoder with mechanical switches and an integrated pushbutton
00009  * It uses two pins, one creating an interrupt on change.
00010  * Rotation direction is determined by checking the state of the other pin.
00011  * Additionally a pushbutton switch is detected
00012  *
00013  * Operating the encoder changes an internal integer value that can be read
00014  * by Get() or the operator int() functions.
00015  * A new value can be set by Set(value) or opperator=.
00016  *
00017  * Autor: Thomas Raab (Raabinator)
00018  * Extended by Karl Zweimueller (charly)
00019  *
00020  * Dent steady point     !     !     !
00021  *                    +-----+     +-----+
00022  * pinA (interrupt)   |     |     |     |
00023  *                  --+     +-----+     +---
00024  *                      +-----+     +-----+
00025  * pinB                 |     |     |     |
00026  *                  ----+     +-----+     +-
00027  *                           --> C.W
00028  * CW:  increases position value
00029  * CCW: decreases position value
00030  *
00031  * changelog:
00032  *
00033  * 09. Nov. 2010
00034  *     First version published Thomas Raab raabinator
00035  * 26.11.2010 extended by charly - pushbutton, pullmode, debounce, callback-system
00036  * Feb2011 Changes InterruptIn to PinDetect which does the debounce of mechanical switches
00037  * Mar2020 Configurable detection of rise/fall events to account for different types of encoders (half as much dent points)
00038  *
00039  */
00040 class mRotaryEncoder {
00041 public:
00042     /** Create a mechanical rotary encoder object connected to the specified pins
00043     *
00044     * @param pinA Switch A of quadrature encoder
00045     * @param pinB Switch B of quadrature encoder
00046     * @param pinSW Pin for push-button switch
00047     * @param pullmode mode for pinA pinB and pinSW like DigitalIn.mode
00048     * @param debounceTime_us time in micro-seconds to wait for bouncing of mechanical switches to end
00049     * @param detectRise Detect rise event as new rotation
00050     * @param detectFall Detect fall event as new rotation
00051     */
00052     mRotaryEncoder(PinName pinA, PinName pinB, PinName pinSW, PinMode pullMode=PullUp, int debounceTime_us=1000, int detectRise=1, int detectFall=1);
00054     /** destroy object
00055     *
00056     */
00057     ~mRotaryEncoder();
00059     /** Get the actual value of the rotary position
00060     *
00061     * @return position int value of position
00062     */
00063     int Get(void);
00064     inline operator int() {
00065         return Get();
00066     }
00068     /** Set the current position value
00069     *
00070     * @param value the new position to set
00071     *
00072     */
00073     void Set(int value);
00074     inline mRotaryEncoder& operator= ( int  value ) {
00075         Set(value);
00076         return *this;
00077     }
00079     /** attach a function to be called when switch is pressed
00080     *
00081     * keep this function short, as no interrrupts can occour within
00082     *
00083     * @param fptr Pointer to callback-function
00084     */
00085     void attachSW(void (*fptr)(void)) {
00086         m_pinSW->attach_deasserted(fptr);
00087     }
00089     template<typename T>
00090     /** attach an object member function to be called when switch is pressed
00091     *
00092     * @param tptr pointer to object
00093     * @param mprt pointer ro member function
00094     *
00095     */
00096     void attachSW(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
00097         if ((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
00098             m_pinSW->attach_deasserted(tptr, mptr);
00099         }
00100     }
00102     /**  callback-System for rotation of shaft
00103     *
00104     *  attach a function to be called when the shaft is rotated
00105     *  keep this function short, as no interrrupts can occour within
00106     *
00107     * @param fprt Pointer to callback-function
00108     */
00109     void attachROT(void (*fptr)(void)) {
00110         rotIsr.attach(fptr);
00111     }
00114     template<typename T>
00115     /** attach an object member function to be called when shaft is rotated
00116     *
00117     * @param tptr pointer to object
00118     * @param mprt pointer ro member function
00119     *
00120     */
00121     void attachROT(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
00122         if ((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
00123             rotIsr.attach(tptr, mptr);
00124         }
00125     }
00127    /**  callback-System for rotation of shaft CW
00128     *
00129     *  attach a function to be called when the shaft is rotated clockwise
00130     *  keep this function short, as no interrrupts can occour within
00131     *
00132     * @param fprt Pointer to callback-function
00133     */
00134     void attachROTCW(void (*fptr)(void)) {
00135         rotCWIsr.attach(fptr);
00136     }
00139     template<typename T>
00140     /** attach an object member function to be called when shaft is rotated clockwise
00141     *
00142     * @param tptr pointer to object
00143     * @param mprt pointer ro member function
00144     *
00145     */
00146     void attachROTCW(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
00147         if ((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
00148             rotCWIsr.attach(tptr, mptr);
00149         }
00150     }
00152    /**  callback-System for rotation of shaft CCW
00153     *
00154     *  attach a function to be called when the shaft is rotated counterclockwise
00155     *  keep this function short, as no interrrupts can occour within
00156     *
00157     * @param fprt Pointer to callback-function
00158     */
00159     void attachROTCCW(void (*fptr)(void)) {
00160         rotCCWIsr.attach(fptr);
00161     }
00164     template<typename T>
00165     /** attach an object member function to be called when shaft is rotated CCW
00166     *
00167     * @param tptr pointer to object
00168     * @param mprt pointer ro member function
00169     *
00170     */
00171     void attachROTCCW(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
00172         if ((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
00173             rotCCWIsr.attach(tptr, mptr);
00174         }
00175     }    
00177 private:
00178     PinDetect       *m_pinA;
00179     DigitalIn       *m_pinB;
00180     volatile int    m_position;
00182     int             m_debounceTime_us;
00185     PinDetect       *m_pinSW;
00187     void rise(void);
00188     void fall(void);
00190 protected:
00191     /**
00192       * Callback system.
00193       * @ingroup INTERNALS
00194       */
00195     /**
00196      * rotated any direction
00197     */
00198     FunctionPointer rotIsr;
00199     /**
00200      * clockwise rotated
00201     */
00202     FunctionPointer rotCWIsr;
00204     /**
00205      * counterclockwise rotated
00206     */    
00207     FunctionPointer rotCCWIsr;
00210 };
00213 #endif