Fork of 24LCxx_I2C. Works for Renesas EEPROMs. Fixes problems with PageWrites over page boundaries.

Fork of 24LCxx_I2C by Yann Garcia

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API Documentation at this revision

Tue Dec 23 17:21:25 2014 +0000
Commit message:
take care of page boundaries when writing to EEPROM

Changed in this revision

24LCxx_I2C.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
24LCxx_I2C.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r fc3eb4d2b07e -r 2add27250e69 24LCxx_I2C.cpp
--- a/24LCxx_I2C.cpp	Wed May 21 19:58:39 2014 +0000
+++ b/24LCxx_I2C.cpp	Tue Dec 23 17:21:25 2014 +0000
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 /* mbed simplified access to Microchip 24LCxx Serial EEPROM devices (I2C)
  * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 ygarcia, MIT License
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software 
- * and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, 
- * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, 
- * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software
+ * and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+ * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
+ * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or 
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
  * substantial portions of the Software.
 #include <iostream>
@@ -21,461 +21,590 @@
 #include "24LCxx_I2C.h"
-namespace _24LCXX_I2C {
+namespace _24LCXX_I2C
-    unsigned char C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter = 0;
-    C24LCXX_I2C::C24LCXX_I2C(const PinName p_sda, const PinName p_scl, const unsigned char p_address, const PinName p_wp, const unsigned int p_frequency) : _internalId("") {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C")
+unsigned char C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter = 0;
-        if (C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter != 0) {
-            error("C24LCXX_I2C: Wrong params");
-        }
+C24LCXX_I2C::C24LCXX_I2C(const PinName p_sda, const PinName p_scl, const unsigned char p_address, const PinName p_wp, const unsigned int p_frequency,
+                         const uint32_t deviceSize, const uint8_t pageSize) : _internalId("")
+    if (C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter != 0) {
+        error("C24LCXX_I2C: Wrong params");
+    }
 #ifdef __DEBUG
-        std::ostringstream out(std::ostringstream::out);
-        out << "C24LCXX_I2C #" << C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter;
-        _internalId.assign(out.str());
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: _internalId='%s'", _internalId.c_str())
+    std::ostringstream out(std::ostringstream::out);
+    out << "C24LCXX_I2C #" << C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter;
+    _internalId.assign(out.str());
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: _internalId='%s'", _internalId.c_str())
 #endif // __DEBUG
-        _i2cInstance = new I2C(p_sda, p_scl); //, "24LCxx_I2C");
-        C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter += 1;
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C: refCounter=%d", C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter)
+    _i2cInstance = new I2C(p_sda, p_scl); //, "24LCxx_I2C");
+    C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter += 1;
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C: refCounter=%d", C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter)
+    _slaveAddress = (p_address << 1) | 0xa0; // Slave address format is: 1 0 1 0 A3 A2 A1 R/W
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: I2C slave adress:  0x%02x", _slaveAddress)
+    _i2cInstance->frequency(p_frequency); // Set the frequency of the I2C interface
+    if (p_wp != NC) {
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: WP managed");
+        _wp = new DigitalOut(p_wp);
+        _wp->write(0); // Disable write protect
+    } else {
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: WP not managed");
+        _wp = NULL; // Not used
+    }
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: Device-Size %i kbit", deviceSize);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: Page-Size %i Bytes", pageSize);
+    _pageSize = pageSize;      //TODO Check for valid values
+    _deviceSize = deviceSize;  //TODO Check for valid values
-        _slaveAddress = (p_address << 1) | 0xa0; // Slave address format is: 1 0 1 0 A3 A2 A1 R/W
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: I2C slave adress:  0x%02x", _slaveAddress)
-        _i2cInstance->frequency(p_frequency); // Set the frequency of the I2C interface
-        if (p_wp != NC) {
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: WP managed");
-            _wp = new DigitalOut(p_wp);
-            _wp->write(0); // Disable write protect
-        } else {
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C: WP not managed");
-            _wp = NULL; // Not used
-        }
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C")
+    // Release I2C instance
+    DEBUG_ENTER("~C24LCXX_I2C: refCounter=%d", C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter)
+    C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter -= 1;
+    if (C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter == 0) {
+        delete _i2cInstance;
+        _i2cInstance = NULL;
+    }
+    // Release _wp if required
+    if (_wp != NULL) {
+        _wp->write(0);
+        delete _wp;
+    }
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::WriteProtect(const bool p_writeProtect)
+    if (_wp != NULL) {
+        DEBUG("WP set to: %x", (int)p_writeProtect)
+        _wp->write((int)(p_writeProtect));
+        return true;
-    C24LCXX_I2C::~C24LCXX_I2C() {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("~C24LCXX_I2C")
-        // Release I2C instance
-        DEBUG_ENTER("~C24LCXX_I2C: refCounter=%d", C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter)
-        C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter -= 1;
-        if (C24LCXX_I2C::I2CModuleRefCounter == 0) {
-            delete _i2cInstance;
-            _i2cInstance = NULL;
+    return false;
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::EraseMemoryArea(const short p_startAddress, const int p_count, const unsigned char p_pattern)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::EraseMemoryArea: 0x%02x - %d - 0x%02x", p_startAddress, p_count, p_pattern)
+    std::vector<unsigned char> eraseBuffer(p_count, p_pattern);
+    return Write(p_startAddress, eraseBuffer, false);
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const unsigned char p_byte)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte): Memory address: 0x%02x - 0x%02x", p_address, p_byte)
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    char i2cBuffer[3]; // Memory address + one byte of data
+    // 1.1. Memory address
+    //short address = p_address + 1; // Index start to 1
+    short address = p_address; // no Index + 1
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 1.2. Datas
+    i2cBuffer[2] = p_byte;
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte): value=0x%02x", i2cBuffer[2])
+    // 2. Send I2C start + I2C address + Memory Address + Datas + I2C stop
+    int result = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 3);
+    wait(0.02);
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte) %x", (bool)(result == 0))
+    return (bool)(result == 0);
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const short p_short, const C24LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short): Memory address:0x%02x, Mode:%d", p_address, p_mode)
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    char i2cBuffer[4]; // Memory address + one short (2 bytes)
+    // 1.1. Memory address
+    //short address = p_address + 1; // Index start to 1
+    short address = p_address;  // no Index+1
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 1.2. Datas
+    if (p_mode == BigEndian) {
+        i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)(p_short >> 8);
+        i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_short & 0xff);
+    } else {
+        i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_short & 0xff);
+        i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)(p_short >> 8);
+    }
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short): value=0x%02x%02x", i2cBuffer[2], i2cBuffer[3])
+    // 2. Send I2C start + I2C address + Memory Address + Datas + I2C stop
+    int result = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 4);
+    wait(0.02);
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short) %x", (bool)(result == 0))
+    return (bool)(result == 0);
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const int p_int, const C24LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int): Memory address:0x%02x, Mode:%d", p_address, p_mode)
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    char i2cBuffer[6]; // Memory address + one integer (4 bytes)
+    // 1.1. Memory address
+    //short address = p_address + 1; // Index start to 1
+    short address = p_address;  // no Index+1
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 1.2. Datas
+    if (p_mode == BigEndian) {
+        i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 24);
+        i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 16);
+        i2cBuffer[4] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 8);
+        i2cBuffer[5] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_int & 0xff);
+    } else {
+        i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_int & 0xff);
+        i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 8);
+        i2cBuffer[4] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 16);
+        i2cBuffer[5] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 24);
+    }
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int): value=0x%02x%02x%02x%02x", i2cBuffer[2], i2cBuffer[3], i2cBuffer[4], i2cBuffer[5])
+    // 2. Send I2C start + I2C address + Memory Address + Datas + I2C stop
+    int result = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 6);
+    wait(0.02);
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int) %x", (bool)(result == 0))
+    return (bool)(result == 0);
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const std::string & p_string, const bool p_storeLength, const int p_length2write)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (std::string)")
+    return Write(p_address, p_string.c_str(), p_storeLength, p_length2write);
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const std::vector<unsigned char> & p_datas, const bool p_storeLength, const int p_length2write)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (std::vector)")
+    int length = (p_length2write == -1) ? p_datas.size() : p_length2write;
+    unsigned char array[length];
+    std::copy(p_datas.begin(), p_datas.end(), array);
+    bool result = Write(p_address, array, p_storeLength, length);
+    wait(0.02);
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (std::vector): %d", result)
+    return result;
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const char * p_datas, const bool p_storeLength, const int p_length2write)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *): Memory address: 0x%02x - %x - %d", p_address, p_storeLength, p_length2write)
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    int length = (p_length2write == -1) ? strlen(p_datas) : p_length2write;
+    if (p_storeLength) {
+        length += 4; // Add four bytes for the length as integer
+    }
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *): length:%d", length)
+    char i2cBuffer[2 + length];
+    // 1.1. Memory address
+    //short address = p_address + 1; // Index start to 1
+    short address = p_address;  // no Index+1
+//    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
+//    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+//    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
+//    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 1.2. Datas
+    if (p_storeLength) {
+        // Fill the length
+        i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)(length >> 24);
+        i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)(length >> 16);
+        i2cBuffer[4] = (unsigned char)(length >> 8);
+        i2cBuffer[5] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)length & 0xff);
+        for (int i = 0; i < length - 4; i++) {
+            i2cBuffer[6 + i] = *(p_datas + i);
-        // Release _wp if required
-        if (_wp != NULL) {
-            _wp->write(0);
-            delete _wp;
+    } else { // The length was not stored
+        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+            i2cBuffer[2 + i] = *(p_datas + i);
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("~C24LCXX_I2C")
+    }
+    //HEXADUMP((unsigned char *) i2cBuffer+2, length);
+    // 2. Send I2C start + Memory Address
+    _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true);
+    wait(0.02);
+    // 3. Send Datas + I2C stop
+    int result = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer+2, length);
+    wait(0.02);
+    //write pages to EEPROM
+    int result = i2cWrite(address,i2cBuffer+2, length);
+    wait(0.02);
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *) %x", (bool)(result == 0))
+    return (bool)(result == 0);
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const unsigned char *p_datas, const bool p_storeLength, const int p_length2write)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte *): Memory address: 0x%02x - %x - %d", p_address, p_storeLength, p_length2write)
+    return Write(p_address, (const char *)p_datas, p_storeLength, p_length2write);
+int C24LCXX_I2C::i2cWrite(short address, const char *data, int length)
+    //write to EEPROM in chunks of pagesize
+    int rv = 0;
+    while (length > 0) {
+        int bytesUntilPageBoundary = _pageSize - address % _pageSize;
+        int cnt = min(length, bytesUntilPageBoundary);
+        char i2cBuffer[2 + _pageSize];
+        // 1.1. Memory address
+        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::i2cWrite (char *): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::i2cWrite (char *): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::i2cWrite (char *): length       : %i", cnt)
+        //Copy data after address        
+        for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+            i2cBuffer[2 + i] = *(data + i);
+        }            
+        //HEXADUMP((unsigned char *) i2cBuffer, cnt+2);
+        // Write data; max until page boundary
+        int rv = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, cnt+2);
+        if (rv != 0) return rv;
+        address += cnt;
+        data    += cnt;
+        length  -= cnt;
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::WriteProtect(const bool p_writeProtect) {
-        if (_wp != NULL) {
-            DEBUG("WP set to: %x", (int)p_writeProtect)
-            _wp->write((int)(p_writeProtect));
+    return rv;
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, unsigned char * p_byte)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): Memory address:0x%02x", p_address)
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    char i2cBuffer[2];
+    // 1.1. Memory address
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(p_address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 2. Send I2C start + memory address
+    if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
+        wait(0.02);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): Write memory done")
+        // 2. Read data + I2C stop
+        int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, (char *)p_byte, 1);
+        wait(0.02);
+        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): %x", (bool)(result == 0))
+        return (bool)(result == 0);
+    }
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte) (false)")
+    return false;
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, short *p_short, const C24LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): Memory address:0x%02x, Mode:%d", p_address, p_mode)
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    char i2cBuffer[2];
+    // 1.1. Memory address
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(p_address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 2. Send I2C start + memory address
+    if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
+        wait(0.02);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): Write memory done")
+        // 2. Read data + I2C stop
+        int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2);
+        if (result == 0) {
+            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): value: 0x%02x - 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0], i2cBuffer[1])
+            if (p_mode ==  BigEndian) {
+                *p_short = (short)(i2cBuffer[0] << 8 | i2cBuffer[1]);
+            } else {
+                *p_short = (short)(i2cBuffer[1] << 8 | i2cBuffer[0]);
+            }
+            DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): 0x%04x", *p_short)
             return true;
+    }
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short) (false)")
+    return false;
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, int *p_int, const C24LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): Memory address:0x%02x, Mode:%d", p_address, p_mode)
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    char i2cBuffer[4];
+    // 1.1. Memory address
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(p_address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 2. Send I2C start + memory address
+    if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
+        wait(0.02);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): Write memory done")
+        // 2. Read data + I2C stop
+        int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 4);
+        if (result == 0) {
+            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): value: 0x%02x - 0x%02x - 0x%02x - 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0], i2cBuffer[1], i2cBuffer[2], i2cBuffer[3])
+            wait(0.02);
+            if (p_mode ==  BigEndian) {
+                *p_int = (int)(i2cBuffer[0] << 24 | i2cBuffer[1] << 16 | i2cBuffer[2] << 8 | i2cBuffer[3]);
+            } else {
+                *p_int = (int)(i2cBuffer[3] << 24 | i2cBuffer[2] << 16 | i2cBuffer[1] << 8 | i2cBuffer[0]);
+            }
+            DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): %d", *p_int)
+            return true;
+        }
+        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int):false")
         return false;
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::EraseMemoryArea(const short p_startAddress, const int p_count, const unsigned char p_pattern) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::EraseMemoryArea: 0x%02x - %d - 0x%02x", p_startAddress, p_count, p_pattern)
-        std::vector<unsigned char> eraseBuffer(p_count, p_pattern);
-        return Write(p_startAddress, eraseBuffer, false);
-    }
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int) (false)")
+    return false;
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, std::vector<unsigned char> & p_datas, const bool p_readLengthFirst, const int p_length2write)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): Memory address:0x%02x, readLength:%01x, Length:%d", p_address, p_readLengthFirst, p_length2write)
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const unsigned char p_byte) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte): Memory address: 0x%02x - 0x%02x", p_address, p_byte)
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        char i2cBuffer[3]; // Memory address + one byte of data
-        // 1.1. Memory address
-        //short address = p_address + 1; // Index start to 1
-        short address = p_address; // no Index + 1
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 1.2. Datas
-        i2cBuffer[2] = p_byte;
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte): value=0x%02x", i2cBuffer[2])
-        // 2. Send I2C start + I2C address + Memory Address + Datas + I2C stop
-        int result = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 3);
-        wait(0.02);
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte) %x", (bool)(result == 0))
-        return (bool)(result == 0);
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    short address = p_address;
+    int length = 0;
+    if (p_readLengthFirst) {
+        if (!Read(address, &length)) { // Read the length in big endian mode
+            DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector) Failed to read length")
+            return false;
+        }
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): length= %d", length)
+        if (length == 0) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        address += 4; // Skip the length value
+        length -= 4; // length is the size of (string length + string)
+    } else {
+        if (p_length2write == -1) {
+            length = p_datas.size();
+        } else {
+            length = p_length2write;
+        }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const short p_short, const C24LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short): Memory address:0x%02x, Mode:%d", p_address, p_mode)
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        char i2cBuffer[4]; // Memory address + one short (2 bytes)
-        // 1.1. Memory address
-        //short address = p_address + 1; // Index start to 1
-        short address = p_address;  // no Index+1
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 1.2. Datas
-        if (p_mode == BigEndian) {
-            i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)(p_short >> 8);
-            i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_short & 0xff);
-        } else {
-            i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_short & 0xff);
-            i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)(p_short >> 8);
-        }
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short): value=0x%02x%02x", i2cBuffer[2], i2cBuffer[3])
-        // 2. Send I2C start + I2C address + Memory Address + Datas + I2C stop
-        int result = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 4);
-        wait(0.02);
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (short) %x", (bool)(result == 0))
-        return (bool)(result == 0);
-    }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const int p_int, const C24LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int): Memory address:0x%02x, Mode:%d", p_address, p_mode)
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        char i2cBuffer[6]; // Memory address + one integer (4 bytes)
-        // 1.1. Memory address
-        //short address = p_address + 1; // Index start to 1
-        short address = p_address;  // no Index+1
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 1.2. Datas
-        if (p_mode == BigEndian) {
-            i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 24);
-            i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 16);
-            i2cBuffer[4] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 8);
-            i2cBuffer[5] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_int & 0xff);
-        } else {
-            i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_int & 0xff);
-            i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 8);
-            i2cBuffer[4] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 16);
-            i2cBuffer[5] = (unsigned char)(p_int >> 24);
-        }
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int): value=0x%02x%02x%02x%02x", i2cBuffer[2], i2cBuffer[3], i2cBuffer[4], i2cBuffer[5])
-        // 2. Send I2C start + I2C address + Memory Address + Datas + I2C stop
-        int result = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 6);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): length= %d", length)
+    // 2. Memory address
+    char i2cBuffer[2];
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 3. Send I2C start + memory address
+    if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (int) %x", (bool)(result == 0))
-        return (bool)(result == 0);
-    }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const std::string & p_string, const bool p_storeLength, const int p_length2write) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (std::string)")
-        return Write(p_address, p_string.c_str(), p_storeLength, p_length2write);
-    }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const std::vector<unsigned char> & p_datas, const bool p_storeLength, const int p_length2write) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (std::vector)")
-        int length = (p_length2write == -1) ? p_datas.size() : p_length2write;
-        unsigned char array[length];
-        std::copy(p_datas.begin(), p_datas.end(), array);
-        bool result = Write(p_address, array, p_storeLength, length);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): Write memory done")
+        // 4. read data + I2C stop
+        unsigned char buffer[length];
+        int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, (char *)buffer, length);
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (std::vector): %d", result)
-        return result;
-    }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const char *p_datas, const bool p_storeLength, const int p_length2write) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *): Memory address: 0x%02x - %x - %d", p_address, p_storeLength, p_length2write)
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        int length = (p_length2write == -1) ? strlen(p_datas) : p_length2write;
-        if (p_storeLength) {
-            length += 4; // Add four bytes for the length as integer
-        }
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *): length:%d", length)
-        char i2cBuffer[2 + length];
-        // 1.1. Memory address
-        //short address = p_address + 1; // Index start to 1
-        short address = p_address;  // no Index+1
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 1.2. Datas
-        if (p_storeLength) {
-            // Fill the length
-            i2cBuffer[2] = (unsigned char)(length >> 24);
-            i2cBuffer[3] = (unsigned char)(length >> 16);
-            i2cBuffer[4] = (unsigned char)(length >> 8);
-            i2cBuffer[5] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)length & 0xff);
-            for (int i = 0; i < length - 4; i++) {
-                i2cBuffer[6 + i] = *(p_datas + i);
-            }
-        } else { // The length was not stored
-            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-                i2cBuffer[2 + i] = *(p_datas + i);
-            }
-        }
-        // 2. Send I2C start + I2C address + Memory Address + Datas + I2C stop
-        int result = _i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2 + length);
-        wait(0.02);
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (char *) %x", (bool)(result == 0))
-        return (bool)(result == 0);
-    }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Write(const short p_address, const unsigned char *p_datas, const bool p_storeLength, const int p_length2write) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Write (byte *): Memory address: 0x%02x - %x - %d", p_address, p_storeLength, p_length2write)
-        return Write(p_address, (const char *)p_datas, p_storeLength, p_length2write);
-    }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, unsigned char * p_byte) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): Memory address:0x%02x", p_address)
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        char i2cBuffer[2];
-        // 1.1. Memory address
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(p_address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 2. Send I2C start + memory address
-        if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
-            wait(0.02);
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): Write memory done")
-            // 2. Read data + I2C stop
-            int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, (char *)p_byte, 1);
-            wait(0.02);
-            DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte): %x", (bool)(result == 0))
+        if (result == 0) {
+            p_datas.assign(buffer, buffer + length);
+            DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): %x", (bool)(result == 0))
             return (bool)(result == 0);
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (byte) (false)")
-        return false;
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, short *p_short, const C24LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): Memory address:0x%02x, Mode:%d", p_address, p_mode)
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        char i2cBuffer[2];
-        // 1.1. Memory address
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(p_address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 2. Send I2C start + memory address
-        if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
-            wait(0.02);
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): Write memory done")
-            // 2. Read data + I2C stop
-            int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2);
-            if (result == 0) {
-DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): value: 0x%02x - 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0], i2cBuffer[1])
-                if (p_mode ==  BigEndian) {
-                    *p_short = (short)(i2cBuffer[0] << 8 | i2cBuffer[1]);
-                } else {
-                    *p_short = (short)(i2cBuffer[1] << 8 | i2cBuffer[0]);
-                }
-                DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short): 0x%04x", *p_short)
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (short) (false)")
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, int *p_int, const C24LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): Memory address:0x%02x, Mode:%d", p_address, p_mode)
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        char i2cBuffer[4];
-        // 1.1. Memory address
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(p_address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)p_address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 2. Send I2C start + memory address
-        if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
-            wait(0.02);
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): Write memory done")
-            // 2. Read data + I2C stop
-            int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 4);
-            if (result == 0) {
-DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): value: 0x%02x - 0x%02x - 0x%02x - 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0], i2cBuffer[1], i2cBuffer[2], i2cBuffer[3])
-                wait(0.02);
-                if (p_mode ==  BigEndian) {
-                    *p_int = (int)(i2cBuffer[0] << 24 | i2cBuffer[1] << 16 | i2cBuffer[2] << 8 | i2cBuffer[3]);
-                } else {
-                    *p_int = (int)(i2cBuffer[3] << 24 | i2cBuffer[2] << 16 | i2cBuffer[1] << 8 | i2cBuffer[0]);
-                }
-                DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int): %d", *p_int)
-                return true;
-            }
-            DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int):false")
-            return false;
-        }
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (int) (false)")
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, std::vector<unsigned char> & p_datas, const bool p_readLengthFirst, const int p_length2write) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): Memory address:0x%02x, readLength:%01x, Length:%d", p_address, p_readLengthFirst, p_length2write)
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        short address = p_address;
-        int length = 0;
-        if (p_readLengthFirst) {
-            if (!Read(address, &length)) { // Read the length in big endian mode
-                DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector) Failed to read length")
-                return false;
-            }
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): length= %d", length)
-            if (length == 0) {
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector) (false)")
+    return false;
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, std::string & p_string, const bool p_readLengthFirst, const int p_length2write)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): Memory address:0x%02x, readLength:%01x, Length:%d", p_address, p_readLengthFirst, p_length2write)
+    /*        std::vector<unsigned char> datas;
+            if (Read(p_address, datas, p_readLengthFirst, p_length2write) == true) {
+                p_string.assign((char *)datas.begin(), datas.size());
                 return true;
-            address += 4; // Skip the length value 
-            length -= 4; // length is the size of (string length + string)
-        } else {
-            if (p_length2write == -1) {
-                length = p_datas.size();
-            } else {
-                length = p_length2write;
-            }
+            DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string) (false)")
+            return false;
+    */
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    short address = p_address;
+    int length = -1;
+    if (p_readLengthFirst) { // The string was stored with its length
+        if (!Read(address, &length)) { // Read the length as integer in big endian mode
+            DEBUG_ERROR("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): Failed to read length")
+            return false;
+        }
+        wait(0.02);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): length=%d", length)
+        if (length == 0) {
+            DEBUG_ERROR("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): empty")
+            return true;
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): length= %d", length)
-        // 2. Memory address
-        char i2cBuffer[2];
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 3. Send I2C start + memory address
-        if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
-            wait(0.02);
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): Write memory done")
-            // 4. read data + I2C stop
-            unsigned char buffer[length];
-            int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, (char *)buffer, length);
-            wait(0.02);
-            if (result == 0) {
-                p_datas.assign(buffer, buffer + length);
-                DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector): %x", (bool)(result == 0))
-                return (bool)(result == 0);
-            }
+        address += 4; // Skip the length value size
+        length -= 4; // length is the size of (string length + string)
+    } else { // The string length is provided by p_length2write parameter
+        if (p_length2write == -1) {
+            length = p_string.size();
+        } else {
+            length = p_length2write;
+            p_string.resize(p_length2write);
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (vector) (false)")
-        return false;
-    bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address, std::string & p_string, const bool p_readLengthFirst, const int p_length2write) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): Memory address:0x%02x, readLength:%01x, Length:%d", p_address, p_readLengthFirst, p_length2write)
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): Address=0x%02x - Length=%d", address, length)
+    // 2. Memory address
+    char i2cBuffer[2];
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-/*        std::vector<unsigned char> datas;
-        if (Read(p_address, datas, p_readLengthFirst, p_length2write) == true) {
-            p_string.assign((char *)datas.begin(), datas.size());
+    // 3. Send I2C start + memory address with repeat start
+    if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
+        wait(0.02);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): Write memory done")
+        // 4. Read data + I2C stop
+        char buffer[length];
+        int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, (char *)buffer, length);
+        if (result == 0) {
+            p_string.assign(buffer, length);
             return true;
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string) (false)")
-        return false;
-        // 1.Prepare buffer
-        short address = p_address;
-        int length = -1;
-        if (p_readLengthFirst) { // The string was stored with its length
-            if (!Read(address, &length)) { // Read the length as integer in big endian mode
-                DEBUG_ERROR("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): Failed to read length")
-                return false;
-            }
-            wait(0.02);
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): length=%d", length)
-            if (length == 0) {
-                DEBUG_ERROR("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): empty")
-                return true;
-            }
-            address += 4; // Skip the length value size 
-            length -= 4; // length is the size of (string length + string)
-        } else { // The string length is provided by p_length2write parameter
-            if (p_length2write == -1) {
-                length = p_string.size();
-            } else {
-                length = p_length2write;
-                p_string.resize(p_length2write);
-            }
-        }
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): Address=0x%02x - Length=%d", address, length)
-        // 2. Memory address
-        char i2cBuffer[2];
-        i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
-        i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
-        // 3. Send I2C start + memory address with repeat start
-        if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
-            wait(0.02);
-            DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string): Write memory done")
-            // 4. Read data + I2C stop
-            char buffer[length];
-            int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, (char *)buffer, length);
-            if (result == 0) {
-                p_string.assign(buffer, length);
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string) (false)")
-        return false;
-#if defined(__DEBUG)
-    void C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea(const int p_address, const int p_count) {
-        DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea: %d - %d", p_address, p_count)
-        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea: Reading datas...");
-        std::vector<unsigned char> datas(p_count);
-        if (!Read(p_address, datas, false)) { // Read bytes, including the lenght indication, buffer size is not set before the call
-            std::cout << "C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea: read failed\r" << std::endl;
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (string) (false)")
+    return false;
+bool C24LCXX_I2C::Read(const short p_address,  unsigned char * p_datas, bool p_readLengthFirst , int p_length2write)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *): Memory address:0x%02x, readLength:%01x, Length:%d", p_address, p_readLengthFirst, p_length2write)
+    // 1.Prepare buffer
+    short address = p_address;
+    int length = -1;
+    if (p_readLengthFirst) { // The string was stored with its length
+        if (!Read(address, &length)) { // Read the length as integer in big endian mode
+            DEBUG_ERROR("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *): Failed to read length")
+            return false;
+        }
+        wait(0.02);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *): length=%d", length)
+        if (length == 0) {
+            DEBUG_ERROR("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *): empty")
+            return true;
+        }
+        address += 4; // Skip the length value size
+        length -= 4; // length is the size of (string length + string)
+    } else { // The string length is provided by p_length2write parameter
+        if (p_length2write == -1) {
+            // read the size of buffer
+            length = strlen((const char*)p_datas);
         } else {
-            std::cout << "C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea: Read bytes:\r" << std::endl;
-            HEXADUMP(&datas[0], p_count);
-            std::cout << "\r" << std::endl;
+            length = p_length2write;
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *): Address=0x%02x - Length=%d", address, length)
+    // 2. Memory address
+    char i2cBuffer[2];
+    i2cBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(address >> 8);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *): pI2CBuffer[0]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[0])
+    i2cBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)((unsigned char)address & 0xff);
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *): pI2CBuffer[1]: 0x%02x", i2cBuffer[1])
+    // 3. Send I2C start + memory address with repeat start
+    if (_i2cInstance->write(_slaveAddress, i2cBuffer, 2, true) == 0) {
+        wait(0.02);
+        DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *): Write memory done")
+        // 4. Read data + I2C stop
+        int result = _i2cInstance->read(_slaveAddress, (char *)p_datas, length);
+        HEXADUMP((unsigned char *) p_datas, length);
+        if (result == 0) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    DEBUG_LEAVE("C24LCXX_I2C::Read (char *) (false)")
+    return false;
+#if defined(__DEBUG)
+void C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea(const int p_address, const int p_count)
+    DEBUG_ENTER("C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea: %d - %d", p_address, p_count)
+    DEBUG("C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea: Reading datas...");
+    std::vector<unsigned char> datas(p_count);
+    if (!Read(p_address, datas, false)) { // Read bytes, including the lenght indication, buffer size is not set before the call
+        std::cout << "C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea: read failed\r" << std::endl;
+    } else {
+        std::cout << "C24LCXX_I2C::DumpMemoryArea: Read bytes:\r" << std::endl;
+        HEXADUMP(&datas[0], p_count);
+        std::cout << "\r" << std::endl;
+    }
 #endif // _DEBUG
 } // End of namespace _24LCXX_I2C
diff -r fc3eb4d2b07e -r 2add27250e69 24LCxx_I2C.h
--- a/24LCxx_I2C.h	Wed May 21 19:58:39 2014 +0000
+++ b/24LCxx_I2C.h	Tue Dec 23 17:21:25 2014 +0000
@@ -76,7 +76,11 @@
          * - If A1 and A2 pins are tired to Vdd and A0 is tired to Vss, address shall '00000110'B
          * - If A0 and A1 pins are tired to Vss and A2 is tired to Vdd, address shall '00000100'B
-        C24LCXX_I2C(const PinName p_sda, const PinName p_scl, const unsigned char p_address, const PinName p_wp = NC, const unsigned int p_frequency = 400000);
+        //C24LCXX_I2C(const PinName p_sda, const PinName p_scl, const unsigned char p_address, const PinName p_wp = NC, const unsigned int p_frequency = 400000);
+        /* defaults to a 24LC256: 256 kbit, 64Bytes PageSize */
+        C24LCXX_I2C(const PinName p_sda, const PinName p_scl, const unsigned char p_address, const PinName p_wp = NC, const unsigned int p_frequency = 400000,
+                    const uint32_t deviceSize = 256, const uint8_t pageSize = 64);
         /** Destructor
@@ -187,7 +191,6 @@
         /** Write a buffer of characters at the specified memory address (from 0 to N - 1, N is the number of cells of the memory)
-         * Note that the length of the buffer is not saved and the string is saved in Big Endian mode
          * @param p_address The memory address (from 0 to N - 1, N is the number of cells of the memory)
          * @param p_datas The string to save
          * @param p_storeLength If true, store also the length of the string in Big Endian mode, otherwise the length will be provided by p_length2write parameter. Default value: true.
@@ -277,6 +280,23 @@
         bool Read(const short p_address, std::string & p_string, bool p_readLengthFirst = true, int p_length2write = -1);
+        /** Read a buffer of characters from the specified memory address and store it into char array
+         *
+         * @param p_address The memory address (from 0 to N - 1, N is the number of cells of the memory)
+         * @param p_datas The string buffer to fill
+         * @param p_readLengthFirst If true, read the length first and p_length2write parameter is ignored, otherwise the length is provided by p_length2write parameter. Default value: true
+         * @param p_length2write The number of character to write, -1 to use the size of the string buffer
+         * @return true on success, false otherwise
+         * Exemple:
+         * @code
+         * char[255] readtext;
+         * ...
+         * myEEPROM.Read(memoryAddress, readtext);
+         * ...
+         * @endcode
+         */
+        bool Read(const short p_address, unsigned char * p_datas, bool p_readLengthFirst = true, int p_length2write = -1);
         /** Activate or deactivate write protect (pin 7)
          * Note that a voltage of 3.3V apply to WP input of 24LCxx device is enough to enable write protect
@@ -309,9 +329,22 @@
 #endif // _DEBUG
+        /* write to EEPROM. Take care of pageBoundaries */
+        int i2cWrite(short address, const char *data, int length);
         /** Internal reference identifier
         std::string _internalId;
+        /** pageSize of device in Bytes
+        */
+        uint8_t _pageSize;
+        /** Device Size of Device in Kbits
+        */
+        uint32_t _deviceSize;
     }; // End of class C24LCXX_I2C