
Dependents:   CDMS_CODE CDMS_CODE_FM_28JAN2017 CDMS_CODE_FM_28JAN2017 CDMS_FM_21JUL2017_EEPROM_JOEL ... more

Fork of eeprom by bernard borredon



File content as of revision 5:b65b74065b7f:

#ifndef __EEPROM__H_
#define __EEPROM__H_

// Includes
#include <string> 
#include "mbed.h"

// Defines
#define EEPROM_Address     0xa0

#define EEPROM_NoError     0x00
#define EEPROM_BadAddress  0x01
#define EEPROM_I2cError    0x02
#define EEPROM_ParamError  0x03
#define EEPROM_OutOfRange  0x04
#define EEPROM_MallocError 0x05

#define EEPROM_MaxError       6

static std::string _ErrorMessageEEPROM[EEPROM_MaxError] = {
                                                            "Bad chip address",
                                                            "I2C error (nack)",
                                                            "Invalid parameter",
                                                            "Data address out of range",
                                                            "Memory allocation error"

/** EEPROM Class
class EEPROM {
    enum TypeEeprom {T24C512=65536} Type;
     * Constructor, initialize the eeprom on i2c interface.
     * @param sda sda i2c pin (PinName)
     * @param scl scl i2c pin (PinName)
     * @param address eeprom address, according to eeprom type (uint8_t)
     * @param type eeprom type (TypeEeprom) 
     * @return none
    EEPROM(PinName sda, PinName scl, uint8_t address, TypeEeprom type);
     * Random read long
     * @param address start address (uint32_t)
     * @param data long to read (int32_t&)
     * @return none
    void read(uint32_t address, int32_t& data);
     * Sequential read byte
     * @param address start address (uint32_t)
     * @param data bytes array to read (int8_t[]&)
     * @param size number of bytes to read (uint32_t)
     * @return none
    void read(uint32_t address, int8_t *data, uint32_t size);
     * Write long
     * @param address start address (uint32_t)
     * @param data long to write (int32_t)
     * @return none
    void write(uint32_t address, int32_t data);
     * Write array of bytes (use the page mode)
     * @param address start address (uint32_t)
     * @param data bytes array to write (int8_t[])
     * @param size number of bytes to write (uint32_t)
     * @return none
    void write(uint32_t address, int8_t data[], uint32_t size);
     * Wait eeprom ready
     * @param none
     * @return none
    void ready(void);
     * Get eeprom size in bytes
     * @param none
     * @return size in bytes (uint32_t)
    uint32_t getSize(void);
     * Get eeprom name
     * @param none
     * @return name (const char*)
    const char* getName(void);
     * Clear eeprom (write with 0)
     * @param  none
     * @return none
    void clear(void);
     * Get the current error number (EEPROM_NoError if no error)
     * @param  none
     * @return none
    uint8_t getError(void);
     * Get current error message
     * @param  none
     * @return current error message(std::string)
    std::string getErrorMessage(void)
//---------- local variables ----------
    I2C _i2c;              // Local i2c communication interface instance
    int _address;          // Local i2c address
    uint8_t _errnum;       // Error number
    TypeEeprom _type;      // EEPROM type
    uint8_t _page_write;   // Page write size
    uint8_t _page_number;  // Number of page
    uint32_t _size;        // Size in bytes
    bool checkAddress(uint32_t address); // Check address range
    static const char * const _name[]; // eeprom name