Attempting to publish a tree

Dependencies:   nrf51-sdk

Dependents:   microbit-dal

Fork of nRF51822 by Lancaster University

diff -r d6682155f833 -r d5da37e9a93b btle/btle_discovery.h
--- a/btle/btle_discovery.h	Fri Jun 19 15:55:24 2015 +0100
+++ b/btle/btle_discovery.h	Fri Jun 19 15:55:24 2015 +0100
@@ -18,102 +18,10 @@
 #include "ble.h"
-#include "UUID.h"
-#include "Gap.h"
+#include "ServiceDiscovery.h"
 void bleGattcEventHandler(const ble_evt_t *p_ble_evt);
-class ServiceDiscovery {
-    /**@brief Structure for holding information about the service and the characteristics found during
-     *        the discovery process.
-     */
-    struct DiscoveredService {
-        void setup(ShortUUIDBytes_t uuidIn, Gap::Handle_t start, Gap::Handle_t end) {
-            uuid        = uuidIn;
-            startHandle = start;
-            endHandle   = end;
-        }
-        ShortUUIDBytes_t uuid;        /**< UUID of the service.  */
-        Gap::Handle_t    startHandle; /**< Service Handle Range. */
-        Gap::Handle_t    endHandle;   /**< Service Handle Range. */
-    };
-    /**@brief Structure for holding information about the service and the characteristics found during
-     *        the discovery process.
-     */
-    struct DiscoveredCharacteristic {
-        struct Properties_t {
-            static const uint8_t BROADCAST_PROPERTY_MASK         = 0x01;
-            static const uint8_t READ_PROPERTY_MASK              = 0x02;
-            static const uint8_t WRITE_WO_RESPONSE_PROPERTY_MASK = 0x04;
-            static const uint8_t WRITE_PROPERTY_MASK             = 0x08;
-            static const uint8_t NOTIFY_PROPERTY_MASK            = 0x10;
-            static const uint8_t INDICATE_PROPERTY_MASK          = 0x20;
-            static const uint8_t AUTH_SIGNED_PROPERTY_MASK       = 0x40;
-            Properties_t() : broadcast(0), read(0), write_wo_resp(0), write(0), notify(0), indicate(0), auth_signed_wr(0) {
-                /* empty */
-            }
-            Properties_t(uint8_t props) :
-                broadcast(props & BROADCAST_PROPERTY_MASK),
-                read(props & READ_PROPERTY_MASK),
-                write_wo_resp(props & WRITE_WO_RESPONSE_PROPERTY_MASK),
-                write(props & WRITE_PROPERTY_MASK),
-                notify(props & NOTIFY_PROPERTY_MASK),
-                indicate(props & INDICATE_PROPERTY_MASK),
-                auth_signed_wr(props & AUTH_SIGNED_PROPERTY_MASK) {
-                /* empty*/
-            }
-            uint8_t broadcast      :1; /**< Broadcasting of the value permitted. */
-            uint8_t read           :1; /**< Reading the value permitted. */
-            uint8_t write_wo_resp  :1; /**< Writing the value with Write Command permitted. */
-            uint8_t write          :1; /**< Writing the value with Write Request permitted. */
-            uint8_t notify         :1; /**< Notications of the value permitted. */
-            uint8_t indicate       :1; /**< Indications of the value permitted. */
-            uint8_t auth_signed_wr :1; /**< Writing the value with Signed Write Command permitted. */
-        };
-        void setup(ShortUUIDBytes_t uuidIn, Properties_t propsIn, Gap::Handle_t declHandleIn, Gap::Handle_t valueHandleIn) {
-            uuid        = uuidIn;
-            props       = propsIn;
-            declHandle  = declHandleIn;
-            valueHandle = valueHandleIn;
-        }
-        ShortUUIDBytes_t uuid;
-        Properties_t     props;
-        Gap::Handle_t    declHandle;
-        Gap::Handle_t    valueHandle;
-    };
-    typedef void (*ServiceCallback_t)(const DiscoveredService &);
-    typedef void (*CharacteristicCallback_t)(const DiscoveredCharacteristic &);
-    static ble_error_t launch(Gap::Handle_t            connectionHandle,
-                              ServiceCallback_t        sc,
-                              CharacteristicCallback_t cc = NULL);
-    static ble_error_t launch(Gap::Handle_t            connectionHandle,
-                              UUID                     matchingServiceUUIDIn,
-                              ServiceCallback_t        sc,
-                              UUID                     matchingCharacteristicUUIDIn = ShortUUIDBytes_t(BLE_UUID_UNKNOWN),
-                              CharacteristicCallback_t cc = NULL);
-    static void        terminate(void);
-    Gap::Handle_t            connHandle; /**< Connection handle as provided by the SoftDevice. */
-    UUID                     matchingServiceUUID;
-    ServiceCallback_t        serviceCallback;
-    UUID                     matchingCharacteristicUUID;
-    CharacteristicCallback_t characteristicCallback;
 class NordicServiceDiscovery : public ServiceDiscovery