for R503 fingerprint

Dependents:   R503_fingerprint_HelloWorld

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Fingerprint.cpp	Tue Mar 16 16:31:41 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+ * @file Fingerprint.cpp
+ *
+ * @mainpage Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library
+ *
+ * @section intro_sec Introduction
+ *
+ * This is a library for our optical Fingerprint sensor
+ *
+ * Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit Fingerprint sensor
+ * ---.
+ *
+ * These displays use TTL Serial to communicate, 2 pins are required to
+ * interface
+ * Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
+ * please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
+ * products from Adafruit!
+ *
+ * @section author Author
+ *
+ * Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
+ *
+ * @section license License
+ *
+ * BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
+ *
+ */
+#include "Fingerprint.h"
+ * @brief Gets the command packet
+ */
+#define GET_CMD_PACKET(...)                                                    \
+uint8_t data[] = {__VA_ARGS__};                                                \
+ Fingerprint_Packet packet(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, sizeof(data),data);      \
+  writeStructuredPacket(packet);                                               \
+  if (getStructuredPacket(&packet) != FINGERPRINT_OK)                          \
+    return FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR;                                       \
+  if (packet->type != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET)                                   \
+ * @brief Sends the command packet
+ */
+#define SEND_CMD_PACKET(...)                                                   \
+  GET_CMD_PACKET(__VA_ARGS__);                                                 \
+  return packet->data[0];
+ ***************************************************************************/
+    @brief  Instantiates sensor with Software Serial
+    @param  ss Pointer to SoftwareSerial object
+    @param  password 32-bit integer password (default is 0)
+Fingerprint::Fingerprint(PinName serialTX, PinName serialRX, PinName reset, uint32_t password) :
+    R503Serial(serialTX, serialRX), _reset(reset) 
+  thePassword = password;
+  theAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+  status_reg = 0x0; ///< The status register (set by getParameters)
+  system_id = 0x0;  ///< The system identifier (set by getParameters)
+  capacity = 64; ///< The fingerprint capacity (set by getParameters)
+  security_level = 0; ///< The security level (set by getParameters)
+  device_addr = 0xFFFFFFFF;             ///< The device address (set by getParameters)
+  packet_len = 64;   ///< The max packet length (set by getParameters)
+  baud_rate = 57600; ///< The UART baud rate (set by getParameters)
+    @brief  Initializes serial interface and baud rate
+    @param  baudrate Sensor's UART baud rate (usually 57600, 9600 or 115200)
+void Fingerprint::begin(uint32_t baudrate) {
+     R503Serial.baud(baudrate);
+    @brief  Verifies the sensors' access password (default password is
+   0x0000000). A good way to also check if the sensors is active and responding
+    @returns True if password is correct
+bool Fingerprint::verifyPassword(void) {
+  return checkPassword() == FINGERPRINT_OK;
+uint8_t Fingerprint::checkPassword(void) {
+  GET_CMD_PACKET(FINGERPRINT_VERIFYPASSWORD, (uint8_t)(thePassword >> 24),(uint8_t)(thePassword >> 16), (uint8_t)(thePassword >> 8),(uint8_t)(thePassword & 0xFF));
+  if (packet->data[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK)
+    return FINGERPRINT_OK;
+  else
+    @brief  Get the sensors parameters, fills in the member variables
+    status_reg, system_id, capacity, security_level, device_addr, packet_len
+    and baud_rate
+    @returns True if password is correct
+uint8_t Fingerprint::getParameters(void) {
+  status_reg = ((uint16_t)packet->data[1] << 8) | packet->data[2];
+  system_id = ((uint16_t)packet->data[3] << 8) | packet->data[4];
+  capacity = ((uint16_t)packet->data[5] << 8) | packet->data[6];
+  security_level = ((uint16_t)packet->data[7] << 8) | packet->data[8];
+  device_addr = ((uint32_t)packet->data[9] << 24) |
+                ((uint32_t)packet->data[10] << 16) |
+                ((uint32_t)packet->data[11] << 8) | (uint32_t)packet->data[12];
+  packet_len = ((uint16_t)packet->data[13] << 8) | packet->data[14];
+  if (packet_len == 0) {
+    packet_len = 32;
+  } else if (packet_len == 1) {
+    packet_len = 64;
+  } else if (packet_len == 2) {
+    packet_len = 128;
+  } else if (packet_len == 3) {
+    packet_len = 256;
+  }
+  baud_rate = (((uint16_t)packet->data[15] << 8) | packet->data[16]) * 9600;
+  return packet->data[0];
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to take an image of the finger pressed on surface
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_NOFINGER</code> if no finger detected
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_IMAGEFAIL</code> on imaging error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::getImage(void) {
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to convert image to feature template
+    @param slot Location to place feature template (put one in 1 and another in
+   2 for verification to create model)
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_IMAGEMESS</code> if image is too messy
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_FEATUREFAIL</code> on failure to identify
+   fingerprint features
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_INVALIDIMAGE</code> on failure to identify
+   fingerprint features
+uint8_t Fingerprint::image2Tz(uint8_t slot) {
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to take two print feature template and create a
+   model
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_ENROLLMISMATCH</code> on mismatch of fingerprints
+uint8_t Fingerprint::createModel(void) {
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to store the calculated model for later matching
+    @param   location The model location #
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION</code> if the location is invalid
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_FLASHERR</code> if the model couldn't be written
+   to flash memory
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::storeModel(uint16_t location) {
+  SEND_CMD_PACKET(FINGERPRINT_STORE, 0x01, (uint8_t)(location >> 8),
+                  (uint8_t)(location & 0xFF));
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to load a fingerprint model from flash into buffer 1
+    @param   location The model location #
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION</code> if the location is invalid
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::loadModel(uint16_t location) {
+  SEND_CMD_PACKET(FINGERPRINT_LOAD, 0x01, (uint8_t)(location >> 8),
+                  (uint8_t)(location & 0xFF));
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to transfer 256-byte fingerprint template from the
+   buffer to the UART
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::getModel(void) {
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to delete a model in memory
+    @param   location The model location #
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION</code> if the location is invalid
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_FLASHERR</code> if the model couldn't be written
+   to flash memory
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::deleteModel(uint16_t location) {
+  SEND_CMD_PACKET(FINGERPRINT_DELETE, (uint8_t)(location >> 8),
+                  (uint8_t)(location & 0xFF), 0x00, 0x01);
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to delete ALL models in memory
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION</code> if the location is invalid
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_FLASHERR</code> if the model couldn't be written
+   to flash memory
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::emptyDatabase(void) {
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to search the current slot 1 fingerprint features to
+   match saved templates. The matching location is stored in <b>fingerID</b> and
+   the matching confidence in <b>confidence</b>
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on fingerprint match success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_NOTFOUND</code> no match made
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::fingerFastSearch(void) {
+  // high speed search of slot #1 starting at page 0x0000 and page #0x00A3
+  GET_CMD_PACKET(FINGERPRINT_HISPEEDSEARCH, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA3);
+  fingerID = 0xFFFF;
+  confidence = 0xFFFF;
+  fingerID = packet->data[1];
+  fingerID <<= 8;
+  fingerID |= packet->data[2];
+  confidence = packet->data[3];
+  confidence <<= 8;
+  confidence |= packet->data[4];
+  return packet->data[0];
+    @brief   Control the built in LED
+    @param on True if you want LED on, False to turn LED off
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+uint8_t Fingerprint::LEDcontrol(bool on) {
+  if (on) {
+  } else {
+  }
+    @brief   Control the built in Aura LED (if exists). Check datasheet/manual
+    for different colors and control codes available
+    @param control The control code (e.g. breathing, full on)
+    @param speed How fast to go through the breathing/blinking cycles
+    @param coloridx What color to light the indicator
+    @param count How many repeats of blinks/breathing cycles
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on fingerprint match success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_NOTFOUND</code> no match made
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::LEDcontrol(uint8_t control, uint8_t speed,
+                                         uint8_t coloridx, uint8_t count) {
+  SEND_CMD_PACKET(FINGERPRINT_AURALEDCONFIG, control, speed, coloridx, count);
+    @brief   Ask the sensor to search the current slot fingerprint features to
+   match saved templates. The matching location is stored in <b>fingerID</b> and
+   the matching confidence in <b>confidence</b>
+   @param slot The slot to use for the print search, defaults to 1
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on fingerprint match success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_NOTFOUND</code> no match made
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::fingerSearch(uint8_t slot) {
+  // search of slot starting thru the capacity
+  GET_CMD_PACKET(FINGERPRINT_SEARCH, slot, 0x00, 0x00, capacity >> 8,
+                 capacity & 0xFF);
+  fingerID = 0xFFFF;
+  confidence = 0xFFFF;
+  fingerID = packet->data[1];
+  fingerID <<= 8;
+  fingerID |= packet->data[2];
+  confidence = packet->data[3];
+  confidence <<= 8;
+  confidence |= packet->data[4];
+  return packet->data[0];
+    @brief   Ask the sensor for the number of templates stored in memory. The
+   number is stored in <b>templateCount</b> on success.
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::getTemplateCount(void) {
+  templateCount = packet->data[1];
+  templateCount <<= 8;
+  templateCount |= packet->data[2];
+  return packet->data[0];
+    @brief   Set the password on the sensor (future communication will require
+   password verification so don't forget it!!!)
+    @param   password 32-bit password code
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR</code> on communication error
+uint8_t Fingerprint::setPassword(uint32_t password) {
+  SEND_CMD_PACKET(FINGERPRINT_SETPASSWORD, (password >> 24), (password >> 16),
+                  (password >> 8), password);
+    @brief   Helper function to process a packet and send it over UART to the
+   sensor
+    @param   packet A structure containing the bytes to transmit
+void Fingerprint::writeStructuredPacket(const Fingerprint_Packet &packet) 
+  R503Serial.putc((uint8_t)(packet->start_code >> 8));
+  R503Serial.putc((uint8_t)(packet->start_code & 0xFF));
+  R503Serial.putc(packet->address[0]);
+  R503Serial.putc(packet->address[1]);
+  R503Serial.putc(packet->address[2]);
+  R503Serial.putc(packet->address[3]);
+  R503Serial.putc(packet->type);
+  uint16_t wire_length = packet->length + 2;
+  R503Serial.putc((uint8_t)(wire_length >> 8));
+  R503Serial.putc((uint8_t)(wire_length & 0xFF));
+  Serial.print(". 0x");
+  Serial.print((uint8_t)(packet->start_code >> 8), HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print((uint8_t)(packet->start_code & 0xFF), HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print(packet->address[0], HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print(packet->address[1], HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print(packet->address[2], HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print(packet->address[3], HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print(packet->type, HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print((uint8_t)(wire_length >> 8), HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print((uint8_t)(wire_length & 0xFF), HEX);
+  uint16_t sum = ((wire_length) >> 8) + ((wire_length)&0xFF) + packet->type;
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < packet->length; i++) {
+    R503Serial.putc(packet->data[i]);
+    sum += packet->data[i];
+    Serial.print(", 0x");
+    Serial.print(packet->data[i], HEX);
+  }
+  R503Serial.putc((uint8_t)(sum >> 8));
+  R503Serial.putc((uint8_t)(sum & 0xFF));
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.print((uint8_t)(sum >> 8), HEX);
+  Serial.print(", 0x");
+  Serial.println((uint8_t)(sum & 0xFF), HEX);
+  return;
+    @brief   Helper function to receive data over UART from the sensor and
+   process it into a packet
+    @param   packet A structure containing the bytes received
+    @param   timeout how many milliseconds we're willing to wait
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_OK</code> on success
+    @returns <code>FINGERPRINT_TIMEOUT</code> or
+   <code>FINGERPRINT_BADPACKET</code> on failure
+Fingerprint::getStructuredPacket(Fingerprint_Packet *packet,
+                                          uint16_t timeout) {
+  uint8_t byte;
+  uint16_t idx = 0, timer = 0;
+  Serial.print("<- ");
+  while (true) {
+    while (!R503Serial.readable()) {
+      wait_ms(1);
+      timer++;
+      if (timer >= timeout) {
+        Serial.println("Timed out");
+        return FINGERPRINT_TIMEOUT;
+      }
+    }
+    byte = R503Serial.getc();
+    Serial.print("0x");
+    Serial.print(byte, HEX);
+    Serial.print(", ");
+    switch (idx) {
+    case 0:
+      if (byte != (FINGERPRINT_STARTCODE >> 8))
+        continue;
+      packet->start_code = (uint16_t)byte << 8;
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      packet->start_code |= byte;
+      if (packet->start_code != FINGERPRINT_STARTCODE)
+      break;
+    case 2:
+    case 3:
+    case 4:
+    case 5:
+      packet->address[idx - 2] = byte;
+      break;
+    case 6:
+      packet->type = byte;
+      break;
+    case 7:
+      packet->length = (uint16_t)byte << 8;
+      break;
+    case 8:
+      packet->length |= byte;
+      break;
+    default:
+      packet->data[idx - 9] = byte;
+      if ((idx - 8) == packet->length) {
+        Serial.println(" OK ");
+        return FINGERPRINT_OK;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    idx++;
+  }
+  // Shouldn't get here so...