Fingerprint and demo library for ARM-STM32 made from the Arduino library for R503

Dependents:   R503_fingerprint_HelloWorldV4

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Fingerprint.h	Tue Mar 16 16:31:41 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ * @file Fingerprint.h
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <string.h>
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t ;
+//typedef unsigned int uint16_t;
+//typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
+#define FINGERPRINT_OK 0x00               //!< Command execution is complete
+#define FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR 0x01 //!< Error when receiving data package
+#define FINGERPRINT_NOFINGER 0x02         //!< No finger on the sensor
+#define FINGERPRINT_IMAGEFAIL 0x03        //!< Failed to enroll the finger
+#define FINGERPRINT_IMAGEMESS                                                  \
+  0x06 //!< Failed to generate character file due to overly disorderly
+       //!< fingerprint image
+#define FINGERPRINT_FEATUREFAIL                                                \
+  0x07 //!< Failed to generate character file due to the lack of character point
+       //!< or small fingerprint image
+#define FINGERPRINT_NOMATCH 0x08  //!< Finger doesn't match
+#define FINGERPRINT_NOTFOUND 0x09 //!< Failed to find matching finger
+#define FINGERPRINT_ENROLLMISMATCH                                             \
+  0x0A //!< Failed to combine the character files
+#define FINGERPRINT_BADLOCATION                                                \
+  0x0B //!< Addressed PageID is beyond the finger library
+#define FINGERPRINT_DBRANGEFAIL                                                \
+  0x0C //!< Error when reading template from library or invalid template
+#define FINGERPRINT_UPLOADFEATUREFAIL 0x0D //!< Error when uploading template
+#define FINGERPRINT_PACKETRESPONSEFAIL                                         \
+  0x0E //!< Module failed to receive the following data packages
+#define FINGERPRINT_UPLOADFAIL 0x0F  //!< Error when uploading image
+#define FINGERPRINT_DELETEFAIL 0x10  //!< Failed to delete the template
+#define FINGERPRINT_DBCLEARFAIL 0x11 //!< Failed to clear finger library
+#define FINGERPRINT_PASSFAIL                                                   \
+  0x13 //!< Find whether the fingerprint passed or failed
+#define FINGERPRINT_INVALIDIMAGE                                               \
+  0x15 //!< Failed to generate image because of lac of valid primary image
+#define FINGERPRINT_FLASHERR 0x18   //!< Error when writing flash
+#define FINGERPRINT_INVALIDREG 0x1A //!< Invalid register number
+#define FINGERPRINT_ADDRCODE 0x20   //!< Address code
+#define FINGERPRINT_PASSVERIFY 0x21 //!< Verify the fingerprint passed
+#define FINGERPRINT_STARTCODE                                                  \
+  0xEF01 //!< Fixed falue of EF01H; High byte transferred first
+#define FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET 0x1 //!< Command packet
+#define FINGERPRINT_DATAPACKET                                                 \
+  0x2 //!< Data packet, must follow command packet or acknowledge packet
+#define FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET 0x7     //!< Acknowledge packet
+#define FINGERPRINT_ENDDATAPACKET 0x8 //!< End of data packet
+#define FINGERPRINT_TIMEOUT 0xFF   //!< Timeout was reached
+#define FINGERPRINT_BADPACKET 0xFE //!< Bad packet was sent
+#define FINGERPRINT_GETIMAGE 0x01 //!< Collect finger image
+#define FINGERPRINT_IMAGE2TZ 0x02 //!< Generate character file from image
+#define FINGERPRINT_SEARCH 0x04   //!< Search for fingerprint in slot
+#define FINGERPRINT_REGMODEL                                                   \
+  0x05 //!< Combine character files and generate template
+#define FINGERPRINT_STORE 0x06          //!< Store template
+#define FINGERPRINT_LOAD 0x07           //!< Read/load template
+#define FINGERPRINT_UPLOAD 0x08         //!< Upload template
+#define FINGERPRINT_DELETE 0x0C         //!< Delete templates
+#define FINGERPRINT_EMPTY 0x0D          //!< Empty library
+#define FINGERPRINT_READSYSPARAM 0x0F   //!< Read system parameters
+#define FINGERPRINT_SETPASSWORD 0x12    //!< Sets passwords
+#define FINGERPRINT_VERIFYPASSWORD 0x13 //!< Verifies the password
+#define FINGERPRINT_HISPEEDSEARCH                                              \
+  0x1B //!< Asks the sensor to search for a matching fingerprint template to the
+       //!< last model generated
+#define FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATECOUNT 0x1D //!< Read finger template numbers
+#define FINGERPRINT_AURALEDCONFIG 0x35 //!< Aura LED control
+#define FINGERPRINT_LEDON 0x50         //!< Turn on the onboard LED
+#define FINGERPRINT_LEDOFF 0x51        //!< Turn off the onboard LED
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_BREATHING 0x01   //!< Breathing light
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_FLASHING 0x02    //!< Flashing light
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_ON 0x03          //!< Always on
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_OFF 0x04         //!< Always off
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_GRADUAL_ON 0x05  //!< Gradually on
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_GRADUAL_OFF 0x06 //!< Gradually off
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_RED 0x01         //!< Red LED
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_BLUE 0x02        //!< Blue LED
+#define FINGERPRINT_LED_PURPLE 0x03      //!< Purple LED
+#define DEFAULTTIMEOUT 1000 //!< UART reading timeout in milliseconds
+///! Helper class to craft UART packets
+struct Fingerprint_Packet 
+  /**************************************************************************/
+  /*!
+      @brief   Create a new UART-borne packet
+      @param   type Command, data, ack type packet
+      @param   length Size of payload
+      @param   data Pointer to bytes of size length we will memcopy into the
+     internal buffer
+  */
+  /**************************************************************************/
+  Fingerprint_Packet(uint8_t type, uint16_t length, uint8_t *data) 
+  {
+    this->start_code = FINGERPRINT_STARTCODE;
+    this->type = type;
+    this->length = length;
+    address[0] = 0xFF;
+    address[1] = 0xFF;
+    address[2] = 0xFF;
+    address[3] = 0xFF;
+    if (length < 64)
+      memcpy(this->data, data, length);
+    else
+      memcpy(this->data, data, 64);
+  }
+  uint16_t start_code; ///< "Wakeup" code for packet detection
+  uint8_t address[4];  ///< 32-bit Fingerprint sensor address
+  uint8_t type;        ///< Type of packet
+  uint16_t length;     ///< Length of packet
+  uint8_t data[64];    ///< The raw buffer for packet payload
+///! Helper class to communicate with and keep state for fingerprint sensors
+class Fingerprint {
+//  Fingerprint(Stream *serial, uint32_t password = 0x0);
+  Fingerprint(PinName serialTX, PinName serialRX, PinName reset, uint32_t password = 0x0);
+  void begin(uint32_t baud);
+  bool verifyPassword(void);
+  uint8_t getParameters(void);
+  uint8_t getImage(void);
+  uint8_t image2Tz(uint8_t slot = 1);
+  uint8_t createModel(void);
+  uint8_t emptyDatabase(void);
+  uint8_t storeModel(uint16_t id);
+  uint8_t loadModel(uint16_t id);
+  uint8_t getModel(void);
+  uint8_t deleteModel(uint16_t id);
+  uint8_t fingerFastSearch(void);
+  uint8_t fingerSearch(uint8_t slot = 1);
+  uint8_t getTemplateCount(void);
+  uint8_t setPassword(uint32_t password);
+  uint8_t LEDcontrol(bool on);
+  uint8_t LEDcontrol(uint8_t control, uint8_t speed, uint8_t coloridx, uint8_t count = 0);
+  void writeStructuredPacket(const Fingerprint_Packet &p);
+  uint8_t getStructuredPacket(Fingerprint_Packet *p,
+                              uint16_t timeout = DEFAULTTIMEOUT);
+  /// The matching location that is set by fingerFastSearch()
+  uint16_t fingerID;
+  /// The confidence of the fingerFastSearch() match, higher numbers are more
+  /// confidents
+  uint16_t confidence;
+  /// The number of stored templates in the sensor, set by getTemplateCount()
+  uint16_t templateCount;
+  uint16_t status_reg; ///< The status register (set by getParameters)
+  uint16_t system_id;  ///< The system identifier (set by getParameters)
+  uint16_t capacity; ///< The fingerprint capacity (set by getParameters)
+  uint16_t security_level; ///< The security level (set by getParameters)
+  uint32_t device_addr;             ///< The device address (set by getParameters)
+  uint16_t packet_len;   ///< The max packet length (set by getParameters)
+  uint16_t baud_rate; ///< The UART baud rate (set by getParameters)
+  uint8_t checkPassword(void);
+  uint32_t thePassword;
+  uint32_t theAddress;
+  uint8_t recvPacket[20];
+    Serial      R503Serial;
+    DigitalOut  _reset;