UIPEthernet library for Arduino IDE, Eclipse with arduino plugin and MBED/SMeshStudio (AVR,STM32F,ESP8266,Intel ARC32,Nordic nRF51,Teensy boards,Realtek Ameba(RTL8195A,RTL8710)), ENC28j60 network chip. Compatible with Wiznet W5100 Ethernet library API. Compiled and tested on Nucleo-F302R8. Master repository is: https://github.com/UIPEthernet/UIPEthernet/
- Committer:
- cassyarduino
- Date:
- 2018-01-23
- Revision:
- 39:deeb00b81cc9
- Parent:
- 32:e77cbe3783e5
File content as of revision 39:deeb00b81cc9:
/* Advanced Chat Server A simple server that distributes any incoming messages to all connected clients but the client the message comes from. To use telnet to your device's IP address and type. You can see the client's input in the serial monitor as well. Using an Arduino Wiznet Ethernet shield. Circuit: * Ethernet shield attached to pins 10, 11, 12, 13 * Analog inputs attached to pins A0 through A5 (optional) created 18 Dec 2009 by David A. Mellis modified 9 Apr 2012 by Tom Igoe redesigned to make use of operator== 25 Nov 2013 by Norbert Truchsess */ // Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below. // The IP address will be dependent on your local network. #define MACADDRESS 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05 #define MYIPADDR 192,168,1,6 #define MYIPMASK 255,255,255,0 #define MYDNS 192,168,1,1 #define MYGW 192,168,1,1 // telnet defaults to port 23 #define LISTENPORT 23 #define UARTBAUD 115200 #if defined(__MBED__) #include <mbed.h> #include "mbed/millis.h" #define delay(x) wait_ms(x) #define PROGMEM #include "mbed/Print.h" #endif #include <UIPEthernet.h> #include <utility/logging.h> uint8_t mac[6] = {MACADDRESS}; uint8_t myIP[4] = {MYIPADDR}; uint8_t myMASK[4] = {MYIPMASK}; uint8_t myDNS[4] = {MYDNS}; uint8_t myGW[4] = {MYGW}; EthernetServer server(LISTENPORT); EthernetClient clients[4]; #if defined(ARDUINO) void setup() { #endif #if defined(__MBED__) int main() { #endif // initialize the ethernet device //Ethernet.begin(mac,myIP); Ethernet.begin(mac,myIP,myDNS,myGW,myMASK); // start listening for clients server.begin(); // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: #if ACTLOGLEVEL>LOG_NONE #if defined(ARDUINO) LogObject.begin(UARTBAUD); #endif #if defined(__MBED__) Serial LogObject(SERIAL_TX,SERIAL_RX); LogObject.baud(UARTBAUD); #endif while (!LogObject) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only } #endif #if ACTLOGLEVEL>=LOG_INFO LogObject.uart_send_str(F("Chat server listen on:")); #if defined(ARDUINO) LogObject.print(Ethernet.localIP()[0]); LogObject.print(F(".")); LogObject.print(Ethernet.localIP()[1]); LogObject.print(F(".")); LogObject.print(Ethernet.localIP()[2]); LogObject.print(F(".")); LogObject.print(Ethernet.localIP()[3]); LogObject.print(F(":")); LogObject.println(LISTENPORT); #endif #if defined(__MBED__) LogObject.printf("%d.%d.%d.%d:%d\r\n",Ethernet.localIP()[0],Ethernet.localIP()[1],Ethernet.localIP()[2],Ethernet.localIP()[3],LISTENPORT); #endif #endif #if defined(ARDUINO) } void loop() { #endif #if defined(__MBED__) while(true) { #endif // wait for a new client: EthernetClient client = server.available(); if (client) { //check whether this client refers to the same socket as one of the existing instances: bool newClient = true; uint8_t i=0; while ((i<4) && (clients[i]!=client)) {i++;} if (i<4) {newClient = false;} if (newClient) { #if ACTLOGLEVEL>=LOG_INFO LogObject.uart_send_strln(F("New client try connect")); #endif //Search unused client: uint8_t j=0; while ((j<4) && (clients[j])) {j++;} if (j>=4) { #if ACTLOGLEVEL>=LOG_INFO LogObject.uart_send_strln(F("Too many client")); #endif client.stop(); } else { #if ACTLOGLEVEL>=LOG_INFO LogObject.uart_send_str(F("Save client to ID:")); LogObject.uart_send_decln(j); #endif clients[j] = client; // clead out the input buffer: client.flush(); #if ACTLOGLEVEL>=LOG_INFO LogObject.uart_send_strln(F("We have a new client")); #endif client.println(F("Hello, client!")); client.print(F("my IP: ")); client.println(Ethernet.localIP()); } } if (client.available() > 0) { i=0; while ((i<4) && (clients[i]!=client)) {i++;} #if ACTLOGLEVEL>=LOG_INFO LogObject.uart_send_str(F("Message received from client ID:")); LogObject.uart_send_decln(i); #endif // read the bytes incoming from the client: char thisChar = client.read(); // echo the bytes back to all other connected clients: for (uint8_t j=0;j<4;j++) { if (clients[j] && clients[j]!=client) { #if ACTLOGLEVEL>=LOG_INFO LogObject.uart_send_str(F("Message forwarded to client ID:")); LogObject.uart_send_decln(j); #endif clients[j].write(thisChar); } } // echo the bytes to the server as well: #if ACTLOGLEVEL>=LOG_INFO #if defined(ARDUINO) LogObject.write(thisChar); #endif #if defined(__MBED__) LogObject.putc(thisChar); #endif #endif } } for (uint8_t i=0;i<4;i++) { if (!(clients[i].connected())) { // client.stop() invalidates the internal socket-descriptor, so next use of == will allways return false; clients[i].stop(); } } } #if defined(__MBED__) } #endif