UIPEthernet library for Arduino IDE, Eclipse with arduino plugin and MBED/SMeshStudio (AVR,STM32F,ESP8266,Intel ARC32,Nordic nRF51,Teensy boards,Realtek Ameba(RTL8195A,RTL8710)), ENC28j60 network chip. Compatible with Wiznet W5100 Ethernet library API. Compiled and tested on Nucleo-F302R8. Master repository is: https://github.com/UIPEthernet/UIPEthernet/

--- a/UIPUdp.h	Tue Dec 27 11:47:13 2016 +0100
+++ b/UIPUdp.h	Tue Dec 27 11:34:26 2016 +0000
@@ -55,71 +55,55 @@
   uip_udp_userdata_t appdata;
-  UIPUDP(void);  // Constructor
-  uint8_t
-  begin(uint16_t);// initialize, start listening on specified port. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if there are no sockets available to use
-  void
-  stop(void);  // Finish with the UDP socket
+  UIPUDP(void);   // Constructor
+  virtual uint8_t   begin(uint16_t);// initialize, start listening on specified port. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if there are no sockets available to use
+  virtual void      stop(void);  // Finish with the UDP socket
   // Sending UDP packets
   // Start building up a packet to send to the remote host specific in ip and port
   // Returns 1 if successful, 0 if there was a problem with the supplied IP address or port
-  int
-  beginPacket(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port);
+  virtual int       beginPacket(IPAddress ip, uint16_t port);
   // Start building up a packet to send to the remote host specific in host and port
   // Returns 1 if successful, 0 if there was a problem resolving the hostname or port
-  int
-  beginPacket(const char *host, uint16_t port);
+  virtual int       beginPacket(const char *host, uint16_t port);
   // Finish off this packet and send it
   // Returns 1 if the packet was sent successfully, 0 if there was an error
-  int
-  endPacket(void);
+  virtual int       endPacket(void);
   // Write a single byte into the packet
-  size_t
-  write(uint8_t);
+  virtual size_t    write(uint8_t);
   // Write size bytes from buffer into the packet
-  size_t
-  write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
+  virtual size_t    write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);
   #if defined(ARDUINO)
   	  using Print::write;
   // Start processing the next available incoming packet
   // Returns the size of the packet in bytes, or 0 if no packets are available
-  int
-  parsePacket(void);
+  virtual int       parsePacket(void);
   // Number of bytes remaining in the current packet
-  int
-  available(void);
+  virtual int       available(void);
   // Read a single byte from the current packet
-  int
-  read(void);
+  virtual int       read(void);
   // Read up to len bytes from the current packet and place them into buffer
   // Returns the number of bytes read, or 0 if none are available
-  int
-  read(unsigned char* buffer, size_t len);
+  virtual int       read(unsigned char* buffer, size_t len);
   // Read up to len characters from the current packet and place them into buffer
   // Returns the number of characters read, or 0 if none are available
-  int
-  read(char* buffer, size_t len)
+  virtual int       read(char* buffer, size_t len)
     return read((unsigned char*) buffer, len);
   // Return the next byte from the current packet without moving on to the next byte
-  int
-  peek(void);
-  void
-  flush(void);	// Finish reading the current packet
+  virtual int       peek(void);
+  virtual void      flush(void);	// Finish reading the current packet
   // Return the IP address of the host who sent the current incoming packet
-  IPAddress
-  remoteIP(void);
+  virtual IPAddress remoteIP(void);
   // Return the port of the host who sent the current incoming packet
-  uint16_t
-  remotePort(void);
+  virtual uint16_t  remotePort(void);