Test1 of cmsis and IMU/AHRS (sensor BMA180,HMC5883,ITG3200) IMU/AHRS is not ok

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GTMath/Vector2.cpp	Mon Jun 11 12:02:30 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "GTMath.h"
+Vector2::Vector2(float all) :
+    x(all),
+    y(all)
+Vector2::Vector2(float _x, float _y) :
+    x(_x),
+    y(_y)
+Vector2::Vector2(const Vector2 & v) :
+    x(v.x),
+    y(v.y)
+Vector2::operator float* ()
+    return(af);
+//Arithmetik komponentenweise
+const Vector2 Vector2::operator +(const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(Vector2(x+v.x, y+v.y));
+const Vector2 Vector2::operator -(const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(Vector2(x-v.x, y-v.y));
+const Vector2 Vector2::operator *(const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(Vector2(x*v.x, y*v.y));
+const Vector2 Vector2::operator /(const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(Vector2(x/v.x, y/v.y));
+const Vector2 Vector2::operator *(float f) const
+    return(Vector2(x*f, y*f));
+const Vector2 Vector2::operator /(float f) const
+    const float fi= 1.0 / f;
+    return(Vector2(x*fi, y*fi));
+//Zuweisungsoperatoren komponentenweise
+Vector2 & Vector2::operator =(const Vector2 & v)
+    x= v.x;
+    y= v.y;
+    return(*this);
+Vector2 & Vector2::operator +=(const Vector2 & v)
+    x+= v.x;
+    y+= v.y;
+    return(*this);
+Vector2 & Vector2::operator -=(const Vector2 & v)
+    x-= v.x;
+    y-= v.y;
+    return(*this);
+Vector2 & Vector2::operator *=(const Vector2 & v)
+    x*= v.x;
+    y*= v.y;
+    return(*this);
+Vector2 & Vector2::operator /=(const Vector2 & v)
+    x/= v.x;
+    y/= v.y;
+    return(*this);
+Vector2 & Vector2::operator *=(float f)
+    x*= f;
+    y*= f;
+    return(*this);
+Vector2 & Vector2::operator /=(float f)
+    const float fi= 1.0 / f;
+    x*= fi;
+    y*= fi;
+    return(*this);
+bool Vector2::operator == (const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(x==v.x && y==v.y);
+bool Vector2::operator != (const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(x!=v.x || y!=v.y);
+//Min, Max
+const Vector2 Vector2::Min(const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(Vector2(TMin(x, v.x), TMin(y, v.y)));
+const Vector2 Vector2::Max(const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(Vector2(TMax(x, v.x), TMax(y, v.y)));
+//Skalarprodukt, Winkel
+float Vector2::DotP(const Vector2 & v) const
+    return(x*v.x + y*v.y);
+float Vector2::Angle(const Vector2 &v) const                    
+    return(acosf( (x*v.x + y*v.y) / 
+            sqrtf((x*x + y*y) *            
+            (v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y)) ));
+//Laenge, Quadratlaenge, Nomralisieren
+float Vector2::Length() const                    
+    return(sqrtf(x*x + y*y));    
+float Vector2::LengthSq() const                    
+    return(x*x + y*y);
+const Vector2 Vector2::Normalize() const        
+    return(*this / sqrtf(x*x + y*y));
+//Operatoren, die nicht innerhalt der Klasse definiert werden koennen
+const Vector2 operator - (const Vector2 & v)
+    return(Vector2(-v.x, -v.y));
+const Vector2 operator * (float f, const Vector2 & v)
+    return(Vector2(f*v.x, f*v.y));
+const Vector2 operator / (float f, const Vector2 & v)
+    const float fi= 1.0 / f;
+    return(Vector2(fi*v.x, fi*v.y));
\ No newline at end of file