
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Mar 13 15:44:05 2020 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Mar 25 14:14:55 2020 +0000
@@ -15,33 +15,202 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 long dataUnix = 0;
 int settore = 0;
-char Source[50]="working with strings is fun 0123456789 9876543210";
-char Destination[50];
-int pos,len;
+int ore = 0;
+int minuti = 0;
+        char mon[30]="Mon";
+        char tue[30]="Tue";
+        char wed[30]="Wed";
+        char thu[30]="Thu";
+        char fri[30]="Fri";
+        char sat[30]="Sat";
+        char sun[30]="Sun"; 
+char giorno1[4]="Sun"; 
+char ora1[3]="04";
+char min1[3]="31";
+char am1[3]="AM";
+char S1[2]="5";
+char giorno2[4]="Sun"; 
+char ora2[3]="08";
+char min2[3]="20";
+char am2[3]="PM";
+char S2[2]="3";
+char giorno3[4]="Mon"; 
+char ora3[3]="04";
+char min3[3]="33";
+char am3[3]="AM";
+char S3[2]="5";
+char giorno4[4]="Tue"; 
+char ora4[3]="04";
+char min4[3]="36";
+char am4[3]="AM";
+char S4[2]="3";
+char giorno5[4]="Tue"; 
+char ora5[3]="05";
+char min5[3]="20";
+char am5[3]="PM";
+char S5[2]="5";
+char giorno6[4]="Fri"; 
+char ora6[3]="05";
+char min6[3]="10";
+char am6[3]="AM";
+char S6[2]="2";
+char giorno7[4]="Fri"; 
+char ora7[3]="06";
+char min7[3]="31";
+char am7[3]="PM";
+char S7[2]="5";
+char am[3]="AM";
+char pm[3]="PM";
+char ampm[3];
+char ora[3];
+char minu[3];       
 DigitalIn vibra(D7);
-//AnalogIn vibration_Sensor(A5);
 int present_condition = 0;
 int previous_condition = 0;
-//float present_condition = 0;
-//float previous_condition = 0;
+int step_speed = 1200 ; // set default motor speed
+int numstep = 514 ; // defines full turn of 360 degree
+//you might want to calibrate this value according to your motor
+int statomax =7;
+int kmax = 8;
+int stato;
+DigitalOut IN1(D8);
+DigitalOut IN2(D9);
+DigitalOut IN3(D10);
+DigitalOut IN4(D11);
+const int MotoreOFF = 99; // motore spento
+void Uscita( int i4,int i3,int i2,int i1)
+    if (i1==1) IN1=1; else IN1=0;
+    if (i2==1) IN2=1; else IN2=0;
+    if (i3==1) IN3=1; else IN3=0;
+    if (i4==1) IN4=1; else IN4=0;
+  if (i1==1) digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH); else digitalWrite(IN1,LOW);
+  if (i2==1) digitalWrite(IN2,HIGH); else digitalWrite(IN2,LOW);
+  if (i3==1) digitalWrite(IN3,HIGH); else digitalWrite(IN3,LOW);
+  if (i4==1) digitalWrite(IN4,HIGH); else digitalWrite(IN4,LOW);
+  */
+void EseguiPasso(int stato)
+int i1,i2,i3,i4;
+  switch ( stato )
+    {// vedi tabella nel pdf del motore passo passo
+       case 0: Uscita(0,0,0,1); break;
+       case 1: Uscita(0,0,1,1); break;
+       case 2: Uscita(0,0,1,0); break; 
+       case 3: Uscita(0,1,1,0); break;
+       case 4: Uscita(0,1,0,0); break;
+       case 5: Uscita(1,1,0,0); break;
+       case 6: Uscita(1,0,0,0); break;
+       case 7: Uscita(1,0,0,1); break;
+       case 8: Uscita(0,0,0,1); break;
+       case 9: Uscita(0,0,1,1); break;
+       case 10: Uscita(0,0,1,0); break; 
+       case 11: Uscita(0,1,1,0); break;
+       case 12: Uscita(0,1,0,0); break;
+       case 13: Uscita(1,1,0,0); break;
+       case 14: Uscita(1,0,0,0); break;
+//       case 7: Uscita(1,0,0,1); break;
+       case MotoreOFF: //OFF
+          Uscita(0,0,0,0); break;
+    } 
+            wait_ms(1);
+ //  delay(1); //ritardo almeno 1 mS
-void substring(char *s,char *d,int pos,int len) {
-//usage: substring(Source,Destination,pos,len);
-    char *t;
+void RitardoAccensione()
+{ //attesa prima di attivare il motore
+  EseguiPasso(MotoreOFF); 
+  for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
+   {
+//     digitalWrite(13,HIGH);
+//    wait_ms(250);
+ //    delay(250);
+//     digitalWrite(13,LOW);
+//    wait_ms(250);
+  //   delay(250);
+   } 
+void posizSettore()
+{ //attesa prima di attivare il motore
+        stato=0; //inizio da uno stato arbitrario
+if (kmax>0)
+  stato=0; //inizio da uno stato arbitrario
+  for(int k=0; k<kmax; k++) //Rotazione Oraria
+ // for(int k=0; k<4; k++) //Rotazione Oraria
+    {
+        for (int i=0; i<numstep; i++)  //45 gradi a ciclo
+ //       for (int i=0; i<514; i++)  //45 gradi a ciclo
+//    for (int i=0; i<1024; i++)  //90 gradi a ciclo
+            { 
+                EseguiPasso(stato);
+                stato=stato+1; // avanza nella tabella
+/*        printf("Stato : \r\n");
+        printf("%d\r\n",stato);
+        printf("k  : \r\n");
+        printf("%d\r\n",k);
+        */
+                if ((stato)>statomax)
+                    {
+                        stato=0; 
+ //       if ((stato)>7) stato=0; 
+                    } 
+                EseguiPasso(MotoreOFF);  
+    //            wait_ms(500);  // pausa di mezzo secondo
+            }  
+        wait_ms(1000);  // pausa di 1 secondo
+    }
+  for(int k=0; k<kmax; k++) //Rotazione AntiOraria
+//  for(int k=0; k<4; k++) //Rotazione AntiOraria
+    {
+        for (int i=0; i<numstep; i++)  //45 gradi a ciclo
+//        for (int i=0; i<514; i++)  //45 gradi a ciclo
+//    for (int i=0; i<1024; i++)  //90 gradi a ciclo
+            { 
+                EseguiPasso(stato);
+                stato=stato-1; //torna indietro nella tabella
+ /*       printf("Stato : \r\n");
+        printf("%d\r\n",stato);
+        printf("k  : \r\n");
+        printf("%d\r\n",k);                
+        */        
+                if ((stato)<0)
+                    {
+                         stato=statomax; 
+ //       if ((stato)<0) stato=7; 
+                    } 
+                EseguiPasso(MotoreOFF);  
+       //         wait_ms(500); 
+            }
+    wait_ms(1000); 
+    }
+            }
-    s=s+(pos-1);
-    t=s+len;
-    while (s!=t) {
-        *d=*s;
-        s++;
-        d++;
-    }
-    *d='\0';
 int main() {
@@ -51,31 +220,17 @@
         scanf("%li", &dataUnix);
-        printf("Inserisci numero Settore \r\n");
-        scanf("%li", &settore);
-        printf("%li\n",dataUnix);
+//    set_time(1256729737);  // Set RTC time to Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:35:37
-//    set_time(1256729737);  // Set RTC time to Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:35:37
-  //  set_time(1583715900);  // Set RTC time to Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:35:37
     set_time(dataUnix);  // Set RTC time to Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:35:37
     while (true) {
         previous_condition = present_condition;
-        present_condition =;
- //       present_condition =;        
-                                printf(" VALORE : %d\r\n", present_condition);   
-                           //      printf(" VALORE : %1.3f\r\n", present_condition);  
+        present_condition =;    
+        printf(" VALORE : %d\r\n", present_condition);   
         if (previous_condition != present_condition) {
-     //   if (present_condition == 1) {
-                                printf(" Pillola caduta : %d\r\n", present_condition);  
-   //         printf("Pillola caduta \n");
-            }
-   //          else {
-  //      printf("Pillola NON caduta \n");
-  //      }
+            printf(" Pillola caduta : %d\r\n", present_condition);  
+                    }
         time_t seconds = time(NULL);
@@ -84,20 +239,10 @@
         printf("Time as a basic string = %s", ctime(&seconds));
+        char bufH[15];
         char buf[3];
-    // seconds = time(NULL);   // get current time from mbed RTC
-        strftime(buf,3, "%a,%d %m %Y.%H:%M:%S\r", localtime(&seconds));
-        char mon[30]="Mon";
-        char tue[30]="Tue";
-        char wed[30]="Wed";
-        char thu[30]="Thu";
-        char fri[30]="Fri";
-        char sat[30]="Sat";
-        char sun[30]="Sun";        
+        strftime(buf,3, "%a,%d %m %Y.%H:%M:%S\r", localtime(&seconds));   
@@ -131,39 +276,58 @@
         printf("Ho letto DOMENICA  \r\n");    
-//   Sub‐Strings
-char *buff = ctime(&seconds);
-//char *buff = "Hello World";
-char* substr;
-strncpy(substr, buff+7, 5); //begin index: 7 substring length: 5     
+        char buffer[32];
+        strftime(buffer, 8, "%I:%M %p\n", localtime(&seconds));
+  //      printf("Time as a custom formatted string = %s\r\n", buffer);
+        ora[0] = buffer[0];
+        ora[1] = buffer[1];
+        minu[0] = buffer[3];
+        minu[1] = buffer[4];
+        printf("ora = %s\r\n", ora);
+        printf("minuti = %s\r\n", minu);
-         printf("MESE = %s", substr);
-  //          int pos,len;
- /*
-    usbUART.printf("----------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
-    usbUART.printf("                 substring demo                           \r\n");
-    usbUART.printf("----------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
-    usbUART.printf("source: %s\r\n", Source);
-    usbUART.printf("----------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
-    printf("input the start position, tap enter, input length, tap enter ");
-    scanf("%d%d",&pos,&len);
-    printf("\n\n");
- pos=1;
- len=3;
-    substring(Source,Destination,pos,len);
-    Source = ctime(&seconds);
-    printf("s= %s\n\r", Source);
-    printf("d= %s\n\r", Destination);
-        char buffer[32];
-        strftime(buffer, 32, "%I:%M %p\n", localtime(&seconds));
-        printf("Time as a custom formatted string = %s", buffer);
-   //     wait(1);
+        ampm[0] = buffer[6];
+        ampm[1] = buffer[7];        
+        printf("Mattina/Pomeriggio= %s\r\n", ampm);
+    if(strncmp(ora, ora1, 2)==0 and strncmp(minu, min1, 2)==0)
+    {
+        printf("è ora medicina e minuto prima MEDICINA  \r\n");    
+    } 
+    if(strncmp(buf, giorno1, 3)==0 and strncmp(ora, ora1, 2)==0 and strncmp(minu, min1, 2)==0 and strncmp(ampm, am1, 2)==0)
+    {
+        printf("Vai a settore S1  \r\n");    
+    } 
+    if(strncmp(ora, ora2, 2)==0 and strncmp(minu, min2, 2)==0)
+    {
+        printf("è ora  e minuto Seconda MEDICINA  \r\n");    
+    } 
+    if(strncmp(ora, ora1, 2)==0)
+    {
+        printf("è ora medicina 1  \r\n");    
+    } 
+    if(strncmp(minu, min1, 2)==0)
+    {
+        printf("è minuto  medicina 1  \r\n");    
+    }  
+    if(strncmp(ampm, am, 2)==0)
+    {
+        printf("è mattino  \r\n");    
+    }  
+     if(strncmp(ampm, pm, 2)==0)
+    {
+        printf("è pomeriggio  \r\n");    
+    }  