Telescope Control Library

Dependents:   PushToGo-F429

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EquatorialMount.cpp	Sun Aug 19 05:21:20 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include "EquatorialMount.h"
+#define EM_DEBUG 1
+EquatorialMount::EquatorialMount(Axis& ra, Axis& dec, UTCClock& clk,
+		LocationCoordinates loc) :
+		ra(ra), dec(dec), clock(clk), location(loc), curr_pos(0, 0), curr_nudge_dir(
+				NUDGE_NONE), nudgeSpeed(0), pier_side(PIER_SIDE_EAST), num_alignment_stars(
+				0)
+	south = < 0.0;
+	// Get initial transformation
+ = AzimuthalCoordinates(, 0);
+	// Set RA and DEC positions to zero
+	ra.setAngleDeg(0);
+	dec.setAngleDeg(0);
+	dec.setTrackSpeedSidereal(0); // Make sure dec doesn't move during tracking
+	updatePosition();
+	// Set in tracking mode
+	startTracking();
+osStatus EquatorialMount::goTo(double ra_dest, double dec_dest)
+	return goTo(EquatorialCoordinates(dec_dest, ra_dest));
+osStatus EquatorialMount::goTo(EquatorialCoordinates dest)
+	debug_if(EM_DEBUG, "dest ra=%.2f, dec=%.2f\n", dest.ra, dest.dec);
+	updatePosition(); // Get the latest position information
+	if (EM_DEBUG)
+		printPosition();
+	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+	{
+		// Convert to Mount coordinates. Automatically determine the pier side, then apply offset
+		MountCoordinates dest_mount = convertToMountCoordinates(dest);
+		osStatus s = goToMount(dest_mount, (i > 0)); // Use correction only for the second time
+		if (s != osOK)
+			return s;
+	}
+	if (EM_DEBUG)
+		printPosition();
+	return osOK;
+osStatus EquatorialMount::goToMount(MountCoordinates dest_mount,
+bool withCorrection)
+	mutex_execution.lock();
+	bool was_tracking = false;
+	if (status == MOUNT_TRACKING)
+	{
+		was_tracking = true;
+		stopSync();
+	}
+	else if (status != MOUNT_STOPPED)
+	{
+		debug("EM: goTo requested while mount is not stopped.\n");
+		mutex_execution.unlock();
+		return osErrorParameter;
+	}
+	debug_if(EM_DEBUG, "EM: goTo\n");
+	debug_if(EM_DEBUG, "dstmnt ra=%.2f, dec=%.2f\n", dest_mount.ra_delta,
+			dest_mount.dec_delta);
+	axisrotdir_t dec_dir, ra_dir;
+	ra_dir =
+			(remainder(dest_mount.ra_delta, 360.0)
+					> remainder(curr_pos.ra_delta, 360.0)) ?
+			(remainder(dest_mount.ra_delta, 360.0)
+					< remainder(curr_pos.ra_delta, 360.0)) ?
+	dec_dir =
+			(remainder(dest_mount.dec_delta, 360.0)
+					> remainder(curr_pos.dec_delta, 360.0)) ?
+			(remainder(dest_mount.dec_delta, 360.0)
+					< remainder(curr_pos.dec_delta, 360.0)) ?
+	debug_if(EM_DEBUG, "EM: start slewing\n");
+	status = MOUNT_SLEWING;
+	ra.startSlewTo(ra_dir, dest_mount.ra_delta, withCorrection);
+	dec.startSlewTo(dec_dir, dest_mount.dec_delta, withCorrection);
+	int ret = (int) ra.waitForSlew();
+	ret |= (int) dec.waitForSlew();
+	debug_if(EM_DEBUG, "EM: slewing finished\n");
+	status = MOUNT_STOPPED;
+	mutex_execution.unlock();
+	if (was_tracking && !(ret & (FINISH_ERROR | FINISH_EMERG_STOPPED)))
+	{
+		startTracking();
+	}
+	updatePosition(); // Update current position
+	if (ret)
+	{
+		// Stopped during slew
+		return ret;
+	}
+	else
+		return osOK;
+osStatus EquatorialMount::startTracking()
+	if (status != MOUNT_STOPPED)
+	{
+		debug("EM: tracking requested while mount is not stopped.\n");
+		return osErrorParameter;
+	}
+	mutex_execution.lock();
+	axisrotdir_t ra_dir = AXIS_ROTATE_POSITIVE; // Tracking is always going to positive hour angle direction, which is defined as positive.
+	status = MOUNT_TRACKING;
+	osStatus sr, sd;
+	sr = ra.startTracking(ra_dir);
+	sd = dec.startTracking(AXIS_ROTATE_STOP);
+	mutex_execution.unlock();
+	if (sr != osOK || sd != osOK)
+		return osErrorResource;
+	else
+		return osOK;
+osStatus EquatorialMount::startNudge(nudgedir_t newdir)
+{ // Update new status
+	if (status != MOUNT_STOPPED && status != MOUNT_TRACKING
+			&& status != MOUNT_NUDGING && status != MOUNT_NUDGING_TRACKING)
+	{
+		return osErrorParameter;
+	}
+	osStatus s = osOK;
+	mutex_execution.lock();
+	if (newdir == NUDGE_NONE) // Stop nudging if being nudged
+	{
+		if (status & MOUNT_NUDGING)
+		{
+			mountstatus_t oldstatus = status;
+			stopAsync(); // Stop the mount
+			if (oldstatus == MOUNT_NUDGING)
+			{
+				// Stop the mount
+			}
+			else if (oldstatus == MOUNT_NUDGING_TRACKING)
+			{
+				// Get to tracking state
+				ra.setSlewSpeed(nudgeSpeed); // restore the slew rate of RA
+				startTracking();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{ // newdir is not NUDGE_NONE
+		updatePosition(); // Update current position, because we need to know the current pier side
+		bool ra_changed = false, dec_changed = false;
+		axisrotdir_t ra_dir, dec_dir;
+		if ((status & MOUNT_NUDGING) == 0)
+		{
+			// Initial nudge
+			curr_nudge_dir = NUDGE_NONE; //Make sure the current nudging direction is cleared
+			nudgeSpeed = getSlewSpeed(); // Get nudge speed and use it for ALL following nudge operations, until the nudge finishes
+		}
+		// see what has changed in RA
+		if ((curr_nudge_dir & (NUDGE_WEST | NUDGE_EAST))
+				!= (newdir & (NUDGE_WEST | NUDGE_EAST)))
+		{
+			// If something on east/west has changed, we need to stop the RA axis (or maybe enable it later to switch direction)
+			ra_changed = true;
+			if (newdir & NUDGE_EAST)
+			{
+				// Nudge east
+			}
+			else if (newdir & NUDGE_WEST)
+			{
+				// Nudge west
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				ra_dir = AXIS_ROTATE_STOP;
+			}
+		}
+		// see what has changed in DEC
+		if ((curr_nudge_dir & (NUDGE_SOUTH | NUDGE_NORTH))
+				!= (newdir & (NUDGE_SOUTH | NUDGE_NORTH)))
+		{
+			// If something on east/west has changed, we need to stop the RA axis (or maybe enable it later to switch direction)
+			dec_changed = true;
+			if (newdir & NUDGE_NORTH)
+			{
+				// Nudge north
+				dec_dir =
+						(curr_pos.side == PIER_SIDE_WEST) ?
+			}
+			else if (newdir & NUDGE_SOUTH)
+			{
+				// Nudge south
+				dec_dir =
+						(curr_pos.side == PIER_SIDE_WEST) ?
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				dec_dir = AXIS_ROTATE_STOP;
+			}
+		}
+		curr_nudge_dir = newdir;
+		// Request stop as necessary
+		if (ra_changed)
+		{
+			ra.flushCommandQueue();
+			if (ra.getSlewState() == AXIS_SLEW_DECELERATING
+					&& ra_dir == ra.getCurrentDirection())
+			{
+				ra.stopKeepSpeed();
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				ra.stop();
+			}
+		}
+		if (dec_changed)
+		{
+			dec.flushCommandQueue();
+			if (dec.getSlewState() == AXIS_SLEW_DECELERATING
+					&& dec_dir == dec.getCurrentDirection())
+			{
+				dec.stopKeepSpeed();
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				dec.stop();
+			}
+		}
+		// Wait for stop together
+//		while ((ra_changed && ra.getStatus() != AXIS_STOPPED
+//				&& ra.getStatus() != AXIS_INERTIAL)
+//				|| (dec_changed && dec.getStatus() != AXIS_STOPPED
+//						&& dec.getStatus() != AXIS_INERTIAL))
+//		{
+//			Thread::yield();
+//		}
+		// DEC axis is ok to start regardless of tracking state
+		if (dec_changed && dec_dir != AXIS_ROTATE_STOP)
+		{
+			s = dec.startSlewingIndefinite(dec_dir);
+		}
+		// Now RA
+		if (ra_changed && s == osOK)
+		{
+			if (status & MOUNT_TRACKING)
+			{ // In tracking mode now
+				if (ra_dir == AXIS_ROTATE_STOP)
+				{ // resume tracking
+					s = ra.startTracking(AXIS_ROTATE_POSITIVE);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// This is the complicated part
+					double trackSpeed = ra.getTrackSpeedSidereal()
+							* sidereal_speed;
+					debug_if(EM_DEBUG > 1, "EM: ra, ns=%f, ts=%f\n", nudgeSpeed,
+							trackSpeed);
+					if (ra_dir == AXIS_ROTATE_POSITIVE)
+					{
+						// Same direction as tracking
+						ra.setSlewSpeed(nudgeSpeed + trackSpeed);
+						s = ra.startSlewingIndefinite(AXIS_ROTATE_POSITIVE);
+					}
+					else if (nudgeSpeed < trackSpeed)
+					{ // ra_dir == AXIS_ROTATE_NEGATIVE
+					  // Partially canceling the tracking speed
+						ra.setSlewSpeed(trackSpeed - nudgeSpeed);
+						s = ra.startSlewingIndefinite(AXIS_ROTATE_POSITIVE);
+					}
+					else if (nudgeSpeed > trackSpeed)
+					{					// ra_dir == AXIS_ROTATE_NEGATIVE
+										// Direction inverted
+						ra.setSlewSpeed(nudgeSpeed - trackSpeed);
+						ra.startSlewingIndefinite(AXIS_ROTATE_NEGATIVE);
+					}
+					// else would be nudgeSpeed == trackSpeed, and we don't need to start the RA Axis
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// In non-tracking mode
+				if (ra_dir != AXIS_ROTATE_STOP)
+				{
+					s = ra.startSlewingIndefinite(ra_dir);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Update status
+		if (status & MOUNT_TRACKING)
+		else
+			status = MOUNT_NUDGING;
+		debug_if(EM_DEBUG, "status=%d, ra_dir=%d, dec_dir=%d\r\n", (int) status,
+				(int) ra_dir, (int) dec_dir);
+	}
+	mutex_execution.unlock();
+	return s;
+osStatus EquatorialMount::stopNudge()
+	return startNudge(NUDGE_NONE);
+double EquatorialMount::getSlewSpeed()
+	return dec.getSlewSpeed(); // Fix: RA speed changes if using NUDGE_TRACKING mode
+double EquatorialMount::getTrackSpeedSidereal()
+	return ra.getTrackSpeedSidereal();
+double EquatorialMount::getGuideSpeedSidereal()
+	return ra.getGuideSpeedSidereal();
+osStatus EquatorialMount::stopTracking()
+	if ((status & MOUNT_TRACKING) == 0)
+	{
+		return osErrorParameter;
+	}
+	mutex_execution.lock();
+	if (status == MOUNT_TRACKING)
+	{
+		stopSync();
+	}
+	else if (status == MOUNT_NUDGING_TRACKING)
+	{
+		status = MOUNT_NUDGING;
+	}
+	mutex_execution.unlock();
+	return osOK;
+void EquatorialMount::updatePosition()
+	// Lock the mutex to avoid race condition on the current position values
+	mutex_update.lock();
+	curr_pos = MountCoordinates(dec.getAngleDeg(), ra.getAngleDeg());
+	// Update location
+ = TelescopeConfiguration::getDouble("latitude");
+	location.lon = TelescopeConfiguration::getDouble("longitude");
+	// Update Eq coordinates
+	curr_pos_eq = this->convertToEqCoordinates(curr_pos);
+	mutex_update.unlock();
+void EquatorialMount::emergencyStop()
+	ra.emergency_stop();
+	dec.emergency_stop();
+	status = MOUNT_STOPPED;
+	curr_nudge_dir = NUDGE_NONE;
+void EquatorialMount::stopAsync()
+	ra.stop();
+	dec.stop();
+	status = MOUNT_STOPPED;
+void EquatorialMount::stopSync()
+	// Wait until they're fully stopped
+	while (ra.getStatus() != AXIS_STOPPED || dec.getStatus() != AXIS_STOPPED)
+	{
+		ra.stop();
+		dec.stop();
+		Thread::yield();
+	}
+	status = MOUNT_STOPPED;
+osStatus EquatorialMount::recalibrate()
+	bool diverge = false;
+	if (num_alignment_stars == 0)
+	{
+		return osOK;
+	}
+	EqCalibration newcalib = CelestialMath::align(num_alignment_stars,
+			alignment_stars, location, diverge);
+	if (diverge)
+	{
+		return osErrorParameter;
+	}
+	calibration = newcalib;
+	return osOK;
+osStatus EquatorialMount::guide(guidedir_t dir, int ms)
+	// Check we are in tracking mode
+	if (status != MOUNT_TRACKING)
+	{
+		return osErrorResource;
+	}
+	switch (dir)
+	{
+	case GUIDE_EAST:
+		return, ms);
+	case GUIDE_WEST:
+		return, ms);
+		return
+				(curr_pos.side == PIER_SIDE_WEST) ?
+		return
+				(curr_pos.side == PIER_SIDE_WEST) ?
+	default:
+		return osErrorParameter;
+	}
+void EquatorialMount::setSlewSpeed(double rate)
+//	mutex_execution.lock();
+	ra.setSlewSpeed(rate);
+	dec.setSlewSpeed(rate);
+	nudgeSpeed = rate; // If this happens during nudging, this is necessary to keep the nudging speed correct
+//	mutex_execution.unlock();
+void EquatorialMount::setTrackSpeedSidereal(double rate)
+//	mutex_execution.lock();
+	ra.setTrackSpeedSidereal(rate);
+//	mutex_execution.unlock();
+void EquatorialMount::setGuideSpeedSidereal(double rate)
+//	mutex_execution.lock();
+	ra.setGuideSpeedSidereal(rate);
+	dec.setGuideSpeedSidereal(rate);
+//	mutex_execution.unlock();