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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
00003  *
00004  * The information contained herein is confidential property of Nordic Semiconductor. The use,
00005  * copying, transfer or disclosure of such information is prohibited except by express written
00006  * agreement with Nordic Semiconductor.
00007  *
00008  */
00010 /**@file
00011  *
00012  * @defgroup ble_sdk_srv_hrs_c   Heart Rate Service Client
00013  * @{
00014  * @ingroup  ble_sdk_srv
00015  * @brief    Heart Rate Service Client module.
00016  *
00017  * @details  This module contains the APIs and types exposed by the Heart Rate Service Client
00018  *           module. These APIs and types can be used by the application to perform discovery of
00019  *           Heart Rate Service at the peer and interact with it.
00020  *
00021  * @warning  Currently this module only has support for Heart Rate Measurement characteristic. This
00022  *           means that it will be able to enable notification of the characteristic at the peer and
00023  *           be able to receive Heart Rate Measurement notifications from the peer. It does not
00024  *           support the Body Sensor Location and the Heart Rate Control Point characteristics.
00025  *           When a Heart Rate Measurement is received, this module will decode only the
00026  *           Heart Rate Measurement Value (both 8 bit and 16 bit) field from it and provide it to
00027  *           the application.
00028  *
00029  * @note     The application must propagate BLE stack events to this module by calling
00030  *           ble_hrs_c_on_ble_evt().
00031  *
00032  */
00034 #ifndef BLE_HRS_C_H__
00035 #define BLE_HRS_C_H__
00037 #include <stdint.h>
00038 #include "ble.h"
00040 /**
00041  * @defgroup hrs_c_enums Enumerations
00042  * @{
00043  */
00045 /**@brief HRS Client event type. */
00046 typedef enum
00047 {
00048     BLE_HRS_C_EVT_DISCOVERY_COMPLETE = 1,  /**< Event indicating that the Heart Rate Service has been discovered at the peer. */
00049     BLE_HRS_C_EVT_HRM_NOTIFICATION         /**< Event indicating that a notification of the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic has been received from the peer. */
00050 } ble_hrs_c_evt_type_t;
00052 /** @} */
00054 /**
00055  * @defgroup hrs_c_structs Structures
00056  * @{
00057  */
00059 /**@brief Structure containing the heart rate measurement received from the peer. */
00060 typedef struct
00061 {
00062     uint16_t hr_value;  /**< Heart Rate Value. */
00063 } ble_hrm_t;
00065 /**@brief Heart Rate Event structure. */
00066 typedef struct
00067 {
00068     ble_hrs_c_evt_type_t evt_type;  /**< Type of the event. */
00069     union
00070     {
00071         ble_hrm_t hrm;  /**< Heart rate measurement received. This will be filled if the evt_type is @ref BLE_HRS_C_EVT_HRM_NOTIFICATION. */
00072     } params;
00073 } ble_hrs_c_evt_t;
00075 /** @} */
00077 /**
00078  * @defgroup hrs_c_types Types
00079  * @{
00080  */
00082 // Forward declaration of the ble_bas_t type.
00083 typedef struct ble_hrs_c_s ble_hrs_c_t;
00085 /**@brief   Event handler type.
00086  *
00087  * @details This is the type of the event handler that should be provided by the application
00088  *          of this module in order to receive events.
00089  */
00090 typedef void (* ble_hrs_c_evt_handler_t) (ble_hrs_c_t * p_ble_hrs_c, ble_hrs_c_evt_t * p_evt);
00092 /** @} */
00094 /**
00095  * @addtogroup hrs_c_structs
00096  * @{
00097  */
00099 /**@brief Heart Rate Client structure.
00100  */
00101 typedef struct ble_hrs_c_s
00102 {
00103     uint16_t                conn_handle;      /**< Connection handle as provided by the SoftDevice. */
00104     uint16_t                hrm_cccd_handle;  /**< Handle of the CCCD of the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic. */
00105     uint16_t                hrm_handle;       /**< Handle of the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic as provided by the SoftDevice. */
00106     ble_hrs_c_evt_handler_t evt_handler;      /**< Application event handler to be called when there is an event related to the heart rate service. */
00107 } ble_hrs_c_t;
00109 /**@brief Heart Rate Client initialization structure.
00110  */
00111 typedef struct
00112 {
00113     ble_hrs_c_evt_handler_t evt_handler;  /**< Event handler to be called by the Heart Rate Client module whenever there is an event related to the Heart Rate Service. */
00114 } ble_hrs_c_init_t;
00116 /** @} */
00118 /**
00119  * @defgroup hrs_c_functions Functions
00120  * @{
00121  */
00123 /**@brief     Function for initializing the heart rate client module.
00124  *
00125  * @details   This function will register with the DB Discovery module. There it
00126  *            registers for the Heart Rate Service. Doing so will make the DB Discovery
00127  *            module look for the presence of a Heart Rate Service instance at the peer when a
00128  *            discovery is started.
00129  *
00130  * @param[in] p_ble_hrs_c      Pointer to the heart rate client structure.
00131  * @param[in] p_ble_hrs_c_init Pointer to the heart rate initialization structure containing the
00132  *                             initialization information.
00133  *
00134  * @retval    NRF_SUCCESS On successful initialization. Otherwise an error code. This function
00135  *                        propagates the error code returned by the Database Discovery module API
00136  *                        @ref ble_db_discovery_evt_register.
00137  */
00138 uint32_t ble_hrs_c_init(ble_hrs_c_t * p_ble_hrs_c, ble_hrs_c_init_t * p_ble_hrs_c_init);
00140 /**@brief     Function for handling BLE events from the SoftDevice.
00141  *
00142  * @details   This function will handle the BLE events received from the SoftDevice. If a BLE
00143  *            event is relevant to the Heart Rate Client module, then it uses it to update
00144  *            interval variables and, if necessary, send events to the application.
00145  *
00146  * @param[in] p_ble_hrs_c Pointer to the heart rate client structure.
00147  * @param[in] p_ble_evt   Pointer to the BLE event.
00148  */
00149 void ble_hrs_c_on_ble_evt(ble_hrs_c_t * p_ble_hrs_c, const ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt);
00152 /**@brief   Function for requesting the peer to start sending notification of Heart Rate
00153  *          Measurement.
00154  *
00155  * @details This function will enable to notification of the Heart Rate Measurement at the peer
00156  *          by writing to the CCCD of the Heart Rate Measurement Characteristic.
00157  *
00158  * @param   p_ble_hrs_c Pointer to the heart rate client structure.
00159  *
00160  * @retval  NRF_SUCCESS If the SoftDevice has been requested to write to the CCCD of the peer.
00161  *                      Otherwise, an error code. This function propagates the error code returned 
00162  *                      by the SoftDevice API @ref sd_ble_gattc_write.
00163  */
00164 uint32_t ble_hrs_c_hrm_notif_enable(ble_hrs_c_t * p_ble_hrs_c);
00166 /** @} */ // End tag for Function group.
00168 #endif // BLE_HRS_C_H__
00170 /** @} */ // End tag for the file.