
Dependencies:   BMI160 max32630hsp3 MemoryLCD USBDevice

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cmdUI/cmdInterface.cpp	Mon Mar 18 10:21:53 2019 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ * cmdInterface.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Jan 30, 2019
+ *      Author: Yagmur.Gok
+ */
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "cmdInterface.h"
+#include "SH_Max8614x_BareMetal.h"
+#include "bootldrAPI.h"
+#include "SHComm.h"
+#include "demoDefinitions.h"
+static uint8_t hostOperatingMode = HOSTMODEAPPLICATION;
+static uint8_t hostCommEchoMode  = HOSTCOMMMODE_ECHO_OFF;
+/* @brief    function to get the current operating mode of HOST: "APPMODE" or "BOOTLOADERMODE"
+ *           associated with command:  "get_host_opmode".
+ *
+ * @param[in]   arg : NULL string, just to match the form of command table function pointer type
+ *
+ * */
+static int get_host_operating_mode(const char* arg){
+	int status = 0x00;
+	SERIALOUT("\r\n%s host_operating_mode=%s\r\n", "get_host_mode", (hostOperatingMode ==HOSTMODEAPPLICATION)? "APPMODE":"BOOTLOADERMODE" );
+    return status;
+/* @brief    function to set the current operating mode of HOST: "APPMODE" or "BOOTLOADERMODE"
+ *           associated with command:  "set_host_opmode".
+ *
+ * @param[in]   arg: whole command string with argument included:  "set_host_opmode X", X: 1 or 0
+ *                                                                                      0 : APPMODE
+ *                                                                                      1 : BOOTLOADERMODE
+ *
+ * */
+static int set_host_operating_mode(const char* arg){
+    int status = -1;
+	uint32_t val;
+	if(  sscanf(arg, "%*s %x", &val) == 1 ){
+		status = 0x00;
+	}
+	SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "set_host_opmode", status);
+    return status;
+/* @brief    function to get the current firmware version of Sensor Hub".
+ *
+ * @param[in]   arg : NULL string, just to match the form of command table function pointer type
+ *
+ * */
+static int get_hub_firmware_version(const char* arg){
+    int idx;
+	int status = -1;
+    static const int MAXFWDESCSIZE = 5;
+	uint8_t descArray[MAXFWDESCSIZE];
+    uint8_t descSz;
+    status = sh_get_ss_fw_version( &descArray[0] , &descSz);
+    if(status == 0x00 && descSz > 0 &&  descSz < MAXFWDESCSIZE){
+    	 SERIALOUT("\r\n Firmware Version of Sensor Hub is = ");
+         for(idx = 0 ; idx != descSz ; idx++)
+        	 SERIALOUT("%d.", descArray[idx]);
+         SERIALOUT("\r\n");
+    }
+static int set_host_comm_echomode(const char* arg){
+	int status = -1;
+	uint32_t val;
+	if(  sscanf(arg, "%*s %x", &val) == 1 ){
+		status = 0x00;
+	}
+	SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "set_host_comm_echomode", status);
+    return status;
+static int get_hub_operating_mode(const char* arg){
+	uint8_t hubMode;
+	int status = sh_get_sensorhub_operating_mode(&hubMode);
+	if( status == 0x00)
+		SERIALOUT("\r\n hub_operating_mode=%s\r\n", (hubMode == 0x00)? "APPMODE":"BOOTLOADERMODE" );
+	else
+		SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "get_sensorhub_opmode", status);
+    return status;
+uint8_t get_internal_operating_mode(void) {
+	return hostOperatingMode;
+/* HOST MCU related mode functions inoredr to keep application&bootloader side modular:
+ *
+ *  1. in app mode Host accepts commnands related to algo/ppg applications ( command table in SH_Max8614x_BareMetal.h)
+ *     and does not check/relpy to bootloder related commnads
+ *
+ *  2. in bootloader mode Host accepts commands related to bootloader ( command table in bootldrAPI.h) only.
+ *
+ * */
+cmd_interface_t setCommEchoModeCMD  = {"set_host_echomode"   , set_host_comm_echomode , "enables/disables echoing of command console commands"};
+cmd_interface_t setHostModeCMD      = {"set_host_opmode"     , set_host_operating_mode , "sets mode of host to app or bootloader"};
+cmd_interface_t getHostModeCMD      = {"get_host_opmode"     , get_host_operating_mode , "gets mode of host app or bootloader"};
+cmd_interface_t getHubFwVersionCMD  = {"get_hub_fwversion"   , get_hub_firmware_version , "gets mode of host app or bootloader"};
+//cmd_interface_t getHubModeCMD     =  {"get_sensorhub_opmode", get_hub_operating_mode , "gets mode of host app or bootloader"};
+/* @brief    Compares two string to check whether they match.
+ *
+ * @param[in]   str1, str2 : strings to compare
+ *
+ * */
+static bool starts_with(const char* str1, const char* str2)
+	while (*str1 && *str2) {
+		if (*str1 != *str2)
+			return false;
+		str1++;
+		str2++;
+	}
+	if (*str2)
+		return false;
+	return true;
+* @brief    Command parser and executer for user input commands
+* @details  Gets the command string from command builder, compares with the commands of defined command tables of 8614x and bootloader
+*           if found calls the function associated with the command, passsing the whole command string with arguments to the called
+*           function
+* @param[in]    cmd_str Input commnad from user.
+int parse_execute_command( const char *cmd_str)
+	int found = 0;
+    int tableIdx;
+    if( starts_with(&cmd_str[0], setCommEchoModeCMD.cmdStr)) {
+    	int status = setCommEchoModeCMD.execute(cmd_str);
+        if( status != 0x00){
+        	SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "set_host_mode", COMM_INVALID_PARAM);
+        	hostCommEchoMode  = HOSTCOMMMODE_ECHO_OFF;
+        }
+        found = 1;
+    }
+    if( starts_with(&cmd_str[0], setHostModeCMD.cmdStr)) {
+    	int status = setHostModeCMD.execute(cmd_str);
+        if( status != 0x00){
+        	SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "set_host_mode", COMM_INVALID_PARAM);
+        	hostOperatingMode = HOSTMODEAPPLICATION;
+        }
+        found = 1;
+    }
+    if( starts_with(&cmd_str[0], getHostModeCMD.cmdStr)) {
+    	int  status = getHostModeCMD.execute(cmd_str);
+    	found = 1;
+    }
+    if( starts_with(&cmd_str[0], getHubFwVersionCMD.cmdStr)) {
+    	int  status = getHubFwVersionCMD.execute(cmd_str);
+    	found = 1;
+    }
+ /*   if( starts_with(&cmd_str[0], getHubModeCMD.cmdStr)) {
+    	int  status = getHubModeCMD.execute(cmd_str);
+    	found = 1;
+    }*/
+    if( hostOperatingMode == HOSTMODEAPPLICATION) {
+		tableIdx = NUMCMDS8614X;
+		do{
+			tableIdx -= 1;
+			if (starts_with(&cmd_str[0], CMDTABLE8614x[tableIdx].cmdStr)){
+				CMDTABLE8614x[tableIdx].execute(cmd_str);
+				/*MYG DEBUG8*/// SERIALPRINT("___SELECTED COMMAND IDX IS: %d \r\n", tableIdx);
+				SERIALOUT(" \r\n"); // Here is needed due to a bug on mbed serial!
+				found = 1;
+			}
+		}while(tableIdx && found == 0 );
+    }
+    if( hostOperatingMode == HOSTMODEBOOTLOADER) {
+		do{
+			tableIdx -= 1;
+			if (starts_with(&cmd_str[0], CMDTABLEBOOTLDR[tableIdx].cmdStr)){
+				CMDTABLEBOOTLDR[tableIdx].execute(cmd_str);
+				/*MYG DEBUG8*/// SERIALPRINT("___SELECTED COMMAND IDX IS: %d \r\n", tableIdx);
+				SERIALOUT(" \r\n"); // Here is needed due to a bug on mbed serial!
+				found = 1;
+			}
+		}while(tableIdx && found == 0 );
+    }
+    return found;
+* @brief    Command builder from serial i/o device.
+* @details  Reads character and builds commands for application.
+* @param[in]    ch Input character from i/o device.
+void cmdIntf_build_command(char ch)
+	static char cmd_str[1024];
+    static int cmd_idx = 0;
+    int status;
+    if(hostCommEchoMode == HOSTCOMMMODE_ECHO_ON)
+    	SERIALOUT("%c", ch);
+	if (ch == 0x00) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if ((ch == '\n') || (ch == '\r')) {
+		if (cmd_idx < 1024)
+		cmd_str[cmd_idx++] = '\0';
+		status = parse_execute_command(cmd_str);
+		//Clear cmd_str
+		while (cmd_idx > 0)
+			cmd_str[--cmd_idx] = '\0';
+	} else if ((ch == 0x08 || ch == 0x7F) && cmd_idx > 0) {
+		//Backspace character
+		if (cmd_idx > 0)
+			cmd_str[--cmd_idx] = '\0';
+	} else {
+		if (cmd_idx < 1024)
+			cmd_str[cmd_idx++] = ch;
+	}