Werkcollege opgave 23 september BMT K9

Dependencies:   Encoder HIDScope MODSERIAL mbed QEI biquadFilter

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Oct 14 14:13:52 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 19 20:49:18 2015 +0000
@@ -4,87 +4,240 @@
 #include "biquadFilter.h" //Filter direct form II
 //      [DEFINE INPUTS]       //
-//AnalogIn    emgL(A0); //Analog input left arm
-//AnalogIn    emgR(PTB1); //Analog input right arm
-DigitalOut  led1(LED_GREEN);
 //      [DEFINE CONSTANTS]      //
-float emgL_L, emgL_LH, emgLeft, emgL_H, emgL_Notch;
-double B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, MOVAVG;
 HIDScope scope(3); // Aantal HIDScope kanalen
-volatile bool control_go = false;
 Ticker control_tick;
 Ticker T1;
 //      [BIQUAD FILTERS]        //
 int Fs = 512; // sampling frequency
-const double low_b0 = 0.05892937945281792
-const double low_b1 = 0.11785875890563584
-const double low_b2 = 0.05892937945281792
-const double low_a1 = -1.205716572226748
-const double low_a2 = 0.44143409003801976 // VIA online biquad calculator Lowpas 520-48-0.7071-6
+const double low_b0 = 0.05892937945281792;
+const double low_b1 = 0.11785875890563584;
+const double low_b2 = 0.05892937945281792;
+const double low_a1 = -1.205716572226748;
+const double low_a2 = 0.44143409003801976; // VIA online biquad calculator Lowpas 520-48-0.7071-6
-const double high_b0 = 0.6389437261127494
-const double high_b1 = -1.2778874522254988
-const double high_b2 = 0.6389437261127494
-const double high_a1 = -1.1429772843080923
-const double high_a2 = 0.41279762014290533 // VIA online biquad calculator Highpas 520-52-0.7071-6
-biquadFilter highpass1(high_a1, high_a2, high_b0, high_b1, high_b2);
-biquadFilter lowpass1(low_a1, low_a2, low_b0, low_b1, low_b2);
-AnalogIn input1(A0); // declaring the 4 inputs
-double u1; double y1; // declaring the input variables
+const double high_b0 = 0.6389437261127494;
+const double high_b1 = -1.2778874522254988;
+const double high_b2 = 0.6389437261127494;
+const double high_a1 = -1.1429772843080923;
+const double high_a2 = 0.41279762014290533; // VIA online biquad calculator Highpas 520-52-0.7071-6
-//      [FUNCTIONS]        //
-void ControlGo() //Control flag
-    control_go = true;
-    led1 = 0;
+//Left bicep
+biquadFilter highpassfilter_1(high_a1, high_a2, high_b0, high_b1, high_b2);// moeten nog waardes voor gemaakt worden? (>25Hz doorlaten)
+biquadFilter notchL1(low_a1, low_a2, low_b0, low_b1, low_b2);// moeten nog waardes voor gemaakt worden (>52Hz doorlaten)
+biquadFilter notchL2(low_a1, low_a2, low_b0, low_b1, low_b2);// moeten nog waardes voor gemaakt worden (<48Hz doorlaten)
+biquadFilter lowpassfilter_1(low_a1, low_a2, low_b0, low_b1, low_b2);// moeten nog waardes voor gemaakt worden?       (<5-10 Hz ???) // (<200 Hz doorlaten) => wat is het verschil wat is bruikbaar
-void sample_filter()
-    u1 = input1;
-    y1 = highpass1.step(u1); // filter order is: high-pass --> rectify --> low-pass
-    y1 = fabs(y1);
-    y1 = lowpass1.step(y1);// roughly normalize to a scale of 0 - 1, where 0 is minimum and 1 is roughly the maximum output of dennis.
-    B0 = y1;
-        MOVAVG=B0*0.1+B1*0.1+B2*0.1+B3*0.1+B4*0.1+B5*0.1+B6*0.1+B7*0.1+B8*0.1+B9*0.1;
-        B9=B8;
-        B8=B7;
-        B7=B6;
-        B6=B5;
-        B5=B4;
-        B4=B3;
-        B3=B2;
-        B2=B1;
-        B1=B0;
-        led1 = 1; //De led gaat flikkeren wanneer deze loop uitgevoerd wordt
+// Right bicep
+biquadFilter highpassfilter_2(high_a1, high_a2, high_b0, high_b1, high_b2);// moeten nog waardes voor gemaakt worden?
+biquadFilter notchR1(low_a1, low_a2, low_b0, low_b1, low_b2);  // moeten nog waardes voor gemaakt worden
+biquadFilter notchR2(low_a1, low_a2, low_b0, low_b1, low_b2); // moeten nog waardes voor gemaakt worden
+biquadFilter lowpassfilter_2(low_a1, low_a2, low_b0, low_b1, low_b2);// moeten nog waardes voor gemaakt worden?
+AnalogIn input1(A0);                                          // EMG: Two AnalogIn EMG inputs
+AnalogIn input2(A1);                                          // EMG: Two AnalogIn EMG inputs
+//                     __________________________
+//                    :     [EMG variables]      : 
+//                    :__________________________:
+volatile bool control_go = false;                             // EMG: 
+volatile bool sample = false;
+volatile bool sample_error = false;
+volatile bool sample_error_strike = false;
+double Sample_EMG_L_1, Sample_EMG_L_2, Sample_EMG_L_3, Sample_EMG_L_4, Sample_EMG_L_5, Sample_EMG_L_6, Sample_EMG_L_7, Sample_EMG_L_8, Sample_EMG_L_9, Sample_EMG_L_10, moving_average_left;    
+double Sample_EMG_R_1, Sample_EMG_R_2, Sample_EMG_R_3, Sample_EMG_R_4, Sample_EMG_R_5, Sample_EMG_R_6, Sample_EMG_R_7, Sample_EMG_R_8, Sample_EMG_R_9, Sample_EMG_R_10, moving_average_right;
+double minimum_L;                      double maximum_L;                                           
+double EMG_L_min;                      double EMG_L_max;                                    
+double minimum_R;                      double maximum_R;                                              
+double EMG_R_min;                      double EMG_R_max;                                                                                                                 
+double EMG_left_Bicep;                 double EMG_Right_Bicep;                   // input variables
+double EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered_notch_1;double EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered_notch_1; 
+double EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered_notch_2;double EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered_notch_2; 
+double EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered;        double EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered;          // output variables
+double n=0; double c=0; double k=0; double p=0; double er=0;
+void ControlGo();
+void take_sample();
+void Filter();
+void sample_filter();
+void countdown_from_5();
+void calibration();
 //      [MAIN FUNCTION]     //
 int main()
     control_tick.attach(&ControlGo, (float)1/Fs);
+    // calibration(); // calibreer min en max positie
-        led1=0;
-            scope.set(0,u1);
-            scope.set(1,y1);
-            scope.set(2,MOVAVG);
+            scope.set(0,EMG_left_Bicep);                  //left bicep unfiltered
+            scope.set(1,EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered); //Filtered signal
+            scope.set(2,moving_average_left);     //
             control_go = 0;
     } // while end   
 } // main end
\ No newline at end of file
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//      [FUNCTIONS]        //
+void ControlGo() //Control flag
+    control_go = true;
+void sample_filter()
+    Filter();
+    take_sample();
+    if(sample)
+        {
+            sample=false;
+            Sample_EMG_L_1 = EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered;               Sample_EMG_R_1 = EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered; 
+            Sample_EMG_L_10= Sample_EMG_L_9;                        Sample_EMG_R_10= Sample_EMG_R_9;
+            Sample_EMG_L_9 = Sample_EMG_L_8;                        Sample_EMG_R_9 = Sample_EMG_R_8;
+            Sample_EMG_L_8 = Sample_EMG_L_7;                        Sample_EMG_R_8 = Sample_EMG_R_7;
+            Sample_EMG_L_7 = Sample_EMG_L_6;                        Sample_EMG_R_7 = Sample_EMG_R_6;
+            Sample_EMG_L_6 = Sample_EMG_L_5;                        Sample_EMG_R_6 = Sample_EMG_R_5;
+            Sample_EMG_L_5 = Sample_EMG_L_4;                        Sample_EMG_R_5 = Sample_EMG_R_4;
+            Sample_EMG_L_4 = Sample_EMG_L_3;                        Sample_EMG_R_4 = Sample_EMG_R_3;
+            Sample_EMG_L_3 = Sample_EMG_L_2;                        Sample_EMG_R_3 = Sample_EMG_R_2;
+            Sample_EMG_L_2 = Sample_EMG_L_1;                        Sample_EMG_R_2 = Sample_EMG_R_1;
+        }
+        moving_average_left=Sample_EMG_L_1*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_2*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_3*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_4*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_5*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_6*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_7*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_8*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_9*0.1+Sample_EMG_L_10*0.1;
+        moving_average_right=Sample_EMG_R_1*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_2*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_3*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_4*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_5*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_6*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_7*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_8*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_9*0.1+Sample_EMG_R_10*0.1;  
+    n++;   
+void take_sample() // Take a sample every 25th sample
+    if(n==25)
+    {
+    sample = true; n=0;
+    }
+     if(er==5)
+    {
+    sample_error = true; er=0;
+    }
+    sample_error_strike = true;
+                                //    [FILTER FUNCTIONS]    //
+                                //          [EMG]           //
+void Filter() // Unfiltered EMG (input) -> highpass filter -> rectify -> lowpass filter -> Filtered EMG (output)
+    {
+    EMG_left_Bicep = input1; EMG_Right_Bicep = input2;
+    EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered = highpassfilter_1.step(EMG_left_Bicep); EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered = highpassfilter_2.step(EMG_Right_Bicep);
+    EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered = fabs(EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered); EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered = fabs(EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered);
+    EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered_notch_1 = notchL1.step(EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered); EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered_notch_1 = notchR1.step(EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered);
+    EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered_notch_2 = notchL2.step(EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered_notch_1); EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered_notch_2 = notchR2.step(EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered_notch_1);
+    EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered = lowpassfilter_1.step(EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered_notch_2); EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered = lowpassfilter_2.step(EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered_notch_2);
+    }
+void countdown_from_5() // Countdown from 5 till 0 inside Putty (interface)
+    {
+    wait(1); pc.printf("5 \n\r"); wait(1); pc.printf("4 \n\r"); wait(1); pc.printf("3 \n\r"); wait(1); pc.printf("2 Ready \n\r");
+    wait(1); pc.printf("1 Set \n\r"); wait(1); pc.printf("Go \n\r");
+    }
+void calibration()
+                        //  [MINIMUM VALUE BICEPS CALIBRATION]   //
+    pc.printf("Start minimum calibration in 5 seconds \n\r");
+    pc.printf("Keep your biceps as relaxed as possible \n\r");
+    countdown_from_5();
+    c=0;
+    while(c<2560)                    // 512Hz -> 2560 is equal to five seconds
+    {
+    Filter();                        // Filter EMG signal
+    minimum_L=EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered+minimum_L;          // Take previous sample EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered and add the new value
+    minimum_R=EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered+minimum_R;   
+//    scope.set(0,EMG_left_Bicep);
+//    scope.set(1,EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered);
+//    scope.set(2,minimum_L);
+//    scope.send();
+    c++;                             // Every sample c is increased by one until the statement c<2560 is false
+    wait(0.001953125);               // wait one sample
+    }
+    pc.printf("Finished minimum calibration \n\r");
+    EMG_L_min=minimum_L/2560;        // Divide the summation by the number of measurements (2560 measurements) to get a mean value over 5 seconds
+    EMG_R_min=minimum_R/2560;
+    pc.printf("EMG_L_min = %f \n\r EMG_R_min = %f \n\r", EMG_L_min, EMG_R_min);
+    wait (3);                        //cooldown
+                    //  [MAXIMUM VALUE BICEPS CALIBRATION]   //
+    pc.printf("start maximum calibration in 5 seconds (start contraction at 3) \n\r");
+    countdown_from_5();
+    c=0;
+    while(c<2560)              // 512Hz -> 2560 is equal to five seconds
+    {
+    Filter();                  // Filter EMG signal
+    maximum_L=EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered+maximum_L;    // Take previous sample EMG_Left_Bicep_filtered and add the new value
+    maximum_R=EMG_Right_Bicep_filtered+maximum_R;     
+    c++;                       // Every sample c is increased by one until the statement c<2560 is false
+    wait(0.001953125);
+    }
+    pc.printf("Finished minimum calibration \n\r");
+    EMG_L_max=maximum_L/2560; // Divide the summation by the number of measurements (2560 measurements) to get a mean value over 5 seconds
+    EMG_R_max=maximum_R/2560;
+    pc.printf("EMG_L_max = %f \n\r EMG_R_max = %f  \n\r", EMG_L_max, EMG_R_max);
+    wait (3); //cooldown
+                     //  [MAXIMUM VALUE BICEPS CALIBRATION]   //
+                     //   Calculate threshold percentages     //
+    const float Threshold_Bicep_Left_1=((EMG_L_max-EMG_L_min)*0.2)+EMG_L_min;;      //(waarde waarop het gemeten EMG signaal 20% van max het maximale is); // LEFT
+    const float Threshold_Bicep_Left_2=((EMG_L_max-EMG_L_min)*0.6)+EMG_L_min;      //(waarde waarop het gemeten EMG signaal 60% van max het maximale is); 
+    const float Threshold_Bicep_Right_1=((EMG_R_max-EMG_R_min)*0.2)+EMG_R_min;     //(waarde waarop het gemeten EMG signaal 20% van max het maximale is); // RIGHT
+    const float Threshold_Bicep_Right_2=((EMG_R_max-EMG_R_min)*0.6)+EMG_R_min;     //(waarde waarop het gemeten EMG signaal 60% van max het maximale is);
+    pc.printf("left 1: %f left 2: %f right 1: %f right 2: %f  \n\r", Threshold_Bicep_Left_1, Threshold_Bicep_Left_2, Threshold_Bicep_Right_1, Threshold_Bicep_Right_2);