update to target nrf52840

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Aug 13 12:23:41 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mbed.h"
+Serial pc(P0_25, P0_8);
+// definitions
+#include "abac_them.h"
+// policy constructors
+attr_v2 new_attr_integer(char *name, int value)
+    attr_v2 at;
+    at.data_type = abac_integer;
+    at.name = name;
+    at.integer = value;
+    return at;
+attr_v2 new_attr_real(char *name, float value)
+    attr_v2 at;
+    at.data_type = abac_real;
+    at.name = name;
+    at.real = value;
+    return at;
+attr_v2 new_attr_integer_range(char *name, int min, int max)
+    attr_v2 at;
+    at.data_type = abac_integer_range;
+    at.name = name;
+    at.ran.integer_min = min;
+    at.ran.integer_max = max;
+    return at;
+attr_v2 new_attr_real_range(char *name, float min, float max)
+    attr_v2 at;
+    at.data_type = abac_real_range;
+    at.name = name;
+    at.ran.real_min = min;
+    at.ran.real_max = max;
+    return at;
+attr_v2 new_attr_string(char *name, char *value)
+    attr_v2 at;
+    at.data_type = abac_string;
+    at.name = name;
+    at.string = value;
+    return at;
+attr_v2 new_attr_string_list(char *name, size_t len)
+    attr_v2 at;
+    at.data_type = abac_string_list;
+    at.name = name;
+    at.inner_list_len = len;
+    at.string_list = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * len);
+    return at;
+attr_v2 new_attr_dictionary(char *name, attr_v2 **value, size_t len)
+    attr_v2 at;
+    at.data_type = abac_dictionary;
+    at.name = name;
+    at.inner_list_len = len;
+    at.inner_attrs = value;
+    return at;
+attr_v2 **new_attr_list(size_t len)
+    attr_v2 **list = (attr_v2**) malloc(sizeof(attr_v2 *) * len);
+    return list;
+char **new_operations_list(size_t len)
+    char **list = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char *) * len);
+    return list;
+// graph constructors
+node new_graph_node(char *value)
+    node n;
+    n.value = value;
+    n.next = NULL;
+    return n;
+void create_directed_edge(node *a, node *b)
+    a->next = b;
+graph new_graph(size_t len)
+    graph g;
+    g.len = len;
+    g.list = (node **) malloc(sizeof(node *) * len);
+    return g;
+// graph algorithms
+int is_node_in(node k, node *list, size_t v_len)
+    for (int i = 0; i < v_len; ++i)
+        if (strcmp(k.value, list[i].value) == 0)
+            return 1;
+    return 0;
+node *find_ancestors_dfs(graph g, node n, size_t *v_len)
+    node *visited = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node) * g.len); // allocate max number of nodes for simplicity
+    node **stack = (node **) malloc(sizeof(node *) * g.len);
+    node k;
+    size_t s_head = 0, the_len = 0;
+    stack[s_head++] = &n;
+    while (s_head > 0) {
+        k = *stack[--s_head];
+        if (!is_node_in(k, visited, the_len)) {
+            visited[the_len++] = k;
+            // walk over k.next and add to stack
+            while (k.next) {
+                stack[s_head++] = k.next;
+                k = *k.next;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    *v_len = the_len;
+    return visited;
+node *find_in_graph(attr_v2 *at, graph g)
+    for (int j = 0; j < g.len; ++j)
+        if (strcmp(at->string, g.list[j]->value) == 0)
+            return g.list[j];
+    return NULL;
+void expand_attr(attr_v2 **at_orig, graph g)
+    if ((*at_orig)->data_type != abac_string)
+        return;
+    size_t v_len = 0;
+    node *n;
+    n = find_in_graph(*at_orig, g);
+    if (n == NULL)
+        return;
+    node *visited = find_ancestors_dfs(g, *n, &v_len);
+    attr_v2 *at = (attr_v2 *) malloc(sizeof(attr_v2));
+    *at = new_attr_string_list((*at_orig)->name, v_len);
+    for (int j = 0; j < v_len; ++j)
+        at->string_list[j] = visited[j].value;
+    *at_orig = at;
+void expand_attrs(rule *req, graph g)
+    for (int i = 0; i < req->users_len; ++i)
+        expand_attr(&req->users[i], g);
+    for (int i = 0; i < req->objects_len; ++i)
+        expand_attr(&req->objects[i], g);
+    for (int i = 0; i < req->contexts_len; ++i)
+        expand_attr(&req->contexts[i], g);
+// authorization
+int is_subset(char **ro, size_t ro_len, char **po, size_t po_len)
+    for (int i = 0; i < ro_len; i++) {
+        int ok = 0;
+        for (int j = 0; j < po_len; j++)
+            if (strcmp(ro[i], po[j]) == 0)
+                ok = 1;
+        if (!ok)
+            return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+int is_string_in(char *a, char **b, size_t b_len)
+    for (int i = 0; i < b_len; ++i)
+        if (strcmp(a, b[i]) == 0)
+            return 1;
+    return 0;
+int match_attr_v2(attr_v2 ra, attr_v2 pa)
+    if (strcmp(ra.name, pa.name) != 0)
+        return 0;
+    switch(pa.data_type) {
+    case abac_integer:
+        if (ra.integer == pa.integer)
+            return 1;
+        break;
+    case abac_real:
+        if (ra.real == pa.real)
+            return 1;
+        break;
+    case abac_integer_range:
+        if (ra.integer >= pa.ran.integer_min && ra.integer <= pa.ran.integer_max)
+            return 1;
+        break;
+    case abac_real_range:
+        if (ra.real >= pa.ran.real_min && ra.real <= pa.ran.real_max)
+            return 1;
+        break;
+    case abac_string:
+        if (ra.data_type == abac_string && strcmp(ra.string, pa.string) == 0)
+            return 1;
+        else if (ra.data_type == abac_string_list && is_string_in(pa.string, ra.string_list, ra.inner_list_len))
+            return 1;
+        break;
+    case abac_dictionary:
+        return match_attrs_v2(ra.inner_attrs, ra.inner_list_len, pa.inner_attrs, pa.inner_list_len);
+    }
+    return 0;
+int match_attrs_v2(attr_v2 **ras, size_t ras_len, attr_v2 **pas, size_t pas_len)
+    int any_r;
+    for (int i = 0; i < pas_len; i++)
+    {
+        any_r = 0;
+        for (int j = 0; j < ras_len; j++)
+            if (match_attr_v2(*(ras[i]), *(pas[i])))
+                any_r = 1;
+        if (!any_r)
+            return 0;
+    }
+    if (any_r)
+        return 1;
+    else
+        return 0;
+int match_permission(rule r, rule perm)
+    return 
+        is_subset(r.operations, r.operations_len, perm.operations, perm.operations_len) &&
+        match_attrs_v2(r.users, r.users_len, perm.users, perm.users_len) && 
+        match_attrs_v2(r.objects, r.objects_len, perm.objects, perm.objects_len) && 
+        match_attrs_v2(r.contexts, r.contexts_len, perm.contexts, perm.contexts_len);
+int authorize_permissions(rule req, rule *perms, size_t p_len)
+    for (int i = 0; i < p_len; i++)
+        if (match_permission(req, perms[i]))
+            return 1;
+    return 0;
+int authorize_permissions_expand(rule req, rule *perms, size_t p_len, graph g)
+    expand_attrs(&req, g);
+    for (int i = 0; i < p_len; i++)
+        if (match_permission(req, perms[i]))
+            return 1;
+    return 0;
+// debug
+void show_attr_v2(attr_v2 at)
+    switch(at.data_type) {
+    case abac_integer:
+        printf("%s: %d\n", at.name, at.integer);
+        break;
+    case abac_real:
+        printf("%s: %.2f\n", at.name, at.real);
+        break;
+    case abac_integer_range:
+        printf("%s: %d..%d\n", at.name, at.ran.integer_min, at.ran.integer_max);
+        break;
+    case abac_real_range:
+        printf("%s: %.2f..%.2f\n", at.name, at.ran.real_min, at.ran.real_max);
+        break;
+    case abac_string:
+        printf("%s: %s\n", at.name, at.string);
+        break;
+    case abac_string_list:
+        printf("%s: ", at.name);
+        for (int i = 0; i < at.inner_list_len; ++i)
+            printf("%s ", at.string_list[i]);
+        printf("\n");
+        break;
+    case abac_dictionary:
+        printf("[%s:\n", at.name);
+        for (int i = 0; i < at.inner_list_len; i++)
+            show_attr_v2(*(at.inner_attrs[i]));
+        printf("]\n");
+        break;
+    }
+void show_operations(char **ops, size_t len)
+    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+        printf("%s ", ops[i]);
+    printf("\n");
+void show_rule(rule r, char *desc)
+    printf("\n>%s\n", desc);
+    printf("#users:\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i < r.users_len; i++)
+        show_attr_v2(*(r.users[i]));
+    printf("#objects:\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i < r.objects_len; i++)
+        show_attr_v2(*(r.objects[i]));
+    printf("#contexts:\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i < r.contexts_len; i++)
+        show_attr_v2(*(r.contexts[i]));
+    printf("#operations:\n");
+    show_operations(r.operations, r.operations_len);
+void show_visited(node *visited, size_t v_len)
+    printf("visited: ");
+    for (int i = 0; i < v_len; ++i)
+        printf("%s ", visited[i].value);
+    printf("\n");
+void show_node_list(node *list, size_t len, char *desc)
+    printf("%s: ", desc);
+    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+        printf("%s ", list[i].value);
+    printf("\n");
+int main() {
+    attr_v2 **at_list;
+    attr_v2 id_alice = new_attr_string("id", "alice");
+    attr_v2 id_camera1 = new_attr_string("id", "camera1");
+    attr_v2 id_lamp1 = new_attr_string("id", "lamp1");
+    attr_v2 id_some_device_x = new_attr_string("id", "some-device-x");
+    attr_v2 owner_alice = new_attr_string("owner", "alice");
+    attr_v2 year_2020 = new_attr_integer("year", 2020);
+    attr_v2 month_6 = new_attr_integer("month", 6);
+    attr_v2 day_30 = new_attr_integer("day", 30);
+    attr_v2 hour_17 = new_attr_integer("hour", 17);
+    attr_v2 luminosity_25 = new_attr_integer("outdoorLuminosity", 25);
+    attr_v2 age_min18 = new_attr_integer_range("age", 18, 120);
+    attr_v2 minute_20_25 = new_attr_integer_range("minute", 20, 25);
+    attr_v2 luminosity_max33 = new_attr_integer_range("outdoorLuminosity", 0, 33);
+    attr_v2 reputation_min4 = new_attr_real_range("reputation", 4, 5);
+    attr_v2 type_security = new_attr_string("type", "securityAppliance");
+    attr_v2 type_lighting = new_attr_string("type", "lightingAppliance");
+    attr_v2 household_role_child = new_attr_string("role", "child");
+    attr_v2 household_id_home1 = new_attr_string("id", "home-1");
+    attr_v2 type_camera = new_attr_string("type", "securityCamera");
+    attr_v2 location_outdoor = new_attr_string("location", "outdoor");
+    at_list = new_attr_list(1);
+    at_list[0] = &household_id_home1;
+    attr_v2 household_with_id = new_attr_dictionary("household", at_list, 1);
+    at_list = new_attr_list(2);
+    at_list[0] = &household_id_home1;
+    at_list[1] = &household_role_child;
+    attr_v2 household_with_id_role = new_attr_dictionary("household", at_list, 2);
+    // p1
+    rule perm1;
+    perm1.users = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm1.users_len = 1;
+    perm1.users[0] = &id_alice;
+    perm1.objects = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm1.objects_len = 1;
+    perm1.objects[0] = &owner_alice;
+    perm1.contexts_len = 0;
+    perm1.operations = new_operations_list(4);
+    perm1.operations_len = 4;
+    perm1.operations[0] = "create";
+    perm1.operations[1] = "read";
+    perm1.operations[2] = "update";
+    perm1.operations[3] = "delete";
+    show_rule(perm1, "perm1\0");
+    // p2, authorizes req_e
+    rule perm2;
+    perm2.users = new_attr_list(2);
+    perm2.users_len = 2;
+    perm2.users[0] = &age_min18;
+    perm2.users[1] = &household_with_id;
+    perm2.objects = new_attr_list(2);
+    perm2.objects_len = 2;
+    perm2.objects[0] = &type_security;
+    perm2.objects[1] = &household_with_id;
+    perm2.contexts_len = 0;
+    perm2.operations = new_operations_list(2);
+    perm2.operations_len = 2;
+    perm2.operations[0] = "read";
+    perm2.operations[1] = "update";
+    show_rule(perm2, "perm2\0");
+    // p3, authorizes req
+    rule perm3;
+    perm3.users = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm3.users_len = 1;
+    perm3.users[0] = &household_with_id_role;
+    perm3.objects = new_attr_list(2);
+    perm3.objects_len = 2;
+    perm3.objects[0] = &type_lighting;
+    perm3.objects[1] = &household_with_id;
+    perm3.contexts = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm3.contexts_len = 1;
+    perm3.contexts[0] = &luminosity_max33;
+    perm3.operations = new_operations_list(2);
+    perm3.operations_len = 2;
+    perm3.operations[0] = "read";
+    perm3.operations[1] = "update";
+    show_rule(perm3, "perm3\0");
+    // p4
+    rule perm4;
+    perm4.users = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm4.users_len = 1;
+    perm4.users[0] = &id_camera1;
+    perm4.objects = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm4.objects_len = 1;
+    perm4.objects[0] = &id_lamp1;
+    perm4.contexts_len = 0;
+    perm4.operations = new_operations_list(2);
+    perm4.operations_len = 2;
+    perm4.operations[0] = "read";
+    perm4.operations[1] = "update";
+    show_rule(perm4, "perm4\0");
+    // p5
+    rule perm5;
+    perm5.users = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm5.users_len = 1;
+    perm5.users[0] = &reputation_min4;
+    perm5.objects = new_attr_list(3);
+    perm5.objects_len = 3;
+    perm5.objects[0] = &type_camera;
+    perm5.objects[1] = &household_with_id;
+    perm5.objects[2] = &location_outdoor;
+    perm5.contexts = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm5.contexts_len = 1;
+    perm5.contexts[0] = &luminosity_max33;
+    perm5.operations = new_operations_list(1);
+    perm5.operations_len = 1;
+    perm5.operations[0] = "contract";
+    show_rule(perm5, "perm5\0");
+    // p6
+    rule perm6;
+    perm6.users = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm6.users_len = 1;
+    perm6.users[0] = &id_some_device_x;
+    perm6.objects = new_attr_list(5);
+    perm6.objects_len = 5;
+    perm6.objects[0] = &year_2020;
+    perm6.objects[1] = &month_6;
+    perm6.objects[2] = &day_30;
+    perm6.objects[3] = &hour_17;
+    perm6.objects[4] = &minute_20_25;
+    perm6.contexts = new_attr_list(1);
+    perm6.contexts_len = 1;
+    perm6.contexts[0] = &luminosity_max33;
+    perm6.operations = new_operations_list(1);
+    perm6.operations_len = 1;
+    perm6.operations[0] = "contract";
+    show_rule(perm6, "perm6\0");
+    // list of perms
+    rule *perms = (rule *) malloc(sizeof(rule) * 6);
+    perms[0] = perm1;
+    perms[1] = perm2;
+    perms[2] = perm3;
+    perms[3] = perm4;
+    perms[4] = perm5;
+    perms[5] = perm6;
+    // a request
+    rule req;
+    req.users = new_attr_list(1);
+    req.users_len = 1;
+    req.users[0] = &household_with_id_role;
+    req.objects = new_attr_list(2);
+    req.objects_len = 2;
+    req.objects[0] = &type_lighting;
+    req.objects[1] = &household_with_id;
+    req.contexts = new_attr_list(1);
+    req.contexts_len = 1;
+    req.contexts[0] = &luminosity_25;
+    req.operations = new_operations_list(1);
+    req.operations_len = 1;
+    req.operations[0] = "read";
+    show_rule(req, "request\0");
+    if (authorize_permissions(req, perms, 6))
+        printf("\nauthorized request for policy #3\n");
+    // creating a graph
+    node n_child = new_graph_node("child");
+    node n_father = new_graph_node("father");
+    node n_mother = new_graph_node("mother");
+    node n_adultFamilyMember = new_graph_node("adultFamilyMember");
+    node n_family_member = new_graph_node("familyMember");
+    node n_person = new_graph_node("person");
+    create_directed_edge(&n_child, &n_family_member);
+    create_directed_edge(&n_father, &n_adultFamilyMember);
+    create_directed_edge(&n_mother, &n_adultFamilyMember);
+    create_directed_edge(&n_adultFamilyMember, &n_family_member);
+    create_directed_edge(&n_family_member, &n_person);
+    node n_securityCamera = new_graph_node("securityCamera");
+    node n_intrusionAlarm = new_graph_node("intrusionAlarm");
+    node n_securityAppliance = new_graph_node("securityAppliance");
+    create_directed_edge(&n_securityCamera, &n_securityAppliance);
+    create_directed_edge(&n_intrusionAlarm, &n_securityAppliance);
+    graph g = new_graph(6+3);
+    g.list[0] = &n_child;
+    g.list[1] = &n_father;
+    g.list[2] = &n_mother;
+    g.list[3] = &n_adultFamilyMember;
+    g.list[4] = &n_family_member;
+    g.list[5] = &n_person;
+    g.list[6] = &n_securityCamera;
+    g.list[7] = &n_intrusionAlarm;
+    g.list[8] = &n_securityAppliance;
+    // a request to expand
+    rule req_e;
+    req_e.users = new_attr_list(2);
+    req_e.users_len = 2;
+    attr_v2 age_25 = new_attr_integer("age", 25);
+    req_e.users[0] = &age_25;
+    req_e.users[1] = &household_with_id;
+    req_e.objects = new_attr_list(2);
+    req_e.objects_len = 2;
+    req_e.objects[0] = &type_camera;
+    req_e.objects[1] = &household_with_id;
+    req_e.contexts_len = 0;
+    req_e.operations = new_operations_list(1);
+    req_e.operations_len = 1;
+    req_e.operations[0] = "read";
+    show_rule(req_e, "request that will be expanded\0");
+    if (!authorize_permissions(req_e, perms, 6))
+        printf("\ndenied non-expanded request for policy #2\n");
+    if (authorize_permissions_expand(req_e, perms, 6, g))
+        printf("\nauthorized expanded request for policy #2\n\n");
+    // many policies
+    int n_perms = 3000, median;
+    median = (int) (n_perms / 2);
+    rule *many_perms = (rule *) malloc(sizeof(rule) * n_perms);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n_perms; ++i)
+        many_perms[i] = perm5;
+    many_perms[median] = perm2;
+    // benchmark
+    int runs = 3000;
+    Timer t;
+    t.start();
+    for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
+        authorize_permissions_expand(req_e, perms, 6, g);
+    t.stop();
+    pc.printf("The time taken to authorize 1 request against 6 policies, %d times, was %f ms\n", runs, t.read() * 1000);
+    printf("> The time taken to authorize 1 request against 6 policies, %d times, was %f ms\n", runs, t.read() * 1000);
+    t.start();
+    authorize_permissions_expand(req_e, many_perms, n_perms, g);
+    t.stop();
+    pc.printf("The time taken to authorize 1 request against %d policies was %f ms\n", n_perms, t.read() * 1000);
+    printf("> The time taken to authorize 1 request against %d policies was %f ms\n", n_perms, t.read() * 1000);
+#elif defined(ESP32)
+    unsigned long startTime, endTime;
+    startTime = millis();
+    for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
+        authorize_permissions_expand(req_e, perms, 6, g);
+    endTime = millis();
+    Serial.print("The time taken to authorize 1 request against 6 policies, ");
+    Serial.print(runs);
+    Serial.print(" times, was ");
+    Serial.print(endTime - startTime);
+    Serial.println(" ms");
+    startTime = millis();
+    authorize_permissions_expand(req_e, many_perms, n_perms, g);
+    endTime = millis();
+    Serial.print("The time taken to authorize 1 request against ");
+    Serial.print(n_perms);
+    Serial.print(" policies was ");
+    Serial.print(endTime - startTime);
+    Serial.println(" ms");
+#elif defined(__unix__)
+    #include <time.h>
+    clock_t t;
+    t = clock();
+    double elapsed;
+    for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
+        authorize_permissions_expand(req_e, perms, 6, g);
+    t = clock() - t;
+    elapsed = ((double) t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+    printf("The time taken to authorize 1 request against 6 policies, %d times, was %f ms\n", runs, elapsed * 1000);
+    t = clock();
+    authorize_permissions_expand(req_e, many_perms, n_perms, g);
+    t = clock() - t;
+    elapsed = ((double) t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+    printf("The time taken to authorize 1 request against %d policies was %f ms\n", n_perms, elapsed * 1000);
+    free(many_perms);