Code for robot

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Yusheng-final_project by Britney Dorval

diff -r 5ef5fe8c7775 -r dc410a980771 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Apr 16 19:52:52 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Apr 26 20:58:31 2017 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #define NUM_STEPS 1600 //number of steps for 1 turn of wheel
 #define WHEEL_RADIUS 51 //units in mm
 #define PI 3.1415
-#define maxAccel 5
+#define maxAccel 10
 //For RF Communication
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
 #define X 500
 #define Y 0
+#define COMMUNICATION_FORMAT "Jstick_h: %f Jstick_v: %f Button: %d Theta: %f Distance: %f"
 #define MAX_THROTTLE 100
@@ -58,16 +60,22 @@
 float Kd1;
 float Kp2;
 float Kd2;
-int i;
+float theta_ReadIn;
+float dis_ReadIn;
+int i = 0;
+const int waypointBufferSize = 100;
+float waypoints[waypointBufferSize];
+int index = 0;
+int buffer_index = 0;
 //Controller Values
 uint8_t knob1, knob2, knob3, knob4;
-int8_t jstick_h, jstick_v;
+float jstick_h, jstick_v;
 //Control Variables
 float throttle = 0; //From joystick
 float steering = 0; //From joystick
-int robot_pos = 0; //Robots position
+float robot_pos = 0;//Robots position
 float motor1_old = 0; 
 Timer timer;
@@ -89,7 +97,8 @@
 DigitalOut led4(LED4);
-bool button;
+int button;
+int moving;
 #include "communication.h"
@@ -140,6 +149,7 @@
     enable = ENABLE;
     while(1) {
+        //pc.printf("Something happened!\r\n");
         //Led 4 to indicate if robot is Running or Not
         led4 = ROBOT_ON;
@@ -147,15 +157,17 @@
         led2 = button;
         //If button is pressed reset motor position
         if(button) {
+            //button = 0; 
             pos_M1 = 0; //Reset position of Motor 1
             pos_M2 = 0; //Reset position of motor 2
             //Read Button Press to Toggle Motors
             if((timer.read_us() - last_button_time) > 250000) {
                 ROBOT_ON = ROBOT_ON^1;
-                pc.printf("BUTTON WAS PRESSED \r\n");
-                last_button_time = timer.read_us();
+                //pc.printf("BUTTON WAS PRESSED \r\n");
+                last_button_time = timer.read_us(); 
@@ -174,9 +186,11 @@
         //Pose(x,y,th) = P(world_x, world_y, robot_th)
-        pc.printf("X axis: %d",world_x);
-        pc.printf("Y axis: %d \n",world_y);
-        pc.printf("robot_pos: %d \n",robot_pos);
+        //pc.printf("X axis: %d",world_x);
+        //pc.printf("Y axis: %d \n",world_y);
+        //pc.printf("robot_pos: %d \n",robot_pos);
+        //pc.printf("robot_theta: %f\n", robot_theta);
         timer_value = timer.read_us();
@@ -184,25 +198,25 @@
         throttle = jstick_v;
         steering = jstick_h;
-        /**** Update Values DO NOT MODIFY ********/
+        // Update Values DO NOT MODIFY
         dt = (timer_value - timer_old);
         timer_old = timer_value;
         robot_pos_old = robot_pos;
-        /*****************************************/
         //Running: Motor Control Enabled
         if(ROBOT_ON) {
             //Get Waypoint
-            //i = 0;
-            //X = WAYPOINS[i][0]
-            //Y = WAYPOINS[i][1]
             //calc target theta
-            float target_theta = 0;
-            float target_distance = 5000;
+            float target_theta = theta_ReadIn*PI/180;//waypoints[2*i];
+            float target_distance = dis_ReadIn;//waypoints[2*i+1];
+            pc.printf("Target_theta = %f\r\n", target_theta);
+            pc.printf("Target_distance = %f\r\n", target_distance);
             //if(robot is at waypoint)
             //get new waypoint
@@ -216,74 +230,127 @@
             //User Control ONLY 
             float theta_error = target_theta - robot_theta;
+            float dist_error = target_distance - robot_pos;
+            const float THETA_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 0.1;
+            const float DIS_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 1.0;
+            const float MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED = 1.0;
+            const float MINIMUM_MOVING_SPEED = 1.0;
-            if(theta_error > 1 && theta_error < -1) {
+            if(theta_error > THETA_ERROR_THRESHOLD || theta_error < -THETA_ERROR_THRESHOLD) {
                 //Angular Controller
-                float turn_speed = theta_error*0.5;
+                //pc.printf("theta_error: %f\n", theta_error);
+                float turn_speed = theta_error*5.0;
+                if(turn_speed < MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED && theta_error > 0){
+                    turn_speed = MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED;
+                }
+                else if(turn_speed > -MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED && theta_error < 0){
+                    turn_speed = -MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED;
+                }   
                 motor1 = turn_speed;
                 motor2 = -turn_speed; 
-            } else {
+            } else if(dist_error > DIS_ERROR_THRESHOLD || dist_error < -DIS_ERROR_THRESHOLD){
                 //Dist Controller
-                float dist_error = target_distance - robot_pos;
+                //pc.printf("dist_error: %d\n",dist_error);
                 float speed = dist_error*0.5;
+                if(speed < MINIMUM_MOVING_SPEED && dist_error > 0){
+                    speed = MINIMUM_MOVING_SPEED;
+                }
+                else if(speed > -MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED && dist_error < 0){
+                    speed = -MINIMUM_MOVING_SPEED;
+                } 
                 motor1 = speed;
                 motor2 = speed;
-            }
-            //Acceleratoin Cap
-            float motor1Acel = motor1 - motor1_old;
-            if(motor1Acel > maxAccel) { //macAcel = 5
-                motor1 = maxAccel;
-            }
+                //Acceleratoin Cap
+                float motor1Acel = motor1 - motor1_old;
+                if(motor1Acel > maxAccel) { //macAcel = 5
+                    motor1 = maxAccel;
+                    motor2 = maxAccel;
+                }
+                else if((motor1<0)&&(motor1Acel<-maxAccel)){
+                    motor1 = -maxAccel;
+                    motor2 = -maxAccel;
+                }
+                //Cap the max and min values [-100, 100]
+                motor1 = CAP(motor1, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
+                motor2 = CAP(motor2, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
+                //motor1 = -50;
+                //motor2 = -50;
+                motor1_old = motor1;
+            }else{
+                motor1 = 0.0;
+                motor2 = 0.0; 
+                robot_pos = 0.0;
+                }
-            //Cap the max and min values [-100, 100]
-            motor1 = CAP(motor1, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
-            motor2 = CAP(motor2, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
-            motor1_old = motor1;
             //Set Motor Speed here
-            setMotor1Speed(motor1);
-            setMotor2Speed(motor2);
+            setMotor1Speed(-motor1);
+            setMotor2Speed(-motor2);
         //Robot is off so disable the motors
         else {
             enable = DISABLE;
-        /* Here are some loops that trigger at different intervals, this
-        * will allow you to do things at a slower rate, thus saving speed
-        * it is important to keep this fast so we dont miss IMU readings */
+        //Here are some loops that trigger at different intervals, this
+        //will allow you to do things at a slower rate, thus saving speed
+        //it is important to keep this fast so we dont miss IMU readings
         //Fast Loop: Good for printing to serial monitor
         if(loop_counter >= 5) {
             loop_counter = 0;
-            pc.printf("ROBOT_ON:%d pos_M1:%d pos_M2:%d robot_pos%d \r\n", ROBOT_ON, pos_M1, pos_M2, robot_pos);
+            //pc.printf("ROBOT_ON:%d pos_M1:%d pos_M2:%d robot_pos%d \r\n", ROBOT_ON, pos_M1, pos_M2, robot_pos);
         //Meduim Loop: Good for sending and receiving
         if (medium_loop_counter >= 10) {
             medium_loop_counter = 0; // Read  status
             //Recieve Data
-            rxLen = rf_receive(rxBuffer, 128);
+            rxLen = rf_receive(rxBuffer, RF_BUFLEN);
+            //pc.printf("Tried to receive via rf_receive, rxLen was %d\r\n", rxLen);
             if(rxLen > 0) {
                 led1 = led1^1;
                 //Process data with our protocal
-                communication_protocal(rxLen);
+                //pc.printf("There we go\r\n");
+                //pc.printf("Got %s in rxBuffer\r\n", rxBuffer);
+                int numParsed = sscanf(rxBuffer, COMMUNICATION_FORMAT, &jstick_h, &jstick_v, &button, &theta_ReadIn, &dis_ReadIn);
+                if (numParsed != 5) {
+                   // pc.printf("Couldn't parse all parameters. Parsed only %d\r\n", numParsed);
+                } else {
+                    /*pc.printf("Jstick_h = %f\r\n", jstick_h);
+                    pc.printf("Jstick_v = %f\r\n", jstick_v);
+                    pc.printf("button = %d\r\n", button);
+                    pc.printf("theta = %f\r\n", theta_ReadIn);
+                    pc.printf("distance = %f\r\n", dis_ReadIn);*/
+                }
+                //if((button==1)&&(moving==0)){
+                    communication_protocal(rxLen);
+                //}
         }  // End of medium loop
         //Slow Loop: Good for sending if speed is not an issue
         if(slow_loop_counter >= 99) {
             slow_loop_counter = 0;
-            /* Send Data To Controller goes here *
-             *                                   */
+            //Send Data To Controller goes here 
         } //End of Slow Loop