Real controller code

Dependencies:   Joystick_skeleton_neverused mbed

Fork of ESE519_Lab6_part1_skeleton by Carter Sharer

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Apr 26 21:02:51 2017 +0000
Commit message:
real controller; ;

Changed in this revision

Joystick_skeleton.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Joystick_skeleton.lib	Tue Oct 25 15:11:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/Joystick_skeleton.lib	Wed Apr 26 21:02:51 2017 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Oct 25 15:11:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Apr 26 21:02:51 2017 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,12 @@
 #include "Joystick.h"
 #define SEND        //Uncomment if you want to transmit data
-#define RECEIVE     //Uncomment if you want to receive data
+//#define RECEIVE     //Uncomment if you want to receive data
+#define RF_BUFLEN 200
+char serialBuffer[128];
+int serialBufferIndex = 0;
+volatile int receivedSerialData = 0;
 #define NONE 250
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@
 #define RESET p8
 #define BUTTON1 p21
-#define COMMUNICATION_FORMAT "Jstick_h: %0.0f Jstick_v: %0.0f Knob1 %0.2f Knob2 %0.2f Knob3 %0.2f Knob4 %0.2f Button: %d"
+#define COMMUNICATION_FORMAT "Jstick_h: %0.0f Jstick_v: %0.0f Button: %d Theta: %f Distance: %f"
 //==        Objects         ==
@@ -49,6 +54,14 @@
 Joystick jstick(POTV, POTH);
 float jstick_h, jstick_v;
+float theta;
+float dis;
+float waypoints[100];
+float theta_send;
+float dis_send;
+int sending_index = 0;
+int sending = 0;
+int index = 0;
 PinName mosi(SDI);
@@ -61,7 +74,7 @@
 DigitalIn Button(BUTTON1);
-bool button;
+volatile bool button;
 // LEDs
 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
@@ -80,8 +93,8 @@
 // to reject data that doesn't have the right header. So the first
 // 8 bytes in txBuffer look like a valid header. The remaining 120
 // bytes can be used for anything you like.
-char txBuffer[128];
-char rxBuffer[128];
+char txBuffer[RF_BUFLEN];
+char rxBuffer[RF_BUFLEN];
 int rxLen;
 //***************** Do not change these methods (please) *****************//
@@ -132,6 +145,8 @@
     //pc.printf("Sent: %s\r\n", send_buf+8);
     mrf.Send(send_buf, len+8);
+    //mrf.Send((uint8_t*)data, len);
+    //pc.printf("len+8: %d\r\n", len + 8);
 //***************** You can start coding here *****************//
@@ -139,12 +154,9 @@
 //Returns true if c is a letter (upper or lower case), false otherwise
 bool isLetter(char c) {
-    /*
-    *
-    *
-    *
-    */
+    if(((c>64)&&(c<91))||(c>96)&&(c<123)){
+        return true;
+    }
     return false;
@@ -152,12 +164,9 @@
 //Returns true if c is a number character (0-9), false otherwise
 bool isNumber(char c) {
-    /*
-    *
-    *
-    *
-    */
+    if((c>47)&&(c<58)){
+        return true;
+    }
     return false;
@@ -240,13 +249,33 @@
             // variable name knob4 to the value 0.34.  
             //Do this for all variable names in COMMUNICATION_FORMAT
             //HINT: look up strcmp, and atof
-            /*
-            *
-            *
-            *
-            */
+            if(strcmp(*name,"Knob1")==0){
+                knob1 = atof(*num);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name,"Knob2") == 0){
+                knob2 = atof(*num);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name,"Knob3") == 0){
+                knob3 = atof(*num);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name,"Knob4") == 0){
+                knob4 = atof(*num);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name,"Jstick_h") == 0){
+                jstick_h = atof(*num);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name,"Jstick_v") == 0){
+                jstick_v = atof(*num);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name,"Button") == 0){
+                button = atof(*num);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name,"Theta") == 0){
+                theta = atof(*num);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name,"Distance") == 0){
+                dis = atof(*num);
+            }
             //Reset flags
             name_start = NONE;
@@ -257,68 +286,126 @@
+void serial_getchar() {
+    char ch = pc.getc();
+    //pc.printf("Got character: %c\r\n", ch);
+    if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
+        receivedSerialData = 1;
+        serialBuffer[serialBufferIndex] = 0;
+        serialBufferIndex = 0;
+        pc.printf("Got serial string: %s\r\n", serialBuffer);
+    } else {
+        serialBuffer[serialBufferIndex] = ch;
+        serialBufferIndex++;
+    }
+void reading_input(void)
+    if (receivedSerialData) {
+        receivedSerialData = 0;
+        //button = 1;
+        sscanf(serialBuffer, "%f %f", &theta, &dis);
+        pc.printf("Scanned in theta: %f\r\n", theta);
+        pc.printf("Scanned in dis: %f\r\n", dis);
+    }
+    //pc.scanf("%f %f", &theta, &dis);
 int main (void)
     //Set the Channel. 0 is default, 15 is max
-    uint8_t channel = 2; //channel = (Group# - 1)
+    uint8_t channel = 9; //channel = (Group# - 1)
     //Set Baud rate (9600-115200 is ideal)
     pc.printf("\r\n Start! \r\n");
+    memset(txBuffer, 0, RF_BUFLEN);
+    memset(rxBuffer, 0, RF_BUFLEN);
     //Start Timer
     //Scale Joystick Values, range[-100, 100]
     jstick.setScale(-100, 100);
+    pc.attach(&serial_getchar);
     while(1) {
         //(1) Read Joystick Values, round to int8_t presision
-        jstick_h = (int8_t)jstick.horizontal();
-        jstick_v = (int8_t)jstick.vertical();
-        //pc.printf("H: %0.2f V:%0.2f \r\n", jstick.horizontal(), jstick.vertical());
+        jstick_h = jstick.horizontal();
+        jstick_v = jstick.vertical();
         //(2) Read Pot Values, Scale, and round to precision
-        knob1 = (uint8_t)( * 100); //rounded to uint8_t
+        knob1 = ( * 100); //rounded to uint8_t
         knob2 = ( * 100);
-        knob3 = (;
-        knob4 = (int)( * 100);  //rounded to float
+        knob3 = ( * 100);
+        knob4 = ( * 100);  //rounded to float
+        //pc.printf("H: %0.2f V:%0.2f K1: %0.2f K2: %0.2f K3: %0.2f K4: %0.2f \r\n", jstick.horizontal(), jstick.vertical(), knob1, knob2, knob3, knob4);
         //(3)Read Button Val, Add to buffer
         button = !; //button is active low
+        reading_input();
+        /*if(button==1){
+            sending = 1;
+        }
+        if(index < 50){
+            waypoints[2*index] = theta;
+            waypoints[2*index+1] = dis;
+            pc.printf("Theta is %f\n", theta);
+            index++;
+        }*/
+        //button = 1;
+        /*if(i>100){
+            reading_input();
+        }*/
 #ifdef RECEIVE
         //RECEIVE DATA: Try to receive some data
-        rxLen = rf_receive(rxBuffer, 128);
+        rxLen = rf_receive(rxBuffer, RF_BUFLEN);
         if(rxLen > 0) {
             //Toggle the Led
             led1 = led1^1;
             //(4) Process data with our protocal 
             //Print values once we recieve and process data
-            pc.printf("Received| ");
-            pc.printf(COMMUNICATION_FORMAT, jstick_h, jstick_v, knob1, knob2, knob3, knob4, button);
-            pc.printf("\r\n");
+            //pc.printf("Received| ");
+            //pc.printf(COMMUNICATION_FORMAT, jstick_h, jstick_v, button);
+            //pc.printf("\r\n");
         }//main if
 #ifdef SEND    
         //SEND DATA: Send some data every 1/2 second
-        if(timer.read_ms() >= 500) {
+        if((timer.read_ms() >= 50)) {
             //Reset the timer to 0
             // Toggle LED 2.
             led2 = led2^1;
+            /*theta_send = waypoints[2*sending_index];
+            dis_send = waypoints[2*sending_index+1];
             //(5) Add all values to buffer to be sent
-            sprintf(txBuffer, COMMUNICATION_FORMAT, jstick_h, jstick_v, knob1, knob2, knob3, knob4, button);
+            if((theta_send == 0)&&(dis_send == 0)){
+                sending = 0;
+            }
+            sending_index++;*/
+            sprintf(txBuffer, COMMUNICATION_FORMAT, jstick_h, jstick_v, button, theta, dis);
+            //button = 0;
+            //pc.printf("Theta sent: %f\r\n", theta);
+            //pc.printf("Dis sent: %f\r\n", dis);
             //(6) Send the buffer
             rf_send(txBuffer, strlen(txBuffer) + 1);
-            pc.printf("Sent| %s\r\n", txBuffer);
+            //rf_send(txBuffer, RF_BUFLEN);
+            //pc.printf("Sent| %s\r\n", txBuffer);