add all sensors used

Dependencies:   mbed QEI-1 nRF24L01P xiugai

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sensors/examples/Example_for_sr501.cpp	Tue Dec 01 01:38:26 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#include "sensors.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "esp8266.h"
+#include "useful_func.h"
+Serial ser2usb(PA_9, PA_10, 9600);  
+DigitalOut myled(PC_13);
+//�����豸���ƣ����ڶ��ĺͷ�����Ϣ                                             /********************************/
+const char device[] = "living_room";                                            /*      �����޸Ľڵ�����       */
+                                                                                /*------------------------------*/
+//�������д�����, ÿ��һ��, ÿ�������ֵ�λ���������, ��λһ�㲻д
+// ������������Ĵ��������ƻ�������������, ����: lightIntencity
+const char* sensors[][2] = {                                                    /*------------------------------*/
+    "sr501", "",                                                                /*      �������Ӵ�����           */
+    "report", "",                                                               /*------------------------------*/
+    NULL, NULL //last line must end with empty pointer
+//��������ִ����, ÿ��һ��, ÿ�������ֲ����������������
+// ����������ִ��������, ����: fan
+const char* actuators[][2] = {                                                  /*------------------------------*/
+    "command", "",                                                              /*      ��������ִ����           */
+    "dat", "",                                                                  /********************************/
+    "light", "", 
+    NULL, NULL //last line must end with empty pointer
+int main()
+    // ����������
+    sr501 x(PA_0);
+    // ����ִ����
+    DigitalOut light(PA_13);
+    /*----- ��ʼ���׶� -----*/
+    // connect to wifi
+    ser2usb.printf("Initializing...\r\n");
+    Esp8266 client(PB_10, PB_11, "iot_b827eb8fb527", "7c02b50b");// TX pin / RX pin / SSID / Password
+    // connect to server
+    ser2usb.printf("connecting to mqtt server...\r\n");
+    mqtt_client_init(client, device, sensors, actuators);
+    // done report
+    ser2usb.printf("--Initialization done.--\r\n");
+    /*----- �������� -----*/
+    // declare buff
+    char actuator_name[32], control_value[32];
+    bool sr501_status = false;
+    /*----- ������ѭ�� -----*/
+    while (1)
+    {
+        // looking for new command
+        if (client.get_control_cmd(actuator_name, control_value))
+        {
+            ser2usb.printf("Received %s %s\r\n", actuator_name, control_value);
+            if (strcmp(actuator_name, "command") == 0)          // �յ�command�µ�ָ��
+            {
+                ser2usb.printf("received_a_command\r\n");
+                client.publish_value("report", "received_a_command");
+            }
+            else if (strcmp(actuator_name, "dat") == 0)         // �յ�dat�µ�ָ��
+            {
+                ser2usb.printf("received_a_data\r\n");
+                client.publish_value("report", "received_a_data");
+            }
+            else if (strcmp(actuator_name, "light") == 0)       // �յ�light�µ�ָ��
+            {
+                ser2usb.printf("light control\r\n");
+                client.publish_value("report", "light_control");
+                if (strcmp(control_value, "on") == 0)               // �����on
+                {                                   // ����
+                    light = 1;
+                    ser2usb.printf("On. \r\n");
+                }
+                else if (strcmp(control_value, "off") == 0)         // �����off
+                {                                   // �ص�
+                    light = 0;
+                    ser2usb.printf("Off. \r\n");
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ser2usb.printf("unknow actuator\r\n");
+                client.publish_value("report", "unknow_actuator");
+            }
+            if (x == sr501_status)
+            {
+                ;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                sr501_status =;
+                char sensor_buff[32];                                   /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+                sprintf(sensor_buff, "%d", sr501_status);               /*      �ϴ����ݷ���                      */
+                client.publish_value(sensors[0][0], "_upload");         /*      �������report�·���_upload��Ϣ        */
+                wait(0.01);                                             /*      ��һ��ʱ����ϴ�����������          */
+                client.publish_value(sensors[0][0], sensor_buff);       /*      �ϴ����������ݺ��һ��ʱ��           */
+                wait(0.01);                                             /*      Ȼ�������report�·���_end��Ϣ      */
+                client.publish_value(sensors[0][0], "_end");            /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+            }
+        }
+    }