nRF24L01, encoder, pca9685, pid

Dependencies:   mbed QEI-1 nRF24L01P xiugai

--- a/esp8266.cpp	Wed Oct 30 10:59:58 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-功能 : ESP8266物联车接口函数
-作者 : 马晓健
-邮箱 : jeasinema[at]gmail[dot]com
-声明 : 
-All rights reserved
-#ifdef ENABLE_ESP8266
-#include "esp8266.h"
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "mbed.h"
-extern Serial ser2usb;
-static int ser_baud = 9600;
-#define ESP_CMD(format, ...)                         \
-    do                                               \
-    {                                                \
-        char cmdbuf[128], *p;                        \
-        ser2esp8266.printf("\r");                    \
-        sprintf(cmdbuf, format "\r", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
-        for (p = cmdbuf; *p; p++)                    \
-        {                                            \
-            ser2esp8266.putc(*p);                    \
-            wait(0.02);                              \
-        }                                            \
-        wait(0.3);                                   \
-    } while (0)
-void Esp8266::gotResponse(char *token, char *param)
-    if(*token<'a' || *token>'z') return;
-    //ser2usb.printf("gotResponse %s %s\r\n", token, param);
-    if(strcmp(token, "connected") == 0)
-        mqtt_start = true;
-    else if(strcmp(token, "control") == 0){
-        if(!control_cmd){
-            strncpy(control_buf, param, sizeof(control_buf));
-            control_cmd = true;
-        }
-    }
-    else if(strcmp(token, "wifi") == 0){
-        if(*param == '5')
-            network_start = true;
-    }
-bool Esp8266::get_control_cmd(char* actuator, char* value)
-    if(!control_cmd)
-        return false;
-    char* plus = strchr(control_buf, '+');
-    if(!plus){
-        control_cmd = false;
-        return false;
-    }
-    *plus = '\0';
-    strcpy(actuator, control_buf);
-    strcpy(value, plus+1);
-    control_cmd = false;
-    return true;
-// 接收 esp8266 侧数据的回调函数, 每次仅接收一个8位字符
-// 数据格式约定: #token+data
-void Esp8266::esp8266_rxCallback() {
-    char in = ser2esp8266.getc();
-//  ser2usb.putc(in);
-    static uint8_t state = STATE_WAIT;
-    static int tokenLen, paramLen;
-    switch(state){
-    case STATE_WAIT:
-        if(in == '#'){
-            tokenLen = 0;
-            state = STATE_TOKEN;
-        }
-        break;
-    case STATE_TOKEN:
-        if(in == '+' || in == '\r' || in == '\n'){
-            esp_tokenBuf[tokenLen] = '\0';
-            if(in == '+'){
-                paramLen = 0;
-                state = STATE_PARAM;
-            }else{
-                gotResponse(esp_tokenBuf, NULL);
-                //memcpy(esp_token, esp_tokenBuf, tokenLen);
-                //esp_token[tokenLen] = '\0';
-                esp_buf_ready = true;
-                state = STATE_WAIT;
-            }
-        }else if(tokenLen+1 < sizeof(esp_tokenBuf)){
-            esp_tokenBuf[tokenLen++] = in;
-        }
-        break;
-    case STATE_PARAM:
-        if(in == '\r' || in == '\n'){
-            esp_paramBuf[paramLen] = '\0';
-            gotResponse(esp_tokenBuf, esp_paramBuf);
-            //memcpy(esp_token, esp_tokenBuf, tokenLen);
-            //memcpy(esp_param, esp_paramBuf, paramLen);
-            //esp_token[tokenLen] = '\0';
-            //esp_param[paramLen] = '\0';
-            //ser2usb.putc('?');
-            esp_buf_ready = true;
-            state = STATE_WAIT;
-        }else if(paramLen+1 < sizeof(esp_paramBuf)){
-            esp_paramBuf[paramLen++] = in;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-Esp8266::Esp8266(PinName TX, PinName RX, const char *wifi_ssid, const char *wifi_passwd)       //定义类的函数
-    : network_start(false), mqtt_start(false), control_cmd(false), esp_buf_ready(false), ser2esp8266(TX, RX)
-    // serial to esp8266 init
-    ser2esp8266.baud(ser_baud);
-    //ser2usb.printf("connecting to wifi\r\n");
-    ser2esp8266.attach(callback(this, &Esp8266::esp8266_rxCallback), Serial::RxIrq);    
-    //if (mode == 0) {                                                            // client mode 
-        this->reset();
-        this->connect_wifi(wifi_ssid, wifi_passwd);
-        while(!is_connected()){
-            //ser2usb.printf("connecting...\r\n");
-            wait(0.5);
-        }
-        //ser2usb.printf("connected\r\n");
-        this->weblogin();
-    //} else {
-    //    
-    //}
-bool Esp8266::reset() {                                                         //定义类的函数
-    ESP_CMD("node.restart()");
-    wait(2);                                                                    // 延迟2s
-    return true;
-bool Esp8266::connect_wifi(const char *wifi_ssid, const char *wifi_passwd) {                                                  //定义类的函数
-    ESP_CMD("wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION)");
-    ESP_CMD("wifi.sta.config([[%s]],[[%s]])", wifi_ssid, wifi_passwd);
-    wait(2);
-    // set auto autoconnect
-    ESP_CMD("wifi.sta.autoconnect(1)");
-    return true;
-bool Esp8266::is_connected()
-    ESP_CMD("print('\\035wifi+'..wifi.sta.status())");
-    wait(0.4);
-    return network_start;
-bool Esp8266::weblogin() {                                                      //定义类的函数
-    // not implemented yet
-    return true;
-void Esp8266::buildCapability(char *out, const char* infoList[][2])
-    out[0] = '\0';
-    for (int i = 0; infoList[i][0]; ++i)
-    {
-        strcat(out, infoList[i][0]);
-        strcat(out, ",");
-        strcat(out, infoList[i][1]);
-        strcat(out, "\\n");
-    }
-bool Esp8266::connect_mqtt_broker(const char *ip, const char *node_name, const char* sensors[][2], const char* actuator[][2]) 
-{  //定义类的函数
-    ESP_CMD("node_name = '%s'", node_name);
-    ESP_CMD("m = mqtt.Client('i_' .. node.chipid(), 120)");
-    ESP_CMD("m:connect(\"%s\",1883,0,function(conn)print (\"\\035connected\"); end)", ip);
-    do{    
-        wait(0.5);
-    }while(!mqtt_start);
-    ESP_CMD("m:on(\"message\", function(conn, topic, data)");
-    ESP_CMD("if topic:find(\"^/control/\") then");
-    ESP_CMD("local tok = topic:match(\"^/control/.+/(.+)\")");
-    ESP_CMD("if tok then print(\"\\035control+\"..tok..\"+\" end");
-    ESP_CMD("end");
-    ESP_CMD("end)");
-    ESP_CMD("m:publish('/events/'..node_name..'/online','',1,0)");
-    wait(0.1);
-    char * capabilities = new char[512];
-    if(sensors){
-        buildCapability(capabilities, sensors);
-        ESP_CMD("m:publish('/capability/'..node_name..'/values','%s',1,1)", capabilities);
-        wait(0.1);
-    }
-    if(actuator){
-        buildCapability(capabilities, actuator);
-        ESP_CMD("m:publish('/capability/'..node_name..'/control','%s',1,1)", capabilities);
-        wait(0.1);
-        for (int i = 0; actuator[i][0]; ++i)
-            {
-                //ser2usb.printf("subscribe topic \"%s\"\r\n", actuator[i][0]);
-                subscribe_control(actuator[i][0]);
-            }
-    }
-    delete[ ] capabilities;
-    return true;
-bool Esp8266::publish_value(const char *topic, std::string data) {                      //定义类的函数
-    //if (mqtt_start) {
-        ESP_CMD("m:publish('/values/'..node_name..'/%s',\"%s\",0,0)", topic, data.c_str());//
-        wait(0.1);
-    //}
-    return true;
-bool Esp8266::publish_value(const char *topic, int data) {                      //定义类的函数
-    //if (mqtt_start) {
-        ESP_CMD("m:publish('/values/'..node_name..'/%s',\"%d\",0,0)", topic, data);//
-        wait(0.1);
-    //}
-    return true;
-bool Esp8266::publish_value(const char *topic, float data) {                      //定义类的函数
-    //if (mqtt_start) {
-        ESP_CMD("m:publish('/values/'..node_name..'/%s',\"%f\",0,0)", topic, data);//
-        wait(0.1);
-    //}
-    return true;
-bool Esp8266::subscribe_control(const char *topic, const char *data) {               //定义类的函数
-    //if (mqtt_start) {
-        ESP_CMD("m:subscribe('/control/'..node_name..'/%s', 0)", topic);
-        wait(0.1);
-    //}
-    // ESP_CMD("m:unsubscribe(\"%s\")", topic);
-    return true;
-#endif  // ENABLE_ESP8266