Pro-Mboard Development Board for Mbed

We designed a board to help us in prototyping the Mbed board out side the bread-boards.

When we started out prototyping using Mbed we realized that all the boards available for Mbed were either needed to shipped from outside or we costly from our budget perspective.

For this we designed our own Pro-Mboard. The board's intent was to serve the following objectives:

1. Need for additional access pins to the same SPI bus (For Multiple SPI nodes)

2. General Purpose area for riging up Custom Circuits

3. Access to SD Card slot, USB Device/Host connection

4. Ethernet connection with Magnetics and LED

5. Serial port on FT232 for easy debugging and monitoring apart from Mbed's Windows Serial Port

6. Selectable Powering Options

7. Enough Power Busses for connections to other Hardware.

8. Low Cost

Here is what we have:

Schematics for ProMboard


Schematics Rev0.1 PNG

Schematics Rev0.1 PDF

We have the First Revision of the PCB already available and right now the Component Assembly is in progress. Expect some pictures by 6-DEC-2010.

We would like to request your feedback on the design and also if there are further improvements that can be performed.

Update: 24-Dec-2010

We have the complete Kit now Assembled. However we found that there was an apparent miss in the FT232 breakout section. We missed to connect the Ground for the USB connector. But that was not a problem we would be Fixing this in the next revision Pro-Mboard Rev0.2 with some major overhaul to help us proto a complete LPC1768 without using the Mbed kit. This would help people to make their own applications and use the same code as in the Mbed board. Here are a few pics of the Assembled board with the Mbed mounted.

Top View

Bottom View


Update 31-JAN-2011

The boards have been manufactured, Tested and available.
Cost Per Board: INR 2000 = $44(USD)
Shipment Internationa: INR 1000 = $21(USD)
Presently available in Bharath(India) and shipped 2 to Florida,US.
Leave a comment on the post if you wish to procure.

Warm Regards,

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