classical Single Player Squash game on k64f mbed Microcontroller

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed

Fork of 2545_SD_Card by Craig Evans

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Thu May 05 15:00:11 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Squash game using Joystick

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main.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Mar 11 16:07:41 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-/* 2545_SD_Card Example
-Example of writing data to SD card.
-Based on FTF2014_lab4 Example
-Craig A. Evans, University of Leeds, Mar 2016
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "SDFileSystem.h"
-// Connections to SD card holder on K64F (SPI interface)
-SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd"); // MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS
-Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX);  // for PC debug
-void delete_file(char filename[]);
-int main()
-    serial.baud(115200);  // full-speed!
-    serial.printf("#### SD Card Example #####\n");
-    FILE *fp; // this is our file pointer
-    wait(1);
-    // Various examples below - can comment out ones you don't need
-    /////////////////////// Deleting file example ////////////////////////
-    // comment this line out if you don't want to delete the file!
-    delete_file("/sd/test.txt");
-    ////////////////////// Simple writing example //////////////////////////
-    // open file for writing ('w') - creates file if it doesn't exist and overwrites
-    // if it does. If you wish to add a score onto a list, then you can
-    // append instead 'a'. This will open the file if it exists and start
-    // writing at the end. It will create the file if it doesn't exist.
-    fp = fopen("/sd/topscore.txt", "w");
-    int top_score = 56;  // random example
-    if (fp == NULL) {  // if it can't open the file then print error message
-        serial.printf("Error! Unable to open file!\n");
-    } else {  // opened file so can write
-        serial.printf("Writing to file....");
-        fprintf(fp, "%d",top_score); // ensure data type matches
-        serial.printf("Done.\n");
-        fclose(fp);  // ensure you close the file after writing
-    }
-    ////////////////////// Simple reading example //////////////////////////
-    // now open file for reading
-    fp = fopen("/sd/topscore.txt", "r");
-    int stored_top_score = -1;  // -1 to demonstrate it has changed after reading
-    if (fp == NULL) {  // if it can't open the file then print error message
-        serial.printf("Error! Unable to open file!\n");
-    } else {  // opened file so can write
-        fscanf(fp, "%d",&stored_top_score); // ensure data type matches - note address operator (&)
-        serial.printf("Read %d from file.\n",stored_top_score);
-        fclose(fp);  // ensure you close the file after reading
-    }
-    ///////////////////// Writing list to file example //////////////////////
-    // for this example, I'll create some numbers to write to file in a big list
-    // a data logger for example will usually append to a file - at a reading
-    // at the end rather than creating a new file
-    fp = fopen("/sd/test.txt", "a");
-    if (fp == NULL) {  // if it can't open the file then print error message
-        serial.printf("Error! Unable to open file!\n");
-    } else {  // opened file so can write
-        serial.printf("Writing to file....");
-        for(int i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
-            float dummy = 1000.0F/i;  // dummy variable
-            fprintf(fp, "%d,%f\n",i,dummy);  // print formatted string to file (CSV)
-        }
-        serial.printf("Done.\n");
-        fclose(fp);  // ensure you close the file after writing
-    }
-    // you can comment out the writing example to check that the writing has
-    // worked - when you run it after commenting, it should still open the
-    // file that exists on the SD card - assuming you didn't delete it!
-    /////////////////////// Reading from file example ////////////////////////
-    // now open file for reading...note the 'r'
-    fp = fopen("/sd/test.txt", "r");
-    if (fp == NULL) {  // if it can't open the file then print error message
-        serial.printf("Error! Unable to open file!\n");
-    } else {
-        serial.printf("Reading file....\n");
-        int i;    // create suitable variables to store the data in the file
-        float value;
-        // in this example, we keep reading (using fscanf) until we reach
-        // the 'end of file'. Note we use the address operator & to write
-        // to the variables. Also the format of the string must match what
-        // is in the file
-        while (fscanf(fp, "%d,%f", &i, &value) != EOF) {
-            serial.printf("%d,%f\n",i,value);
-        }
-        serial.printf("Done.\n");
-        fclose(fp);  // ensure you close the file after reading
-    }
-    ///////////////// Advanced Reading from file example ///////////////////
-    // the previous example just read the values into variables and printed to
-    // serial, we'll now read files into an array.
-    // now open file for reading...note the 'r'
-    fp = fopen("/sd/test.txt", "r");
-    int n=0;  // going to store the number of lines in the file
-    int *index_array;  // pointers to create dynamic arrays later
-    float *value_array; // note memory will be in heap rather than on the stack
-    if (fp == NULL) {  // if it can't open the file then print error message
-        serial.printf("Error! Unable to open file!\n");
-    } else {
-        serial.printf("Counting lines in file....\n");
-        //Since we may not know the
-        // number of lines in the files ahead of time, we'll first count them
-        // * means scan but don't save
-        while (fscanf(fp, "%*d,%*f") != EOF) {
-            n++;  // increment counter when read a line
-        }
-        serial.printf("Read %d lines\n",n);
-        serial.printf("Creating dynamic arrays...\n");
-        // calloc creates an array and initilises to 0
-        // malloc returns unitialised array - diffrent syntax
-        index_array = (int *)calloc(n, sizeof (int));
-        value_array = (float *)calloc(n, sizeof (float));
-        int i=0;
-        rewind(fp); // 'scrolled' to end of file, so go back to beginning
-        serial.printf("Reading into arrays...\n");
-        while (fscanf(fp, "%d,%f",&index_array[i],&value_array[i]) != EOF) {
-            i++;  // read data into array and increment index
-        }
-        serial.printf("Done.\n");
-        fclose(fp);  // ensure you close the file after reading
-    }
-    // we should now have the data in the arrays, will print to serial to check
-    for(int i=0; i<n ; i++) {
-        serial.printf("[%d] %d,%f\n",i,index_array[i],value_array[i]);
-    } 
-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    serial.printf("End of SD card example\n");
-void delete_file(char filename[])
-    serial.printf("Deleting file '%s'...",filename);
-    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");  // try and open file
-    if (fp != NULL) {  // if it does open...
-        fclose(fp);    // close it
-        remove(filename);  // and then delete
-        serial.printf("Done!\n");
-    }
-    // if we can't open it, it doesn't exist and so we can't delete it