able to subscribe for >10hrs and still running

Dependencies:   ADE7758_v1 Crypto DHT11 MQTT MbedJSONValue SDFileSystem SPI_TFT_ILI9341 SWSPI SetRTC TFT_fonts Touch W5500Interface mbed-rtos mbed-src tuanpm

Fork of PB_emma_controller_mbed_src by Emma

diff -r 76ab12e2f8a3 -r d00233dd36f5 emmaCode.cpp
--- a/emmaCode.cpp	Wed Jul 08 13:33:14 2015 +0000
+++ b/emmaCode.cpp	Wed Jul 08 14:04:28 2015 +0000
@@ -756,61 +756,57 @@
+            checkRxBuffer();
+            checkVoltagePower();
-            if(tNodeTemp.read_ms() > 30000) {
-                DBG.printf("getNodeTemperature\r\n");
-                //get list of nodes
-                string *node;
-                node = readNodeList();
+            if(tNodes.read_ms() > 30000) {
+                DBG.printf("getNodesTemperature\r\n");
+                for(int i=0; i<NODES_MAX; i++) {
+                    if(!nodes[i].ipAddr.empty()) {
+                        //get node's temp
+                        string temp;
+                        nodes[i].restConn->get("/","<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><app_cmd cmd=\"2\"/>\r\n");
+                        wait(2);
+                        temp = rxBuf;
+                        if(temp.rfind(nodes[i].ipAddr) != std::string::npos) {
+                            temp.erase(temp.begin(),temp.begin()+temp.rfind(nodes[i].ipAddr));
+                            if(temp.rfind("temp=") != std::string::npos) {
+                                temp.erase(temp.begin(),temp.begin()+temp.rfind("temp=")+6);
+                                temp.erase(temp.begin()+temp.find("\""),temp.end());
+                            } else {
+                                temp = "0"; //connect to node, but receive none
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            temp = "0";     //not connected to node
+                        }
-                int idx=0;
-                while(!(node[idx].empty())) {
-                    //get node's temperature
-                    string nodeTemp = wifiGetNodeTemp(node[idx]);
-                    DBG.printf("nodeTemp[%d]:%s\r\n",idx,nodeTemp.c_str());
-                    //send node's temperature
-                    if(rest.begin("",8080,false)) {
-                        for(int j=0; j<sizeof(s); j++) {
-                            s[j]=0; }
+                        DBG.printf("nodeTemp[%d]:%s\r\n",i,temp.c_str());
+                        //send node's temp
                         sprintf(s,"{\"uid\":\"%s\",\"hmac\":\"%s\",\"time\":\"2015-06-09 12:32:12\",\"mac\":\"%s\",\"value\":%s}",
-                        emmaUID.c_str(),hmac.c_str(),node[idx].c_str(),nodeTemp.c_str());
+                        emmaUID.c_str(),hmac.c_str(),nodes[i].macAddr.c_str(),temp.c_str());
-                        for(int j=0; j<sizeof(s); j++) {
-                            s[j]=0; }
-                        rest.getResponse(s,sizeof(s));
-                        DBG.printf("Response: %s\r\n",s);
-                    }
-                    idx++;
+                        wait(2);
+                        temp = rxBuf;
+                        if(temp.rfind("/nodetemp") != std::string::npos) {
+                            temp.erase(temp.begin(),temp.begin()+temp.rfind("/nodetemp"));
+                            if(temp.find("\"status\":\"success\"") != std::string::npos) {
+                                DBG.printf("send nodeTemp success\r\n");
+                            } else {
+                                DBG.printf("send nodeTemp failed\r\n");
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }    
-                tNodeTemp.reset(); 
-            }
-            */    
-            //publish data
-            //if(t.read_ms() > 30000) {
-            //    sprintf(mqttTopic,"%s/%s/panelTemp",platformDOMAIN.c_str(),emmaUID.c_str());
-            //    sprintf(mqttPayload,"{\"time\":\"20150615-12:32:12\",\"value\":%d}",loop);
-            //    DBG.printf(mqttPayload);
-            //    DBG.printf("\r\n");
-            //    mqtt.publish(mqttTopic,mqttPayload);
-                //mqtt.publish("gaisbwqreqrfxjc/066eff575349896767073038/panelTemp",mqttPayload);
-                //mqtt.publish("gaisbwqreqrfxjc/066eff575349896767073038/panelHum",mqttPayload);
-                //mqtt.publish("gaisbwqreqrfxjc/066eff575349896767073038/panelGas",mqttPayload);
-                //mqtt.publish("gaisbwqreqrfxjc/066eff575349896767073038/panelCh1",mqttPayload);
-                //mqtt.publish("gaisbwqreqrfxjc/066eff575349896767073038/panelCh2",mqttPayload);
-                //mqtt.publish("gaisbwqreqrfxjc/066eff575349896767073038/panelCh3",mqttPayload);
-                //mqtt.publish("gaisbwqreqrfxjc/066eff575349896767073038/nodeTemp",mqttPayload);
-                //mqtt.publish("gaisbwqreqrfxjc/066eff575349896767073038/cmdExecution","success");
-            //    loop++;
-            //    t.reset();    
-            //}
-            //check for new command
-            /*
+            }    
+            */
+            checkRxBuffer();
+            checkVoltagePower();
+            //command
             if(newCommand) {
-                DBG.printf("newCommand\r\n");
+                DBG.printf("newCommand:\r\n%s\r\n",globalCommand.c_str());
                 MbedJSONValue jsonValue;
                 char *parameter[5] = {"id","nType","nAddr","dType","cmd"};
@@ -835,67 +831,77 @@
                     else if(commandNType == "1") {  //node with mac address
                         DBG.printf("command for node\r\n");
                         //get node ip address based on node mac address
-                        string nodeIP;
+                        //string nodeIP;
                         //nodeIp = readNodeIP(commandNAddr);
-                        nodeIP = "";
+                        //nodeIP = "";
                         //DBG.printf("nodeIP: %s\r\n",nodeIP.c_str());
+                        //get index of node list based on mac address
+                        int idx = NODES_INVALID;
+                        for(int i=0; i<NODES_MAX; i++) {
+                            if(!nodes[i] {
+                                idx = i;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        //execution process
+                        int trial;
+                        string execResult = "notExecuted";
+                        if(idx != NODES_INVALID) {
+                            DBG.printf("index found at %d\r\n",idx);
-                        //get cmd string based on device type and command number
-                        string nodeCmd;
-                        //nodeCmd = readNodeCmd(commandDType,commandCmd);
-                        nodeCmd = "020129A0163B161315131613153C151316131514143C153C16141414141415151315141414141514141415141414143D1514143D141415141414143D14000D";
-                        //DBG.printf("nodeCmd: %s\r\n",nodeCmd.c_str());
+                            //get cmd string based on device type and command number
+                            string nodeCmd;
+                            //nodeCmd = readNodeCmd(commandDType,commandCmd);
+                            nodeCmd = "020129A0163B161315131613153C151316131514143C153C16141414141415151315141414141514141415141414143D1514143D141415141414143D14000D"; //turn off
+                            //DBG.printf("nodeCmd: %s\r\n",nodeCmd.c_str());
-                        //execute command
-                        if(rest.begin(nodeIP.c_str(),REMOTE_TCP_PORT,false)) {
+                            //execute command
+                            DBG.printf("executing command\r\n");
                             sprintf(s,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><app_cmd cmd=\"5\" /><app_data code=\"%s\"/>\r\n",nodeCmd.c_str());
-                            int trial=0;
-                            string execStatus = "failed";
+                            trial=0;
                             while(1) {
-                                char rcv[1024] = {};
-                                rest.get("/",s);
-                                rcvReply(rcv,2000);
-                                str = rcv;
-                                if(str.find("REST: Sent") != std::string::npos) {
-                                    DBG.printf("cmd executed\r\n");
-                                    execStatus = "success";
-                                    break;    
-                                }
-                                if(trial>0) {   //two times trial
+                                //cmdExecuted = false;
+                                if(trial>=2) {   //two times trial
                                     DBG.printf("cmd is not executed\r\n");
+                                nodes[idx].restConn->get("/",s);
+                                wait(2);
+                                if(rxBuf.find("REST: Sent") != std::string::npos) {
+                                    DBG.printf("cmd executed\r\n");
+                                    execResult = "executed";
+                                    break;    
+                                }
-                                wait(3);
+                            }    
+                        }
+                        wait(2);       
+                        //send execution result
+                        DBG.printf("send execution result\r\n");
+                        sprintf(s,"{\"id\":\"%s\",\"nType\":\"%s\",\"nAddr\":\"%s\",\"dType\":\"%s\",\"cmd\":\"%s\",\"result\":\"%s\"}",
+                        commandId.c_str(),commandNType.c_str(),commandNAddr.c_str(),commandDType.c_str(),commandCmd.c_str(),execResult.c_str());
+                        trial=0;
+                        while(1) {
+                            if(trial>=2) {   //two times trial
+                                DBG.printf("send execution result failed\r\n");
+                                break;    
-                            //send execution status - mqtt
-                            //sprintf(mqttTopic,"%s/%s/executionResult",platformDOMAIN.c_str(),emmaUID.c_str());
-                            //sprintf(mqttPayload,"{\"id\":\"%s\",\"nType\":\"%s\",\"nAddr\":\"%s\",\"dType\":\"%s\",\"cmd\":\"%s\",\"result\":\"%s\"}",
-                            //commandId.c_str(),commandNType.c_str(),commandNAddr.c_str(),commandDType.c_str(),commandCmd.c_str(),execStatus.c_str());
-                            //DBG.printf(mqttPayload);
-                            //DBG.printf("\r\n");
-                            //mqtt.publish(mqttTopic,mqttPayload);
-                            //send execution status - rest
-                            wait(5);
-                            if(rest.begin("",8080,false)) {
-                                sprintf(mqttPayload,"{\"id\":\"%s\",\"nType\":\"%s\",\"nAddr\":\"%s\",\"dType\":\"%s\",\"cmd\":\"%s\",\"result\":\"%s\"}",
-                                commandId.c_str(),commandNType.c_str(),commandNAddr.c_str(),commandDType.c_str(),commandCmd.c_str(),execStatus.c_str());
-                                //"/emma/api/controller/test","{\"test\": \"post\"}");
-                      "/emma/api/controller/test",mqttPayload);
-                                rest.getResponse(s,sizeof(s));
-                                DBG.printf("Response: %s\r\n",s);
-                                for(int j=0; j<sizeof(s); j++) {
-                                    s[j]=0; }
+                  "/emma/api/controller/test",s);
+                            wait(2);
+                            if(rxBuf.find("\"status\":\"OK\"") != std::string::npos) {
+                                DBG.printf("send execution result success\r\n");
+                                break;    
+                            trial++;
                 newCommand = false;
-            */