Calibrate and get energy readings from ADE7758 IC from Analog Devices

Fork of ADE7758 by Emma

Currently this library can be used to calibrate and get VRMS, IRMS, active, and apparent energy. I havent worked on reactive energy measurement.



File content as of revision 2:ea36884772ae:

#ifndef MBED_ADE7758_H
#define MBED_ADE7758_H
#include "mbed.h" 
#include "SWSPI.h"

#define AWATTHR   0x01
#define BWATTHR   0x02
#define CWATTHR   0x03
#define AVARHR    0x04
#define BVARHR    0x05
#define CVARHR    0x06
#define AVAHR     0x07
#define BVAHR     0x08
#define CVAHR     0x09
#define AIRMS     0x0A
#define BIRMS     0x0B
#define CIRMS     0x0C
#define AVRMS     0x0D
#define BVRMS     0x0E
#define CVRMS     0x0F
#define FREQ      0x10
#define TEMP      0x11
#define WFORM     0x12
#define OPMODE    0x13
#define MMODE     0x14
#define WAVMODE   0x15
#define COMPMODE  0x16
#define LCYCMODE  0x17
#define MASK      0x18
#define STATUS    0x19
#define RSTATUS   0x1A
#define ZXTOUT    0x1B
#define LINECYC   0x1C
#define SAGCYC    0x1D
#define SAGLVL    0x1E
#define VPINTLVL  0x1F
#define IPINTLVL  0x20
#define VPEAK     0x21
#define IPEAK     0x22
#define GAIN      0x23
#define AVRMSGAIN 0x24
#define BVRMSGAIN 0x25
#define CVRMSGAIN 0x26
#define AIGAIN    0x27
#define BIGAIN    0x28
#define CIGAIN    0x29
#define AWG       0x2A
#define BWG       0x2B
#define CWG       0x2C
#define AVARG     0x2D
#define BVARG     0x2E
#define CVARG     0x2F
#define AVAG      0x30
#define BVAG      0x31
#define CVAG      0x32
#define AVRMSOS   0x33
#define BVRMSOS   0x34
#define CVRMSOS   0x35
#define AIRMSOS   0x36
#define BIRMSOS   0x37
#define CIRMSOS   0x38
#define AWAITOS   0x39
#define BWAITOS   0x3A
#define CWAITOS   0x3B
#define AVAROS    0x3C
#define BVAROS    0x3D
#define CVAROS    0x3E
#define APHCAL    0x3F
#define BPHCAL    0x40
#define CPHCAL    0x41
#define WDIV      0x42
#define VADIV     0x44
#define VARDIV    0x43
#define APCFNUM   0x45
#define APCFDEN   0x46
#define VARCFNUM  0x47
#define VARCFDEN  0x48
#define CHKSUM    0x7E
#define VERSION   0x7F

#define REG_READ(reg) reg
#define REG_WRITE(reg)  (unsigned char)((reg) | 0x80)

#define PHASE_A     0
#define PHASE_B     1
#define PHASE_C     2

#define CURRENT     0
#define VOLTAGE     1
#define ACT_PWR     2
#define REACT_PWR   3
#define APP_PWR     4

//interrupt mask/status bit
#define AEHF            0
#define REHF            1
#define VAEHF           2
#define SAGA            3
#define SAGB            4
#define SAGC            5
#define ZXTOA           6
#define ZXTOB           7
#define ZXTOC           8
#define ZXA             9
#define ZXB             10
#define ZXC             11
#define LENERGY         12
#define RESET           13
#define PKV             14
#define PKI             15
#define WFSM            16
#define REVPAP          17
#define REVPRP          18
#define SEQERR          19

#define WAVMODE_VALUE(phase, wave)   (((wave)<<2)|(phase))

#define NUMSAMPLES      100

class ADE7758
        ADE7758 (PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName interrupt);
        void begin();
        void calibrateVI(uint8_t numSamples);
        void calibrateGain(char phase);
        float getAccumulationTime();
        int WattHR(char phase);
        int VARHR(char phase);
        int VAHR(char phase);
        long VRMS(char phase);
        long IRMS(char phase);
        float calculateVRMS(char phase);
        float calculateIRMS(char phase);
        long waveform(char phase,char source);
        int lineFreq(char phase);
        void calculateEnergy();
        void powerOff();
        void powerON();
        void sleep();
        void wakeUp();
        long getInterruptStatus(void);
        long getResetInterruptStatus(void);
        void enableChip();
        void disableChip();
        void write8bits(char reg, unsigned char data);
        void write16bits(char reg, unsigned int data);
        void write24bits(char reg, unsigned int data);        
        unsigned char read8bits(char reg);
        unsigned int read16bits(char reg);
        unsigned long read24bits(char reg);
        float AVRMSCalib;
        float BVRMSCalib;
        float CVRMSCalib;
        float AIRMSCalib;
        float BIRMSCalib;
        float CIRMSCalib;
        int AWATTHRValue;
        int BWATTHRValue;
        int CWATTHRValue;
        int AVAHRValue;
        int BVAHRValue;
        int CVAHRValue;
        long getIRMS(char phase);
        long getVRMS(char phase);
        int getWattHR(char phase);
        int getVARHR(char phase);
        int getVAHR(char phase);

        SWSPI _ADE7758SPI;
        DigitalOut _ADESS;
        DigitalIn _ADEINT;    
        long accuWattHRA;
        long accuWattHRB;
        long accuVARHRA;
        long accuVARHRB;
        long accuVAHRA;
        long accuVAHRB;

extern ADE7758 ADE;