The use of the KL-46Z FRDM microcontroller to handle the I/O to detect water moisture and light exposure for a potted plant using a 555 Timer Chip and onboard visible light sensor. This project is incomplete as of 4/26/15

Dependencies:   SLCD mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 1a57cdd09c38 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Apr 26 23:34:56 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SLCD.h"
+#define PROGNAME "Plant Vital Sign Detector v1 v3\r\n"
+#define HIGH 1
+#define LOW 0
+#define PIN_2_555 D2
+#define PIN_3_555 D3
+#define LEDON LOW
+#define LEDOFF HIGH
+#define OUTPULSELEN 100 // ms
+#define DATATIME 100
+#define SERIALSPEED 57600
+#define MAX_OUT 1500 // ms
+#define MIN_OUT 500
+#define ABORTTIME 3500
+#define INPUTSTART 1
+#define DATARATE 1000 // ms time between data takes.
+#define LCDLEN 10
+#define MAXTIME 500
+#define TIMERSTATE 0
+#define CHECKLIGHT 3
+#define MORELIGHT 4
+#define LESSLIGHT 5
+#define LIGHTMIN .100
+#define LIGHTMAX .900
+#define ML "MORE LIGHT"
+#define LL "LESS LIGHT"
+#define MW "MORE WATER"
+// this constant won't change:
+DigitalOut oneShotIn (PIN_2_555); 
+// the pin that the pushbutton is attached to
+DigitalIn oneShotOut (PIN_3_555);
+DigitalOut ledPin(PIN_3_CLONE);       // the pin that the LED is attached to
+AnalogIn LightSensor(PTE22); // define light sensor
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+SLCD slcd; 
+Timer milliTimer; 
+int PgmState;
+long oneShotLen;
+long timeOut = ABORTTIME;
+long nextDataTake = DATARATE;
+long oneShotBegin;
+long oneShotEnd;
+// Variables will change:
+int buttonPushCounter = 0;   // counter for the number of button presses
+int buttonState = 0;         // current state of the button
+int lastButtonState = 0;     // previous state of the button
+float lightVal;             //value of the light sensor
+unsigned short lightWord;  
+int timerChip;
+char lcdData[LCDLEN];
+void LCDMess(char *lMess){
+        slcd.Home();
+        slcd.clear();
+        slcd.printf(lMess);
+void pulseOut (long pulseLen){
+    oneShotIn.write(LOW);
+    wait_us(pulseLen);
+    oneShotIn.write(HIGH);
+void setup() {
+  // initialize serial communication:
+  pc.printf(PROGNAME);
+  oneShotIn.write(HIGH);
+  oneShotOut.mode(PullNone);
+  ledPin.write(LOW);
+  milliTimer.start();
+  milliTimer.reset();
+  nextDataTake =  DATARATE;
+  lastButtonState = LOW;
+  oneShotLen = 0;
+void readLightSensor() {
+    lightVal =;
+    lightWord = LightSensor.read_u16();
+    pc.printf("LS => %1.3f %5d \r\n", lightVal, lightWord);
+    if(lightVal <= LIGHTMIN) {
+        PgmState = LESSLIGHT;
+    }
+    else if(lightVal >= LIGHTMAX) {
+        PgmState = MORELIGHT;
+    }
+void readTimerChip() {
+    timerChip =;
+   // pc.printf();
+int main(){
+    setup();
+    pulseOut(OUTPULSELEN);
+    milliTimer.start();
+    milliTimer.reset();
+    PgmState = TIMERSTATE; 
+    while (true) {
+        switch(PgmState) {
+            case TIMERSTATE:
+            //loops until timer => MAXTIME
+            //Go on to CHECKMOISTURE
+            if(milliTimer.read_ms() >= MAXTIME) {
+                milliTimer.reset();
+                PgmState = CHECKMOISTURE; 
+            }
+            break;
+            case CHECKMOISTURE:
+            //call readTimerChip();
+                readTimerChip();
+            break;
+            case MOREMOISTURE:
+            //Output to PC "NEEDS WATER"
+            //Change state to CHECKLIGHT
+                pc.printf(MW);
+            break;
+            case CHECKLIGHT:
+            //call readLightSensor
+                readLightSensor();
+            break;
+            case MORELIGHT:
+            //output to PC "MORE LIGHT"
+            //CHange state to TIMERSTATE
+                pc.printf(ML); 
+                PgmState = TIMERSTATE;   
+            break;
+            case LESSLIGHT:
+            //OP to PC "LESS LIGHT"
+            //Chane State to TIMERSTATE
+                pc.printf(LL);
+                PgmState = TIMERSTATE;
+            break;
+        }
+        wait(DATATIME);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file