Library to communicate with LDC1101

Dependents:   Inductive_Sensor Inductive_Sensor_Jasper Inductive_Sensor_3

Fork of LDC1000 by First Last


Good working version; Cleaned up some code default tip

2016-04-12, by bobgiesberts [Tue, 12 Apr 2016 14:38:14 +0000] rev 27

Good working version; Cleaned up some code

In this improved version:; - Solved the timing issue (error with converting floats to int in sleep); - Shutdown when Vbatt < 3,10 V; - Arrays instead of vectors;

2016-03-30, by bobgiesberts [Wed, 30 Mar 2016 12:00:10 +0000] rev 26

In this improved version:; - Solved the timing issue (error with converting floats to int in sleep); - Shutdown when Vbatt < 3,10 V; - Arrays instead of vectors;

Included more features from the LDC1101 (status, etc.)

2016-02-16, by bobgiesberts [Tue, 16 Feb 2016 15:54:59 +0000] rev 25

Included more features from the LDC1101 (status, etc.)

Fixed error in ldc->is_New_LHR_data(): instead of "~" there should have been a "!". Now the function seems to work.

2016-01-25, by bobgiesberts [Mon, 25 Jan 2016 09:11:05 +0000] rev 24

Fixed error in ldc->is_New_LHR_data(): instead of "~" there should have been a "!". Now the function seems to work.

correction of small error: no need to put CS low before shutdown

2016-01-18, by bobgiesberts [Mon, 18 Jan 2016 15:40:36 +0000] rev 23

correction of small error: no need to put CS low before shutdown

Small changes to the sleep function, little bit of waiting

2016-01-16, by bobgiesberts [Sat, 16 Jan 2016 09:12:32 +0000] rev 22

Small changes to the sleep function, little bit of waiting

Fixed clock overflow (2^32 = 4294.96726 s = 71 min):; - buffer added to count the times it overflows.; Fixed filename overwrite; - file is created with a new name; Fixed sleep options; - LDC in standby modus, SD card off

2016-01-05, by bobgiesberts [Tue, 05 Jan 2016 11:03:22 +0000] rev 21

Fixed clock overflow (2^32 = 4294.96726 s = 71 min):; - buffer added to count the times it overflows.; Fixed filename overwrite; - file is created with a new name; Fixed sleep options; - LDC in standby modus, SD card off

Tweaking internal sensor settings. Found optimal settings for RCount, FREQ_MIN and ResponseTime. Cleaned up a lot of mess

2015-12-18, by bobgiesberts [Fri, 18 Dec 2015 15:49:12 +0000] rev 20

Tweaking internal sensor settings. Found optimal settings for RCount, FREQ_MIN and ResponseTime. Cleaned up a lot of mess

Tweaking the internal settings (RP_Min, Responsetime, divider, etc.) to find the optimal configuration (= highest resolution, highest accuracy, linearity, etc.).

2015-12-16, by bobgiesberts [Wed, 16 Dec 2015 16:25:33 +0000] rev 19

Tweaking the internal settings (RP_Min, Responsetime, divider, etc.) to find the optimal configuration (= highest resolution, highest accuracy, linearity, etc.).

First working code with realistic outcome values. Removed a lot of double coding and corrected an error in reading LHR_data. Some tweaking is still possible (necessary) to increase resolution, stability and accuracy.;

2015-12-16, by bobgiesberts [Wed, 16 Dec 2015 10:58:31 +0000] rev 18

First working code with realistic outcome values. Removed a lot of double coding and corrected an error in reading LHR_data. Some tweaking is still possible (necessary) to increase resolution, stability and accuracy.;