Containers (STL-compatible) StateMachines MessageBus and more for Embedded Systems. See

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/variant.h	Fri Mar 16 16:34:18 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+The MIT License(MIT)
+Embedded Template Library.
+Copyright(c) 2014 jwellbelove
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#ifndef __ETL_VARIANT__
+#define __ETL_VARIANT__
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "platform.h"
+#include "array.h"
+#include "largest.h"
+#include "exception.h"
+#include "type_traits.h"
+#include "integral_limits.h"
+#include "static_assert.h"
+#include "alignment.h"
+#include "error_handler.h"
+#if defined(ETL_COMPILER_KEIL)
+  #pragma diag_suppress 940
+  #pragma diag_suppress 111
+#undef ETL_FILE
+#define ETL_FILE "24"
+///\defgroup variant variant
+/// A class that can contain one a several specified types in a type safe manner.
+///\ingroup containers
+namespace etl
+  namespace __private_variant__
+  {
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Placeholder for unused template parameters.
+    /// This class is never instantiated.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <const size_t ID>
+    struct no_type
+    {
+    };
+  }
+  //***************************************************************************
+  /// Base exception for the variant class.
+  ///\ingroup variant
+  //***************************************************************************
+  class variant_exception : public exception
+  {
+  public:
+    variant_exception(string_type reason_, string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
+      : exception(reason_, file_name_, line_number_)
+    {
+    }
+  };
+  //***************************************************************************
+  /// 'Unsupported type' exception for the variant class.
+  ///\ingroup variant
+  //***************************************************************************
+  class variant_incorrect_type_exception : public variant_exception
+  {
+  public:
+    variant_incorrect_type_exception(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
+      : variant_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("variant: unsupported type", ETL_FILE"A"), file_name_, line_number_)
+    {
+    }
+  };
+  //***************************************************************************
+  /// A template class that can store any of the types defined in the template parameter list.
+  /// Supports up to 8 types.
+  ///\ingroup variant
+  //***************************************************************************
+  template <typename T1,
+            typename T2 = __private_variant__::no_type<2>,
+            typename T3 = __private_variant__::no_type<3>,
+            typename T4 = __private_variant__::no_type<4>,
+            typename T5 = __private_variant__::no_type<5>,
+            typename T6 = __private_variant__::no_type<6>,
+            typename T7 = __private_variant__::no_type<7>,
+            typename T8 = __private_variant__::no_type<8> >
+  class variant
+  {
+  private:
+    // All types of variant are friends.
+    template <typename U1, typename U2, typename U3, typename U4, typename U5, typename U6, typename U7, typename U8>
+    friend class variant;
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// The largest type.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    typedef typename largest_type<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>::type largest_t;
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// The largest size.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    static const size_t SIZE = sizeof(largest_t);
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// The largest alignment.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    static const size_t ALIGNMENT = etl::largest_alignment<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>::value;
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// The type used for ids.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    typedef uint_least8_t type_id_t;
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// The id a unsupported types.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    static const type_id_t UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_ID = integral_limits<type_id_t>::max;
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Short form of no_type placeholders.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    typedef __private_variant__::no_type<2> no_type2;
+    typedef __private_variant__::no_type<3> no_type3;
+    typedef __private_variant__::no_type<4> no_type4;
+    typedef __private_variant__::no_type<5> no_type5;
+    typedef __private_variant__::no_type<6> no_type6;
+    typedef __private_variant__::no_type<7> no_type7;
+    typedef __private_variant__::no_type<8> no_type8;
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Lookup the id of type.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename T>
+    struct Type_Id_Lookup
+    {
+      static const uint_least8_t type_id = etl::is_same<T, T1>::value ? 0 :
+                                           etl::is_same<T, T2>::value ? 1 :
+                                           etl::is_same<T, T3>::value ? 2 :
+                                           etl::is_same<T, T4>::value ? 3 :
+                                           etl::is_same<T, T5>::value ? 4 :
+                                           etl::is_same<T, T6>::value ? 5 :
+                                           etl::is_same<T, T7>::value ? 6 :
+                                           etl::is_same<T, T8>::value ? 7 :
+                                           UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_ID;
+    };
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Lookup for the id of type.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename T>
+    struct Type_Is_Supported : public integral_constant<bool,
+                                                       is_same<T, T1>::value ||
+                                                       is_same<T, T2>::value ||
+                                                       is_same<T, T3>::value ||
+                                                       is_same<T, T4>::value ||
+                                                       is_same<T, T5>::value ||
+                                                       is_same<T, T6>::value ||
+                                                       is_same<T, T7>::value ||
+                                                       is_same<T, T8>::value>
+    {
+    };
+  public:
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Destructor.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    ~variant()
+    {
+      destruct_current();
+    }
+    //*************************************************************************
+    //**** Reader types *******************************************************
+    //*************************************************************************
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Base reader type functor class.
+    /// Allows for typesafe access to the stored value types.
+    /// Define the reader type for 8 types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename R1, typename R2 = no_type2, typename R3 = no_type3, typename R4 = no_type4, typename R5 = no_type5, typename R6 = no_type6, typename R7 = no_type7, typename R8 = no_type8>
+    class reader_type
+    {
+    public:
+      friend class variant;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R1>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R2>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R3>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R4>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R5>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R6>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R7>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R8>::type value) = 0;
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Define the reader type for 7 types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename R1, typename R2, typename R3, typename R4, typename R5, typename R6, typename R7>
+    class reader_type<R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      friend class variant;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R1>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R2>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R3>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R4>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R5>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R6>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R7>::type value) = 0;
+    private:
+      void read(no_type8&) {};
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Define the reader type for 6 types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename R1, typename R2, typename R3, typename R4, typename R5, typename R6>
+    class reader_type<R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      friend class variant;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R1>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R2>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R3>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R4>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R5>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R6>::type value) = 0;
+    private:
+      void read(no_type7&) {};
+      void read(no_type8&) {};
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Define the reader type for 5 types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename R1, typename R2, typename R3, typename R4, typename R5>
+    class reader_type<R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      friend class variant;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R1>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R2>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R3>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R4>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R5>::type value) = 0;
+    private:
+      void read(no_type6&) {};
+      void read(no_type7&) {};
+      void read(no_type8&) {};
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Define the reader type for 4 types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename R1, typename R2, typename R3, typename R4>
+    class reader_type<R1, R2, R3, R4, no_type5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      friend class variant;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R1>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R2>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R3>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R4>::type value) = 0;
+    private:
+      void read(no_type5&) {};
+      void read(no_type6&) {};
+      void read(no_type7&) {};
+      void read(no_type8&) {};
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Define the reader type for 3 types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename R1, typename R2, typename R3>
+    class reader_type<R1, R2, R3, no_type4, no_type5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      friend class variant;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R1>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R2>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R3>::type value) = 0;
+    private:
+      void read(no_type4&) {};
+      void read(no_type5&) {};
+      void read(no_type6&) {};
+      void read(no_type7&) {};
+      void read(no_type8&) {};
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Define the reader type for 2 types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename R1, typename R2>
+    class reader_type<R1, R2, no_type3, no_type4, no_type5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      friend class variant;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R1>::type value) = 0;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R2>::type value) = 0;
+    private:
+      void read(no_type3&) {};
+      void read(no_type4&) {};
+      void read(no_type5&) {};
+      void read(no_type6&) {};
+      void read(no_type7&) {};
+      void read(no_type8&) {};
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Define the reader type for 1 type.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename R1>
+    class reader_type<R1, no_type2, no_type3, no_type4, no_type5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      friend class variant;
+      virtual void read(typename etl::parameter_type<R1>::type value) = 0;
+    private:
+      void read(no_type2&) {};
+      void read(no_type3&) {};
+      void read(no_type4&) {};
+      void read(no_type5&) {};
+      void read(no_type6&) {};
+      void read(no_type7&) {};
+      void read(no_type8&) {};
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    //**** Up-cast functors ***************************************************
+    //*************************************************************************
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Base upcast_functor for eight types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase, typename U1, typename U2 = no_type2, typename U3 = no_type3, typename U4 = no_type4, typename U5 = no_type5, typename U6 = no_type6, typename U7 = no_type7, typename U8 = no_type8>
+    class upcast_functor
+    {
+    public:
+      TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId)
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<U4&>(*p_data);
+          case 4: return reinterpret_cast<U5&>(*p_data);
+          case 5: return reinterpret_cast<U6&>(*p_data);
+          case 6: return reinterpret_cast<U7&>(*p_data);
+          case 7: return reinterpret_cast<U8&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+      const TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId) const
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<const U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<const U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<const U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<const U4&>(*p_data);
+          case 4: return reinterpret_cast<const U5&>(*p_data);
+          case 5: return reinterpret_cast<const U6&>(*p_data);
+          case 6: return reinterpret_cast<const U7&>(*p_data);
+          case 7: return reinterpret_cast<const U8&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<const TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<const TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Upcast_functor for seven types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase, typename U1, typename U2, typename U3, typename U4, typename U5, typename U6, typename U7>
+    class upcast_functor<TBase, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId)
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<U4&>(*p_data);
+          case 4: return reinterpret_cast<U5&>(*p_data);
+          case 5: return reinterpret_cast<U6&>(*p_data);
+          case 6: return reinterpret_cast<U7&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+      const TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId) const
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<const U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<const U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<const U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<const U4&>(*p_data);
+          case 4: return reinterpret_cast<const U5&>(*p_data);
+          case 5: return reinterpret_cast<const U6&>(*p_data);
+          case 6: return reinterpret_cast<const U7&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<const TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<const TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Upcast_functor for six types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase, typename U1, typename U2, typename U3, typename U4, typename U5, typename U6>
+    class upcast_functor<TBase, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId)
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<U4&>(*p_data);
+          case 4: return reinterpret_cast<U5&>(*p_data);
+          case 5: return reinterpret_cast<U6&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+      const TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId) const
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<const U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<const U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<const U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<const U4&>(*p_data);
+          case 4: return reinterpret_cast<const U5&>(*p_data);
+          case 5: return reinterpret_cast<const U6&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<const TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<const TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Upcast_functor for five types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase, typename U1, typename U2, typename U3, typename U4, typename U5>
+    class upcast_functor<TBase, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId)
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<U4&>(*p_data);
+          case 4: return reinterpret_cast<U5&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+      const TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId) const
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<const U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<const U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<const U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<const U4&>(*p_data);
+          case 4: return reinterpret_cast<const U5&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<const TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<const TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Upcast_functor for four types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase, typename U1, typename U2, typename U3, typename U4>
+    class upcast_functor<TBase, U1, U2, U3, U4, no_type5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId)
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<U4&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+      const TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId) const
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<const U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<const U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<const U3&>(*p_data);
+          case 3: return reinterpret_cast<const U4&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<const TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<const TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Upcast_functor for three types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase, typename U1, typename U2, typename U3>
+    class upcast_functor<TBase, U1, U2, U3, no_type4, no_type5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId)
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<U3&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+      const TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId) const
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<const U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<const U2&>(*p_data);
+          case 2: return reinterpret_cast<const U3&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<const TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<const TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Upcast_functor for two types.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase, typename U1, typename U2>
+    class upcast_functor<TBase, U1, U2, no_type3, no_type4, no_type5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId)
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<U2&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+      const TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId) const
+      {
+        switch (typeId)
+        {
+          case 0: return reinterpret_cast<const U1&>(*p_data);
+          case 1: return reinterpret_cast<const U2&>(*p_data);
+          default: return reinterpret_cast<const TBase&>(*reinterpret_cast<const TBase*>(0));
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    //*************************************************************************
+    /// Upcast_functor for one type.
+    //*************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase, typename U1>
+    class upcast_functor<TBase, U1, no_type2, no_type3, no_type4, no_type5, no_type6, no_type7, no_type8>
+    {
+    public:
+      TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId)
+      {
+        return reinterpret_cast<U1&>(*p_data);
+      }
+      const TBase& operator()(uint_least8_t* p_data, uint_least8_t typeId) const
+      {
+        return reinterpret_cast<const U1&>(*p_data);
+      }
+    };
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// The base type for derived readers.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    typedef reader_type<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> reader;
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Default constructor.
+    /// Sets the state of the instance to containing no valid data.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    variant()
+      : type_id(UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_ID)
+    {
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Constructor that catches any types that are not supported.
+    /// Forces a STATIC_ASSERT.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename T>
+    variant(const T& value)
+    {
+      STATIC_ASSERT(Type_Is_Supported<T>::value, "Unsupported type");
+      ::new (static_cast<T*>(data)) T(value);
+      type_id = Type_Id_Lookup<T>::type_id;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Copy constructor.
+    ///\param other The other variant object to copy.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    variant(const variant& other)
+    {
+      switch (other.type_id)
+      {
+        case 0:  ::new (static_cast<T1*>(data)) T1(other.get<T1>()); break;
+        case 1:  ::new (static_cast<T2*>(data)) T2(other.get<T2>()); break;
+        case 2:  ::new (static_cast<T3*>(data)) T3(other.get<T3>()); break;
+        case 3:  ::new (static_cast<T4*>(data)) T4(other.get<T4>()); break;
+        case 4:  ::new (static_cast<T5*>(data)) T5(other.get<T5>()); break;
+        case 5:  ::new (static_cast<T6*>(data)) T6(other.get<T6>()); break;
+        case 6:  ::new (static_cast<T7*>(data)) T7(other.get<T7>()); break;
+        case 7:  ::new (static_cast<T8*>(data)) T8(other.get<T8>()); break;
+        default: break;
+      }
+      type_id = other.type_id;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Assignment operator for T1 type.
+    ///\param value The value to assign.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename T>
+    variant& operator =(const T& value)
+    {
+      STATIC_ASSERT(Type_Is_Supported<T>::value, "Unsupported type");
+      destruct_current();
+      ::new (static_cast<T*>(data)) T(value);
+      type_id = Type_Id_Lookup<T>::type_id;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Assignment operator for variant type.
+    ///\param other The variant to assign.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    variant& operator =(const variant& other)
+    {
+      if (this != &other)
+      {
+        destruct_current();
+        switch (other.type_id)
+        {
+        case 0:  ::new (static_cast<T1*>(data)) T1(other.get<T1>()); break;
+        case 1:  ::new (static_cast<T2*>(data)) T2(other.get<T2>()); break;
+        case 2:  ::new (static_cast<T3*>(data)) T3(other.get<T3>()); break;
+        case 3:  ::new (static_cast<T4*>(data)) T4(other.get<T4>()); break;
+        case 4:  ::new (static_cast<T5*>(data)) T5(other.get<T5>()); break;
+        case 5:  ::new (static_cast<T6*>(data)) T6(other.get<T6>()); break;
+        case 6:  ::new (static_cast<T7*>(data)) T7(other.get<T7>()); break;
+        case 7:  ::new (static_cast<T8*>(data)) T8(other.get<T8>()); break;
+        default: break;
+        }
+        type_id = other.type_id;
+      }
+      return *this;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Checks if the type is the same as the current stored type.
+    /// For variants with the same type declarations.
+    ///\return <b>true</b> if the types are the same, otherwise <b>false</b>.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    bool is_same_type(const variant& other) const
+    {
+      return type_id == other.type_id;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Checks if the type is the same as the current stored type.
+    /// For variants with differing declarations.
+    ///\return <b>true</b> if the types are the same, otherwise <b>false</b>.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename U1, typename U2, typename U3, typename U4, typename U5, typename U6, typename U7, typename U8>
+    bool is_same_type(const variant<U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7, U8>& other) const
+    {
+      bool is_same = false;
+      switch (other.type_id)
+      {
+        case 0: is_same = (type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<U1>::type_id); break;
+        case 1: is_same = (type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<U2>::type_id); break;
+        case 2: is_same = (type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<U3>::type_id); break;
+        case 3: is_same = (type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<U4>::type_id); break;
+        case 4: is_same = (type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<U5>::type_id); break;
+        case 5: is_same = (type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<U6>::type_id); break;
+        case 6: is_same = (type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<U7>::type_id); break;
+        case 7: is_same = (type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<U8>::type_id); break;
+        default: break;
+      }
+      return is_same;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Calls the supplied reader instance.
+    /// The 'read' function appropriate to the current type is called with the stored value.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    void call(reader& reader)
+    {
+      switch (type_id)
+      {
+        case 0:<T1&>(data)); break;
+        case 1:<T2&>(data)); break;
+        case 2:<T3&>(data)); break;
+        case 3:<T4&>(data)); break;
+        case 4:<T5&>(data)); break;
+        case 5:<T6&>(data)); break;
+        case 6:<T7&>(data)); break;
+        case 7:<T8&>(data)); break;
+        default: break;
+      }
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Checks whether a valid value is currently stored.
+    ///\return <b>true</b> if the value is valid, otherwise <b>false</b>.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    bool is_valid() const
+    {
+      return type_id != UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_ID;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Checks to see if the type currently stored is the same as that specified in the template parameter.
+    ///\return <b>true</b> if it is the specified type, otherwise <b>false</b>.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename T>
+    bool is_type() const
+    {
+      return type_id == Type_Id_Lookup<T>::type_id;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Clears the value to 'no valid stored value'.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    void clear()
+    {
+      destruct_current();
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Gets the value stored as the specified template type.
+    /// Throws a variant_incorrect_type_exception if the actual type is not that specified.
+    ///\return A reference to the value.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename T>
+    T& get()
+    {
+      STATIC_ASSERT(Type_Is_Supported<T>::value, "Unsupported type");
+      ETL_ASSERT(is_type<T>(), ETL_ERROR(variant_incorrect_type_exception));
+      return static_cast<T&>(data);
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Gets the value stored as the specified template type.
+    /// Throws a variant_incorrect_type_exception if the actual type is not that specified.
+    ///\return A const reference to the value.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename T>
+    const T& get() const
+    {
+      STATIC_ASSERT(Type_Is_Supported<T>::value, "Unsupported type");
+      ETL_ASSERT(is_type<T>(), ETL_ERROR(variant_incorrect_type_exception));
+      return static_cast<const T&>(data);
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Gets the value stored as the specified template type.
+    ///\return A reference to the value.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase>
+    TBase& upcast()
+    {
+      return upcast_functor<TBase, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>()(data, type_id);
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Gets the value stored as the specified template type.
+    ///\return A const reference to the value.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename TBase>
+    const TBase& upcast() const
+    {
+      return upcast_functor<TBase, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>()(data, type_id);
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Conversion operators for each type.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    operator T1&() { return get<T1>(); }
+    operator T2&() { return get<T2>(); }
+    operator T3&() { return get<T3>(); }
+    operator T4&() { return get<T4>(); }
+    operator T5&() { return get<T5>(); }
+    operator T6&() { return get<T6>(); }
+    operator T7&() { return get<T7>(); }
+    operator T8&() { return get<T8>(); }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Checks if the template type is supported by the implementation of variant..
+    ///\return <b>true</b> if the type is supported, otherwise <b>false</b>.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    template <typename T>
+    static bool is_supported_type()
+    {
+      return Type_Is_Supported<T>::value;
+    }
+  private:
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// Destruct the current occupant of the variant.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    void destruct_current()
+    {
+      switch (type_id)
+      {
+        case 0: { static_cast<T1*>(data)->~T1(); break; }
+        case 1: { static_cast<T2*>(data)->~T2(); break; }
+        case 2: { static_cast<T3*>(data)->~T3(); break; }
+        case 3: { static_cast<T4*>(data)->~T4(); break; }
+        case 4: { static_cast<T5*>(data)->~T5(); break; }
+        case 5: { static_cast<T6*>(data)->~T6(); break; }
+        case 6: { static_cast<T7*>(data)->~T7(); break; }
+        case 7: { static_cast<T8*>(data)->~T8(); break; }
+        default: { break; }
+      }
+      type_id = UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_ID;
+    }
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// The internal storage.
+    /// Aligned on a suitable boundary, which should be good for all types.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    typename etl::aligned_storage<SIZE, ALIGNMENT>::type data;
+    //***************************************************************************
+    /// The id of the current stored type.
+    //***************************************************************************
+    type_id_t type_id;
+  };
+#undef ETL_FILE