
Dependents:   Light

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SmartApp.cpp	Wed Apr 12 05:28:25 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#include "SmartApp.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "mDot.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+const std::string MIUN::SmartApp::emptyPayload = "";
+const int MIUN::SmartApp::defaultPort =  0;
+void MIUN::SmartApp::initializeSettings()
+    std::string network_name         = "MiunLora";
+    std::string network_passphrase   = "MiunLora";
+    uint8_t     ack                  = 3;  //Times
+    uint8_t     joinDelay            = 1;  //Seconds
+    bool        ADR                  = true;
+    uint8_t     sf                   = 5;  //SF
+    uint32_t    defaultSleepTime_s   = 10;  //s
+    // Handle ReConfing Network
+    lora.networkConfig(network_name, network_passphrase,ack, joinDelay, ADR, sf, defaultSleepTime_s);
+/*** Running Thread ***/
+void MIUN::SmartApp::startRunning()
+    while(true)
+    {
+        lora.joinNetwork();
+        heartBeat();
+        triggerApp();
+        checkInterrupt();
+        lora.setBatteryLevel(measuredBattery());
+        lora.sleep();
+    }
+void MIUN::SmartApp::addApp(AppUnit& app)
+    appMap.insert ( std::pair<uint8_t,AppUnit&>(app.getAppNumber(),app) );
+void MIUN::SmartApp::showAppMap()
+    logInfo("Show App:");
+    for (std::map<uint8_t,AppUnit&>::iterator it=appMap.begin(); it!=appMap.end(); ++it)
+    {
+        logInfo("App Number: %u",it->second.getAppNumber());
+    }    
+uint8_t MIUN::SmartApp::measuredBattery()
+    return 255;
+/*** Private Functions ***/
+void MIUN::SmartApp::heartBeat()
+    if(AppUnit::hasSendPayload() == true)
+    {
+        //1. get Send Payload
+        SendPayload sendPayload = AppUnit::getSendPayload();
+        //2. send
+        lora.send(sendPayload.getPayload(),sendPayload.getAppNumber());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lora.send(emptyPayload,defaultPort);
+    }
+void MIUN::SmartApp::triggerApp()
+    int port=-1;
+    std::string payload = lora.receive(&port); 
+    if( payload != emptyPayload && port>defaultPort)
+    {
+        logInfo("Enter Trigger App");
+        logInfo("Payload: %s",payload.c_str());
+        logInfo("Port: %d",port);
+        for (std::map<uint8_t,AppUnit&>::iterator it=appMap.begin(); it!=appMap.end(); ++it)
+        {
+            if(it->second.getAppNumber() == port)
+            {
+                it->;
+                break;
+            }
+            logInfo("App Number: %u",it->second.getAppNumber());
+        }   
+    }
+void MIUN::SmartApp::checkInterrupt()
+    for (std::map<uint8_t,AppUnit&>::iterator it=appMap.begin(); it!=appMap.end(); ++it)
+    {
+        it->second.interrupt();
+    }
+/********** Test **********/
+void MIUN::SmartApp::testThread()
+    logInfo("--- Test Thread ---");
+    //AppUnit app1(1);
+    //addApp(app1);
+    showAppMap();
+    startRunning();
+void MIUN::SmartApp::testSaveFile()
+    logInfo("--- Test Save File ---");
+    //lora.saveSleepTime(235678901);
+    //logInfo("Read Sleep Time: %u", lora.readSleepTime());
+    while(true);
+void MIUN::SmartApp::testSendAndReceive()
+    logInfo("--- Test Send And Receive ---");
+            lora.showInfo();
+    while(true)
+    {
+        lora.joinNetwork();
+        lora.showInfo();
+        if(lora.send((std::string)"dabin,dabin",1)==true)
+        {
+            //logInfo("Receive Payload: [%s]", ().c_str(),&i);
+        }
+        lora.sleep();
+        logInfo("---After Sleep---");
+    }
+void MIUN::SmartApp::testMacCommand()
+    logInfo("--- Test Mac Command ---");
+    while(true)
+    {
+        lora.joinNetwork();
+        lora.showInfo();
+        lora.getHandler().networkLinkCheck();
+        sleep();
+        logInfo("---After Sleep---");
+    }
+void MIUN::SmartApp::unConfirmedTest()
+    logInfo("---unConfirmedTest Test:---");
+    lora.changeAck(0);
+    lora.showInfo();
+    while(true)
+    {
+        lora.joinNetwork();
+        lora.showInfo();
+        if(lora.send((std::string)"dabin,dabin",1)==true)
+        {
+            //logInfo("Receive***************: [%s]", lora.receive().c_str());
+        }
+        sleep();
+        logInfo("---After Sleep---");
+    }
+void MIUN::SmartApp::adaptSFTest()
+    logInfo("---adapt SF Test:---");
+    lora.showInfo();
+    while(true)
+    {
+        lora.joinNetwork();
+        lora.showInfo();
+        //lora.changeAdaptSF(true);
+        //lora.changeSF(20);
+        if(lora.send((std::string)"dabin,dabin",1)==true)
+        {
+           // logInfo("Receive***************: [%s]", lora.receive().c_str());
+        }
+        sleep();
+        logInfo("---After Sleep---");
+    }
+void MIUN::SmartApp::staQuality()
+    logInfo("---Start Test:---");
+    lora.showInfo();
+    int total = 0;
+    int truely = 0;
+    while(true)
+    {
+        total++;
+        lora.joinNetwork();
+        lora.showInfo();
+        if(lora.send((std::string)"dabin,dabin",1)==true)
+        {
+            truely++;
+        }
+        logInfo("*******Statistics Quality:*********:");
+        logInfo("Total send: %d",total);
+        logInfo("Successful send: %d",truely);
+        logInfo("Successful Ratio: %f",(float)truely/total*100);
+        logInfo("***********************************");
+        sleep();
+        logInfo("---After Sleep---");
+    }
\ No newline at end of file