new version of AL96_OT

Dependencies:   mbed LCD_DISCO_F469NI TS_DISCO_F469NI BSP_DISCO_F469NI

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed May 30 14:59:27 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TS_DISCO_F469NI.h"
+#include "LCD_DISCO_F469NI.h"
+#include "MAX31865.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "display.h"
+#include "colors.c"
+#include "Output.h"
+extern void clean(int, float, float);
+extern void roast(int, int);
+extern void stop(bool);
+bool stato_porta=0;             //da cancellare, solo per prova porta
+int main()
+    setup_griglia();            //setup, parte grafica
+    while(1) {
+        getData();
+        temperature_update();
+//acquisisco la pressione sullo schermo per attivare i vari oggetti
+        ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+///solo per prova, comandi vari
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=230 && TS_State.touchX[0]<300 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<90))    {
+            Lampadina.stato=!Lampadina.stato;
+            object_update();
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=300 && TS_State.touchX[0]<370 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<90))    {
+            Resistenza1.stato=!Resistenza1.stato;
+            object_update();
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=370 && TS_State.touchX[0]<440 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<90))    {
+            Resistenza2.stato=!Resistenza2.stato;
+            object_update();
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=440 && TS_State.touchX[0]<510 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<90))    {
+            Giracaffe.stato=!Giracaffe.stato;
+            object_update();
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=230 && TS_State.touchX[0]<300 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=90 && TS_State.touchY[0]<160))   {
+            Bloccoporta.stato=!Bloccoporta.stato;
+            (Bloccoporta.stato==1) ? Chiudo_porta() : Apro_porta();
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=300 && TS_State.touchX[0]<370 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=90 && TS_State.touchY[0]<160))   {
+            VTangenziale.stato=!VTangenziale.stato;
+            object_update();
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=370 && TS_State.touchX[0]<440 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=90 && TS_State.touchY[0]<160))   {
+            VRadiale.stato=!VRadiale.stato;
+            object_update();
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=440 && TS_State.touchX[0]<510 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=90 && TS_State.touchY[0]<160))   {
+            Ventola.stato=!Ventola.stato;
+            object_update();
+        }
+        ///------ Apertura e chiusura scarico caffè
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=620 && TS_State.touchX[0]<690 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<90))    {
+            Apro_scarico();
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=620 && TS_State.touchX[0]<690 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=100 && TS_State.touchY[0]<170))  {
+            Chiudo_scarico();
+        }
+        ///------
+//if ROAST pressed
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=290 && TS_State.touchY[0]<410))   {
+            roast(temperatura_roast,tempo_roast);
+        }
+//if CLEAN pressed
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=165 && TS_State.touchY[0]<285))   {
+            clean(clean_time, setpointLOW, setpointHIGH);
+        }
+//if STOP pressed
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140))    {
+            stop(0);
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=200 && TS_State.touchX[0]<260 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=270 && TS_State.touchY[0]<330))  {
+            temperatura_roast = temperatura_roast+5;
+            if (temperatura_roast >300) temperatura_roast =300;
+        }
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=200 && TS_State.touchX[0]<260 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=350 && TS_State.touchY[0]<410))  {
+            temperatura_roast = temperatura_roast-5;
+            if (temperatura_roast <60) temperatura_roast =60;
+        }
+//if TEMPO UPPER pressed
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=325 && TS_State.touchX[0]<385 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=270 && TS_State.touchY[0]<330))  {
+            tempo_roast = tempo_roast+15;
+            if (tempo_roast >3000) tempo_roast =3000;
+        }
+//if TEMPO LOWER pressed
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=325 && TS_State.touchX[0]<385 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=350 && TS_State.touchY[0]<410))  {
+            tempo_roast = tempo_roast-15;
+            if (tempo_roast <120) tempo_roast =120;
+        }
+//scrivo minuti e secondi
+        int minuti = tempo_roast/60;
+        int secondi = tempo_roast%60;
+        sprintf((char*)text, "%2d", minuti);
+        lcd.DisplayStringAt(295,LINE(8), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+        sprintf((char*)text, "%2d", secondi);
+        lcd.DisplayStringAt(350,LINE(8), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+//scrivo temperatura
+        sprintf((char*)text, "%3d", temperatura_roast);
+        lcd.DisplayStringAt(295,LINE(10), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+        //per sicurezza, se accendo la macchina e la temperatura è superiore a 
+        //quella di safe (150) attivo la ventola tangenziale fino a quando la 
+        //temperatura non scende sotto quella di sicurezza
+        if (PT1.temperature( )>temp_safe) {
+            VTangenziale_acceso();
+            temperature_update();
+            wait(1.0);
+        }
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
+void clean(int clean_time, float setpointLOW, float setpointHIGH)
+    Timer timer;
+    timer.start();
+    int previous_time, actual_time;
+    Lampadina_spento();
+    Ventola_spento();
+    VRadiale_spento();
+    VTangenziale_spento();
+    Giracaffe_spento();
+    Resistenza1_spento();
+    Resistenza2_spento();
+//non procedo fino a quando la porta non è chiusa e anche il tappo del caffè
+    /*   do {
+           ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+           if ((TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140)) {                //STOP
+               goto STOP_C;
+           }
+           wait(0.5);
+       } while ( Chiudo_porta() );
+    */
+    do {
+        ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+        if ((TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140)) {                //STOP
+            goto STOP_C;
+        }
+        wait(0.5);
+    } while ( tappo_caffe() );
+    //Chiudo_scarico();                                                         //chiudo lo scarico del caffè
+    disegna_pulsanti(CLEAN_ATTIVO);
+    VTangenziale_acceso();
+    //VRadiale_acceso();
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"CLEAN ACTIVE             ", LEFT_MODE);
+    previous_time =;
+    while(clean_time>0) {
+        //acquisisco la pressione sullo schermo per vedere se devo stoppare il ciclo mentre faccio il clean
+        ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+        if ((TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140)) {                //STOP
+            goto STOP_C;
+        }
+        //countdown dal clean_time a zero
+        actual_time =;
+        if (actual_time-previous_time >=1) {
+            lcd.SetTextColor(black);
+            sprintf((char*)text, "%5d", clean_time);
+            lcd.DisplayStringAt(210,LINE(18), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+            previous_time = actual_time;
+            clean_time--;
+            getData();
+            temperature_update();
+            //se la temperatura è sotto il setpoint high continuo a riscaldare, se la temperatura scende sotto il setpoint low ricomincio a riscaldare
+            if (PT1.temperature( )<=setpointLOW)  {
+                Resistenza1_acceso();
+                Resistenza2_acceso();
+            }
+            if (PT1.temperature( )>setpointHIGH)  {
+                Resistenza1_spento();
+                Resistenza2_spento();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //avvio la procedura di stop, se il tempo di clean è finito oppure ho premuto STOP
+    disegna_pulsanti(CLEAN_FINITO);
+    stop(0);
+void stop(bool clean_roast)
+    //stop(0) se era in esecuzione il cleaning
+    //stop(1) se era in esecuzione il roasting
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"STOP IN PROCESS          ", LEFT_MODE);
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(260,LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"      ", LEFT_MODE);
+    //spengo le resistenze
+    Resistenza1_spento();
+    Resistenza2_spento();
+    getData();
+    temperature_update();
+    lcd.SetTextColor(black);
+    wait (2.0);
+    VRadiale_spento();
+    if (clean_roast) {
+        lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"solo con roasting        ", LEFT_MODE);
+        Ventola_acceso();
+        Apro_scarico();
+        Giracaffe_acceso();
+        for (int i=60; i>0; i--) {                                              //tempo di raffreddamento caffè, da variare alla necessità
+            wait(1);
+            temperature_update();
+        }
+        Giracaffe_spento();
+        Chiudo_scarico();
+        for (int i=60; i>0; i--) {                                              //tempo di raffreddamento caffè, da variare alla necessità
+            wait(1);
+            temperature_update();
+        }
+        Ventola_spento();
+    }
+    //lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"tempe magg o minore 150  ", LEFT_MODE);
+    if (PT1.temperature( )>temp_safe) {
+        do {
+            getData();
+            lcd.SetTextColor(red);
+            lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"TEMPERATURE   ABOVE   150", LEFT_MODE);
+            wait (1.5);
+            lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"NOT POSSIBLE TO OPEN DOOR", LEFT_MODE);
+            wait (1.5);
+            lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"                         ", LEFT_MODE);
+            getData();
+            temperature_update();
+            wait (1.5);
+        } while (PT1.temperature( )>temp_safe);
+    }
+    //Apro_porta();
+    Lampadina_spento();
+    VTangenziale_spento();
+    step_clean=0;
+    step_roast=0;
+    disegna_pulsanti(CLEAN);
+    disegna_pulsanti(ROAST);
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"                         ", LEFT_MODE);
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"STOP COMPLETED           ", LEFT_MODE);
+    ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+    wait (2);
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"                         ", LEFT_MODE);
+void roast (int roast_temp, int roast_time)
+    Timer timer;
+    timer.start();
+    int previous_time, actual_time;
+    Lampadina_spento();
+    Ventola_spento();
+    VRadiale_spento();
+    VTangenziale_spento();
+    Giracaffe_spento();
+    Resistenza1_spento();
+    Resistenza2_spento();
+    Chiudo_scarico();
+//non procedo fino a quando la porta non è chiusa e anche il tappo del caffè
+    /*    do {
+           ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+           if ((TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140)) {                //STOP
+               goto STOP_R;
+           }
+           wait(0.5);
+       } while ( Chiudo_porta() );
+    */
+    do {
+        ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+        if ((TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140)) {                //STOP
+            goto STOP_R;
+        }
+        wait(0.5);
+    } while ( tappo_caffe() );
+    disegna_pulsanti(ROAST_PRE);
+    temperature_update();
+    VRadiale_acceso();
+    VTangenziale_acceso();
+    Lampadina_acceso();
+    while ( PT1.temperature()<=roast_temp && step_roast==0) {
+        //if STOP pressed
+        ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140))    {
+            goto STOP_R;
+        }
+        Resistenza1_acceso();
+        Resistenza2_acceso();
+        getData();
+        temperature_update();
+    }
+    Resistenza2_spento();
+    step_roast=1;
+    Giracaffe_acceso();
+    do {
+        lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"OPEN COFFE COVER         ", LEFT_MODE);
+        //if STOP pressed
+        ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140))    {
+            goto STOP_R;
+        }
+        getData();
+        temperature_update();
+        if (PT1.temperature( )<=roast_temp)  {
+            Resistenza1_acceso();
+        }
+        if (PT1.temperature( )>roast_temp)  {
+            Resistenza1_spento();
+        }
+        wait(1.0);
+    } while (myDataIn[0]==1 && step_roast==1);
+    step_roast=2;
+    do {
+        lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"POOR COFFE, CLOSE COVER  ", LEFT_MODE);
+        //if STOP pressed
+        ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140))    {
+            stop(1);
+        }
+        getData();
+        temperature_update();
+        if (PT1.temperature( )<=roast_temp)  {
+            Resistenza1_acceso();
+        }
+        if (PT1.temperature( )>roast_temp)  {
+            Resistenza1_spento();
+        }
+        wait(1.0);
+    } while (myDataIn[0]==0 && step_roast==2);
+    step_roast=3;
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"                         ", LEFT_MODE);
+    //lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"ades dovr avv roast      ", LEFT_MODE);
+    wait(1.0);
+    disegna_pulsanti(ROAST_ACTIVE);
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(10, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"ROASTING IN PROCESS      ", LEFT_MODE);
+    timer.start();
+    previous_time =;
+    while ( roast_time>0 && step_roast==3) {
+        //if STOP pressed
+        ts.GetState(&TS_State);
+        if ( (TS_State.touchDetected) && (TS_State.touchX[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchX[0]<140 && TS_State.touchY[0]>=20 && TS_State.touchY[0]<140))    {
+            goto STOP_R;
+        }
+        actual_time =;
+        if (actual_time-previous_time >=1) {
+            lcd.SetTextColor(black);
+            sprintf((char*)text, "%5d", roast_time);
+            lcd.DisplayStringAt(600,LINE(18), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
+            previous_time = actual_time;
+            roast_time--;
+            getData();
+            temperature_update();
+            if (PT1.temperature( )<=roast_temp)  {
+                Resistenza1_acceso();
+            }
+            if (PT1.temperature( )>roast_temp)  {
+                Resistenza1_spento();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //se ho completato il ciclo di preroasting e roasting e non ho premuto STOP
+    lcd.DisplayStringAt(600, LINE(18), (uint8_t *)"     ", LEFT_MODE);
+    disegna_pulsanti(ROAST_FINITO);
+    stop(1);