code crashes accessing randomization code

Dependencies:   LoRaWAN-SX1272-Application-24-31-9sec X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 driver_mbed_TH02 LoRaWAN-lib-v1_0_1 SX1272Lib mbed

Fork of LoRaWAN-SX1272-Application-24-31-9sec by Oleh Zvonarov

Thu Apr 06 21:59:50 2017 +0000
LoRaWAN SX1272 Application

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 1 /*
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 2 / _____) _ | |
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 3 ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 4 \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 5 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 6 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 7 (C)2015 Semtech
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 8
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 9 Description: MAC Layer Services: MLME & MCPS
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 10
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 11 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 12
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 13 Maintainer: Uttam Bhat
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 14 */
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 15
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 16 #ifndef __LORA_MAC_LAYER_SERVICE__
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 17 #define __LORA_MAC_LAYER_SERVICE__
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 18
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 19 #include "board.h"
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 20 #include "LoRaMac.h"
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 21 #include "Common.h"
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 22 #include "LoRaEventProc.h"
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 23 #include "ComplianceTest.h"
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 24 #include "SerialDisplay.h"
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 25 #include "mbed.h"
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 26
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 27
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 28 void McpsConfirm( McpsConfirm_t *McpsConfirm );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 29 void McpsIndication( McpsIndication_t *McpsIndication );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 30 void MlmeConfirm( MlmeConfirm_t *MlmeConfirm );
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 31
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 32 #endif
ubhat 0:6cc76d70e2a1 33