Debugging tool for mbed enabled microcontrollers, especially for NUCLEO-F303RE and STM32F042F6P6.

--- a/debug_register.cpp	Thu May 09 21:24:31 2019 +0000
+++ b/debug_register.cpp	Mon May 13 08:39:42 2019 +0000
@@ -10,55 +10,50 @@
 // init function
 void Debug_register::init() {
-    pc.printf("\ec");
-    wait_ms(50);
-    pc.printf("-----------------\n\r|\e[1m\e[97;40m\e[93;40mBREAKPOINT AREA\e[22m\e[97;40m|\n\r-----------------\n\r\033[s");
+    pc.printf("\ec"); //clear entire screen
+    wait_ms(50); //wait until clearing is done
+    pc.printf("-----------------\n\r|\e[1m\e[97;40m\e[93;40mBREAKPOINT AREA\e[22m\e[97;40m|\n\r-----------------\n\r\033[s"); //print breakpoint label
     pc.printf("serial successfully initialised\n\r\e[32;40mto start program press any button\e[97;40m");
-    pc.getc();
-    pc.printf("\r\e[2K\e[31;40mprogram is running\e[97;40m\r");
-    pc.printf("\033[14;0H------------------\n\r|\e[1m\e[93;40mSERIAL PORT AREA\e[22m\e[97;40m|\n\r------------------\n\r\033[s");
+    pc.getc(); // wait until user sends any character
+    pc.printf("\r\e[2K\e[31;40mprogram is running\e[97;40m\r"); //running program message
+    pc.printf("\033[14;0H------------------\n\r|\e[1m\e[93;40mSERIAL PORT AREA\e[22m\e[97;40m|\n\r------------------\n\r\033[s"); //print serial port label
 // perform one breakpoint and print one register
 void Debug_register::breakpoint(int line_number, uint32_t address){
-    uint32_t reg;
-    address -= address%4;
-    //int horizontal_location = 46;
+    uint32_t reg; //value of register
+    char sign; //received character
+    address -= address%4; //if address is not divisible by 4, set address to the closest lower number divisible by 4 
+    pc.printf("\e[s");//save actual cursor position
+    wait_ms(50);//wait until the position is saved
-    char sign;
-    pc.printf("\e[s");
-    wait_ms(50);
-    while(1){
-        address -= address%4;
-        clear_from_n_up_to_m(13,3);
+    while(1){ //endless cycle until Enter is pressed  
+        address -= address%4; //if address is not divisible by 4, set address to the closest lower number divisible by 4 
+        clear_from_n_up_to_m(13,3); //clear breakpoint area
-        if (line_number < 0){
+        if (line_number < 0){ //print breakpoint and line number
             pc.printf(" Breakpoint number %d\t unknown line number\n\r",breakpoint_count);
             pc.printf("| Breakpoint number %d\tline number %d\n\r",breakpoint_count, line_number);
-        reg = read_word(address, 0);
-        //reg = *((volatile unsigned int *)address);
+        reg = read_word(address, 0); // read register value from address shifted by offset 0
+        //print entire breakpoint
         pc.printf("| address hex 0x%8x | value hex 0x%8x | address decimal %10u | value decimal %10u |\n\r", address, reg, address, reg);
         pc.printf("|bit_num|31|30|29|28|27|26|25|24|23|22|21|20|19|18|17|16|15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|\n\r");
+        // print register value in binary form
         for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++){
             pc.printf("%2d|",reg >> (31 - i));
             reg -= ((reg >> (31 - i)) << (31 - i));
@@ -66,54 +61,59 @@
-        pc.printf("\e[32;40mto continue press enter, to see higher press i, to see lower press j\n\rto read register press r, to write to register press w\e[97;40m");
+        pc.printf("\e[32;40mto continue press enter or p, to see higher press i, to see lower press j\n\rto read register press r, to write to register press w\e[97;40m");
         sign = pc.getc();
-        if (sign == 13 || sign == 'P' || sign == 'p'){
+        if (sign == 13 || sign == 'P' || sign == 'p'){ // if P or enter was pressed, end the breakpoint
             pc.printf("\r\e[2K\e[31;40mprogram is running\e[97;40m\n\r");  
-            pc.printf("\e[u");
+            pc.printf("\e[u"); // return cursor position to serial port area
-        }else if (sign == 'i' || sign == 'I'){
+        }else if (sign == 'i' || sign == 'I'){ // if i was pressed, show register on higher address
-            address += 0x4;
+            address += 0x4; // return cursor position to serial port area
-        }else if (sign == 'k' || sign == 'K'){
+        }else if (sign == 'k' || sign == 'K'){ // if i was pressed, show register on higher address
-            address -= 0x4;
+            address -= 0x4; // return cursor position to serial port area
-        }else if (sign == 'r' || sign == 'R'){
+        }else if (sign == 'r' || sign == 'R'){ // if r was pressed, insert new address value 
             pc.printf("\r\e[K\e[12;0H\r\e[K\e[32;40m use l or j to xyzzzzzzzzx\e[97;40m");
-            pc.printf("\e[6;46H");
-            address = modify_value(address, 17);
+            //pc.printf("\e[6;46H"); //move cursor to 6th row 46th column
+            address = modify_value(address, 17); // insert or modify actual address(starting in 17th column) to read register value from it
-        }else if (sign == 'w' || sign == 'W'){
+        }else if (sign == 'w' || sign == 'W'){ // if r was pressed, insert address value and register value to write register value on that address
             pc.printf("\r\e[K\e[12;0H\r\e[K\e[32;40m use l or j to xxxxxxxxxxx\e[97;40m");
-            pc.printf("\e[6;46H");
-            address = modify_value(address, 17); 
+            //pc.printf("\e[6;46H");
+            address = modify_value(address, 17); // insert or modify actual address(starting in 17th column) to write register value on that address
             pc.printf("\e[12;0H\r\e[K\e[32;40m use l or j to yyyyyyyx\e[97;40m");  
-            pc.printf("\e[6;96H");
-            reg = *((volatile unsigned int *)address);
-            reg = modify_value(reg, 40); 
-            *((volatile unsigned int *)address) = reg;
+            //pc.printf("\e[6;96H");
+            reg = *((volatile unsigned int *)address); //read register value from address
+            reg = modify_value(reg, 40); // insert or modify actual register value(starting in 40th column) to that write register value on address
+            *((volatile unsigned int *)address) = reg; // write new register value on the address
 // print formatted string to debug serial port
 int Debug_register::printf(const char* format, ...){
+    int ret = pc.printf(format);
+    return ret;
-    int ret = pc.printf(format);
+// read formatted string from debug serial port
+int Debug_register::scanf(const char* format, ...){
+    int ret = pc.scanf(format);
     return ret;
 // print character to debug serial port
 int Debug_register::putc(int character){
     return pc.putc(character);
@@ -123,10 +123,14 @@
     return pc.getc();
+// check whether there is any character to read
 bool Debug_register::readable(){
     return pc.readable();
+// check whether it is possible to write a sign to debug serial port
 bool Debug_register::writable(){
     return pc.writable();