Debugging tool for mbed enabled microcontrollers, especially for NUCLEO-F303RE and STM32F042F6P6.

--- a/Debug.h	Mon May 06 21:25:29 2019 +0000
+++ b/Debug.h	Thu May 09 18:48:42 2019 +0000
@@ -114,9 +114,8 @@
     /** Perform one breakpoint and print one register value
      * @param line_number Line number of the breakpoint
      * @param address
-     * @param offset
-    void breakpoint(int line_number, uint32_t address, uint32_t offset = 0);
+    void breakpoint(int line_number, uint32_t address);
    /** Print formatted string to debug serial port
      * @param string
@@ -253,10 +252,10 @@
  *     DigitalOut out2 (PA_0);
  *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000000);
  *     AnalogIn analog2 (PA_1);
- *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000000, 0x0C);
+ *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x4800000C);
  *     DigitalIn di1(PA_7, PullUp);
- *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000000, 0x0C);
- *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000000, 0x04);
+ *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x4800000C);
+ *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000004);
  *     while(1){
  *         if(pc.readable()){
  *             pc.putc(pc.getc());
@@ -279,9 +278,8 @@
     /** Perform one breakpoint and print one register
      * @param line_number line number of the breakpoint
      * @param address
-     * @param offset
-    void breakpoint(int line_number = -1, uint32_t address = 0, uint32_t offset = 0);
+    void breakpoint(int line_number = -1, uint32_t address = 0);
@@ -341,11 +339,11 @@
  * int main(){
  *     pc.format(2,2,1,3);//breakpoint count,line number, address, value
- *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000000, 0, 2);
+ *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000000, 2);
  *     DigitalOut out2 (PA_0);
- *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000000, 0x14, -3);
+ *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000014, -3);
  *     AnalogIn analog2 (PA_1);
- *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000000, 0x8);
+ *     pc.breakpoint(__LINE__,0x48000008);
  *     while(1){
  *         wait(1);
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@
      * @param address
      * @param offset
-    void breakpoint(int line_number = -1, uint32_t address = 0, uint32_t offset = 0, int number_of_words = 1);
+    void breakpoint(int line_number = -1, uint32_t address = 0, int number_of_words = 1);