Debugging tool for mbed enabled microcontrollers, especially for NUCLEO-F303RE and STM32F042F6P6.

--- a/Debug.h	Sat Mar 20 12:55:32 2021 +0000
+++ b/Debug.h	Sat Mar 20 13:04:46 2021 +0000
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 /** Debug_serial class.
- *  Class for stepping programme and printing actual position of the running programme with optional print of one variable (int, float, char or char*).
- *  Functions printf, putc and getc are also defined in the class.
+ *  Class for stepping the program and printing actual position of the running programme with optional print of one variable (int, float, char or char*).
+ *  Functions printf, putc and getc are also defined in the class. \n
  * Example program:
  * @code
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 /** Debug_led class.
- *  Class for stepping the program with debug LED and button, that is connected to GND(default) or VCC.
+ *  Class for stepping the program with debug LED and button, that is connected to GND(default) or VCC.\n
  * Example program for STM32F042F6P6:
  * @code
@@ -211,16 +211,16 @@
 class Debug_led {
-    /** Create object of class Debug_led
+    /** Create an object of Debug_led class
      * @param led_pin pin of of debug led
      * @param button_pin pin of of debug button
-     * @param mode (optional): mode of button connection(GND, VCC), default value value is GND
+     * @param mode mode of button connection(GND, VCC), default value value is GND
     Debug_led(PinName led_pin, PinName button_pin, button_mode mode = GND);
     /** Perform one breakpoint
-     * @param number(optional): number of flashes of LED during the breakpoint, default value is 1
-     * @param period_ms(optional): period of flashing of the LED in ms, default value is 300ms
+     * @param number number of flashes of LED during the breakpoint, default value is 1
+     * @param period_ms period of flashing of the LED in ms, default value is 300ms
     void breakpoint(int number = 1, int period_ms = 300);