Here it is ...

Dependencies:   libxDot-mbed5 TSL2561

Fork of Dot-Examples by MultiTech

--- a/examples/src/ota_example.cpp~	Thu Jul 12 12:54:47 2018 -0400
+++ b/examples/src/ota_example.cpp~	Thu Jul 19 10:48:47 2018 -0400
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 static uint8_t network_key[] = { 0x1F, 0x33, 0xA1, 0x70, 0xA5, 0xF1, 0xFD, 0xA0, 0xAB, 0x69, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x2B, 0x95, 0x91, 0x6B };
 static uint8_t frequency_sub_band = 1;
 static lora::NetworkType public_network;// = lora::PUBLIC_LORAWAN;
-static uint8_t join_delay = 5;
+static uint8_t join_delay = 1;
 static uint8_t ack = 0;
 static bool adr = true;
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
     // only one method or the other should be used!
     // network ID = crc64(network name)
     // network KEY = cmac(network passphrase)
-    //update_ota_config_name_phrase(network_name, network_passphrase, frequency_sub_band, public_network, ack);// use the line below
-    update_ota_config_id_key(network_id, network_key, frequency_sub_band, public_network, ack); ///
+    update_ota_config_name_phrase(network_name, network_passphrase, frequency_sub_band, public_network, ack);
+    //update_ota_config_id_key(network_id, network_key, frequency_sub_band, public_network, ack); 
     // configure network link checks
     // network link checks are a good alternative to requiring the gateway to ACK every packet and should allow a single gateway to handle more Dots
@@ -136,37 +136,56 @@
   uint8_t counter = 0;
   while (true) {
-    pc.printf("starting network join process\r\n");
+    pc.printf("top of loop\r\n");
     std::vector<uint8_t> tx_data;
+    pc.printf("we got tx_data again\r\n");
     // join network if not joined
     if (!dot->getNetworkJoinStatus()) {
       pc.printf("post join\r\n");
-    } else {
-          pc.printf("Network has been joined\r\n");
+    } 
+    // hourly loop
+    while( counter < 12) {
+      uint8_t light_data = get_light_data();
+      tx_data.push_back(light_data);
+      pc.printf("pseudo-light data: %d\r\n", light_data);
+      pc.printf("hour: %d\r\n", ++counter);
+      // if going into deepsleep mode, save the session so we don't need to join again after waking up
+      // not necessary if going into sleep mode since RAM is retained
+      if (deep_sleep) {
+	logInfo("saving network session to NVM");
+	dot->saveNetworkSession();
+      }
+      // ONLY ONE of the three functions below should be uncommented depending on the desired wakeup method
+      //sleep_wake_rtc_only(deep_sleep);
+      //sleep_wake_interrupt_only(deep_sleep);
+	sleep_wake_rtc_or_interrupt(deep_sleep);
+      pc.printf("end of loop %d \r\n", counter);
-    tx_data.push_back(++counter);
+    //print vector data
+    pc.printf(" vector data:");
+    for(std::vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator iter = tx_data.begin(); iter != tx_data.end(); ++iter) {
+      pc.printf(" %d",*iter);
+    }
+    pc.printf("\r\n");
+    //actually send the data
     logInfo("sending uplink with data = %d", counter);
     pc.printf("sending data\r\n");
-    pc.printf("data send\r\n");
+    pc.printf("data sent\r\n");
+    // erase vector data
+    tx_data.erase(tx_data.begin(), tx_data.end());
+    counter = 0;
+    pc.printf("deleted tx_data and reset counter\r\n");
-    // if going into deepsleep mode, save the session so we don't need to join again after waking up
-    // not necessary if going into sleep mode since RAM is retained
-    if (deep_sleep) {
-      logInfo("saving network session to NVM");
-      dot->saveNetworkSession();
-    }
-    // ONLY ONE of the three functions below should be uncommented depending on the desired wakeup method
-    //sleep_wake_rtc_only(deep_sleep);
-    //sleep_wake_interrupt_only(deep_sleep);
-    sleep_wake_rtc_or_interrupt(deep_sleep);
-    pc.printf("end of loop %d \r\n", counter);
   return 0;