
Dependencies:   MatrixMath Matrix ExperimentServer QEI_pmw MotorShield

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Thu Sep 24 20:16:05 2020 +0000
Commit message:
2DOF impedance controller template code

Changed in this revision

2_74_Lab_2_3_Experiment_Example.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
BezierCurve.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
BezierCurve.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2_74_Lab_2_3_Experiment_Example.lib	Thu Sep 24 20:16:05 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BezierCurve.cpp	Thu Sep 24 20:16:05 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include "BezierCurve.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+extern Serial pc;
+int factorial(int k) {
+    int f = 1;
+    for (int j = 2 ; j<= k ; j++)
+        f*=j; 
+    return f;   
+BezierCurve::BezierCurve(int dim, int order) :_dim(dim), _order(order) {
+    _pts = new float*[_order+1];
+    _nck = new int[_order+1];
+    _nck_deriv = new int[_order];
+    int facn = factorial(_order);
+    int facn2= factorial(_order-1);
+    for(int i = 0 ; i <= _order ; i++) {
+        _pts[i] = new float[_dim];
+        _nck[i] = facn / factorial(i) / factorial(_order-i);
+        if (i< _order) {
+            _nck_deriv[i] = facn2 / factorial(i) / factorial(_order-1-i);
+        }
+    }
+BezierCurve::~BezierCurve() {
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < _dim ; i++) {
+        delete _pts[i];    
+    }    
+    delete _pts;
+void BezierCurve::setPoints(float pts[] ) {
+    pc.printf("Setting Points\n");
+    float * p = pts;
+    for(int i = 0 ; i<=_order ; i++) {
+        pc.printf("\tPt. %d:",i);
+        for( int j = 0 ; j < _dim ; j++) {
+            _pts[i][j] = *p;
+            p++;
+            pc.printf("\t\t%f\n",_pts[i][j]);
+        }    
+    }
+void BezierCurve::evaluate(float time, float point[]) {
+    //float *_point = new float[_dim];
+    for(int i=0; i< _dim ; i++) {
+        point[i] = 0;
+    }        
+    for(int i=0; i<=_order ; i++) {
+        float mi = pow(time,i)*pow(1-time,_order-i) * _nck[i];
+        for(int j=0 ; j < _dim ; j++) {
+            point[j] += _pts[i][j] * mi;
+        }    
+    }
+    //for(int i=0; i< _dim ; i++) {
+    //    point[i] = _point[i];
+    //} 
+    //delete _point;
+void BezierCurve::evaluateDerivative(float time, float point[]) {
+    //double *_point = new double[_dim];
+    for(int i=0; i< _dim ; i++) {
+        point[i] = 0;
+    }    
+    //double dtime = time;    
+    for(int i=0; i<=_order-1 ; i++) {
+        float mi = pow(time,i)*pow(1-time,_order-1-i) * _nck_deriv[i] * _order;
+        for(int j=0 ; j < _dim ; j++) {
+            point[j] += (_pts[i+1][j] - _pts[i][j] ) * mi;
+        }    
+    }
+    //for(int i=0; i< _dim ; i++) {
+    //    point[i] = _point[i];
+    //} 
+    //delete _point;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BezierCurve.h	Thu Sep 24 20:16:05 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+class BezierCurve
+    BezierCurve(int dim, int order);
+    ~BezierCurve();
+    void setPoints(float pts[]); 
+    void evaluate(float time, float point[]);
+    void evaluateDerivative(float time, float point[]);
+    const int _dim;
+    const int _order;
+    float ** _pts;
+    int * _nck;
+    int * _nck_deriv;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Aug 27 14:55:58 2020 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Sep 24 20:16:05 2020 +0000
@@ -3,13 +3,18 @@
 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
 #include "ExperimentServer.h"
 #include "QEI.h"
+#include "BezierCurve.h"
 #include "MotorShield.h" 
 #include "HardwareSetup.h"
-#define NUM_INPUTS 2
-#define NUM_OUTPUTS 4
+#define BEZIER_ORDER_FOOT    7
+#define NUM_OUTPUTS 19
+#define PULSE_TO_RAD (2.0f*3.14159f / 1200.0f)
+// Initializations
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    // USB Serial Terminal
 ExperimentServer server;    // Object that lets us communicate with MATLAB
 Timer t;                    // Timer to measure elapsed time of experiment
@@ -20,6 +25,110 @@
 QEI encoderD(PD_12, PD_13, NC, 1200, QEI::X4_ENCODING);// MOTOR D ENCODER (no index, 1200 counts/rev, Quadrature encoding)
 MotorShield motorShield(12000); //initialize the motor shield with a period of 12000 ticks or ~20kHZ
+Ticker currentLoop;
+// Variables for q1
+float current1;
+float current_des1 = 0;
+float prev_current_des1 = 0;
+float current_int1 = 0;
+float angle1;
+float angle_des1;
+float velocity1;
+float velocity_des1;
+float duty_cycle1;
+float angle1_init;
+// Variables for q2
+float current2;
+float current_des2 = 0;
+float prev_current_des2 = 0;
+float current_int2 = 0;
+float angle2;
+float angle_des2;
+float velocity2;
+float velocity_des2;
+float duty_cycle2;
+float angle2_init;
+// Fixed kinematic parameters
+const float l_OA=.011; 
+const float l_OB=.042; 
+const float l_AC=.096; 
+const float l_DE=.091;
+// Timing parameters
+float current_control_period_us = 200.0f;     // 5kHz current control loop
+float impedance_control_period_us = 1000.0f;  // 1kHz impedance control loop
+float start_period, traj_period, end_period;
+// Control parameters
+float current_Kp = 0.7;           
+float current_Ki = 0.2;           
+float current_int_max = 1.0;      
+float duty_max;      
+float K_xx;
+float K_yy;
+float K_xy;
+float D_xx;
+float D_xy;
+float D_yy;
+float xFoot;
+float yFoot;
+float xDesFoot;
+float yDesFoot;
+// Model parameters
+float supply_voltage = 12; // motor supply voltage
+float R;                   // motor resistance
+float k_emf;               // motor torque constant
+float nu1, nu2;            // motor viscous friction
+// Current control interrupt function
+void CurrentLoop()
+    // This loop sets the motor voltage commands using PI current controllers.
+    //use the motor shield as follows:
+    //motorShield.motorAWrite(DUTY CYCLE, DIRECTION), DIRECTION = 0 is forward, DIRECTION =1 is backwards.
+    current1     = -(((float(motorShield.readCurrentA())/65536.0f)*30.0f)-15.0f);   // measure current
+    float err_c1 = current_des1 - current1;                                         // current errror
+    current_int1 += err_c1;                                                         // integrate error
+    current_int1 = fmaxf( fminf(current_int1, current_int_max), -current_int_max);  // anti-windup
+    duty_cycle1 = current_Kp*err_c1 + current_Ki*current_int1;                      // PI current controller
+    float absDuty1 = abs(duty_cycle1);
+    if (absDuty1 > duty_max) {
+        duty_cycle1 *= duty_max / absDuty1;
+        absDuty1 = duty_max;
+    }    
+    if (duty_cycle1 < 0) { // backwards
+        motorShield.motorAWrite(absDuty1, 1);
+    } else { // forwards
+        motorShield.motorAWrite(absDuty1, 0);
+    }             
+    prev_current_des1 = current_des1; 
+    current2     = -(((float(motorShield.readCurrentB())/65536.0f)*30.0f)-15.0f);   // measure current
+    float err_c2 = current_des2 - current2;                                         // current error
+    current_int2 += err_c2;                                                         // integrate error
+    current_int2 = fmaxf( fminf(current_int2, current_int_max), -current_int_max);  // anti-windup   
+    duty_cycle2 = current_Kp*err_c2 + current_Ki*current_int2;                      // PI current controller
+    float absDuty2 = abs(duty_cycle2);
+    if (absDuty2 > duty_max) {
+        duty_cycle2 *= duty_max / absDuty2;
+        absDuty2 = duty_max;
+    }    
+    if (duty_cycle2 < 0) { // backwards
+        motorShield.motorBWrite(absDuty2, 1);
+    } else { // forwards
+        motorShield.motorBWrite(absDuty2, 0);
+    }             
+    prev_current_des2 = current_des2; 
 int main (void)
@@ -32,10 +141,37 @@
     while(1) {
+        // If there are new inputs, this code will run
         if (server.getParams(input_params,NUM_INPUTS)) {
-            float v1   = input_params[0]; // Duty cycle for first second
-            float v2   = input_params[1]; // Duty cycle for second second
+            // Get inputs from MATLAB            
+            start_period                = input_params[0];    // First buffer time, before trajectory
+            traj_period                 = input_params[1];    // Trajectory time/length
+            end_period                  = input_params[2];    // Second buffer time, after trajectory
+            angle1_init                 = input_params[3];    // Initial angle for q1 (rad)
+            angle2_init                 = input_params[4];    // Initial angle for q2 (rad)
+            K_xx                        = input_params[5];    // Foot stiffness N/m
+            K_yy                        = input_params[6];    // Foot stiffness N/m
+            K_xy                        = input_params[7];    // Foot stiffness N/m
+            D_xx                        = input_params[8];    // Foot damping N/(m/s)
+            D_yy                        = input_params[9];    // Foot damping N/(m/s)
+            D_xy                        = input_params[10];   // Foot damping N/(m/s)
+            duty_max                    = input_params[11];   // Maximum duty factor
+            // TODO: check that this gets inputs correctly?
+            float foot_pts[2*(BEZIER_ORDER_FOOT+1)];
+            for(int i = 0; i<2*(BEZIER_ORDER_FOOT+1);i++) {
+              foot_pts[i] = input_params[21+i];    
+            }
+            rDesFoot_bez.setPoints(foot_pts);
+            // Attach current loop interrupt
+            currentLoop.attach_us(CurrentLoop,current_control_period_us);
             // Setup experiment
@@ -45,35 +181,151 @@
             motorShield.motorAWrite(0, 0); //turn motor A off
-            //use the motor shield as follows:
-            //motorShield.motorAWrite(DUTY CYCLE, DIRECTION), DIRECTION = 0 is forward, DIRECTION =1 is backwards.
+            motorShield.motorBWrite(0, 0); //turn motor B off
             // Run experiment
-            while( < 2 ) {
-                // Perform control loop logic
-                if ( < 1)
-                    motorShield.motorAWrite(v1, 0); //run motor A at "v1" duty cycle and in the forward direction 
+            while( < start_period + traj_period + end_period) { 
+                // Read encoders to get motor states
+                angle1 = encoderA.getPulses() *PULSE_TO_RAD + angle1_init;       
+                velocity1 = encoderA.getVelocity() * PULSE_TO_RAD;
+                angle2 = encoderB.getPulses() * PULSE_TO_RAD + angle2_init;       
+                velocity2 = encoderB.getVelocity() * PULSE_TO_RAD;           
+                const float th1 = angle1;
+                const float th2 = angle2;
+                const float dth1= velocity1;
+                const float dth2= velocity2;
+                // Calculate the Jacobian
+                float Jx_th1 = 0;
+                float Jx_th2 = 0;
+                float Jy_th1 = 0;
+                float Jx_th2 = 0;
+                // Calculate the forware kinematics (position and velocity)
+                float xLeg = 0;
+                float yLeg = 0;
+                float dxLeg = 0;
+                float fyLeg = 0;       
+//                float Jx_th1 = l_AC*cos(th1 + th2) + l_DE*cos(th1) + l_OB*cos(th1);
+//                float Jx_th2 =  l_AC*cos(th1 + th2);
+//                float Jy_th1 = l_AC*sin(th1 + th2) + l_DE*sin(th1) + l_OB*sin(th1);
+//                float Jy_th2 =  l_AC*sin(th1 + th2);
+//                float xLeg = l_AC*sin(th1 + th2) + l_DE*sin(th1) + l_OB*sin(th1);
+//                float yLeg = - l_AC*cos(th1 + th2) - l_DE*cos(th1) - l_OB*cos(th1);
+//                float dxLeg = Jx_th1 * dth1 + Jx_th2 * dth2;
+//                float dyLeg = Jy_th1 * dth1 + Jy_th2 * dth2;
+                // Set gains based on buffer and traj times, then calculate desired x,y from Bezier trajectory at current time if necessary
+                float teff  = 0;
+                float vMult = 0;
+                if( t < start_period) {
+                    if (K_xx > 0 || K_yy > 0) {
+                        K_xx = 180;
+                        K_yy = 180;
+                        D_xx = 2;
+                        D_yy = 2;
+                        K_xy = 0;
+                        D_xy = 0;
+                    }
+                    teff = 0;
+                }
+                else if (t < start_period + traj_period)
+                {
+                    K_xx = input_params[5]; // Foot stiffness N/m
+                    K_yy = input_params[6]; // Foot stiffness N/m
+                    K_xy = input_params[7]; // Foot stiffness N/m
+                    D_xx = input_params[8]; // Foot damping N/(m/s)
+                    D_yy = input_params[9]; // Foot damping N/(m/s)
+                    D_xy = input_params[10]; // Foot damping N/(m/s)
+                    teff = (t-start_period);
+                    vMult = 1;
+                }
-                    motorShield.motorAWrite(v2, 0); //run motor A at "v2" duty cycle and in the forward direction 
+                {
+                    teff = traj_period;  
+                    // TODO: reset gains and vMult here?  
+                }
+                float rDesFoot[2] , vDesFoot[2];
+                rDesFoot_bez.evaluate(teff/traj_period,rDesFoot);
+                rDesFoot_bez.evaluateDerivative(teff/traj_period,vDesFoot);
+                vDesFoot[0]/=traj_period;
+                vDesFoot[1]/=traj_period;
+                vDesFoot[0]*=vMult;
+                vDesFoot[1]*=vMult;
-                // Form output to send to MATLAB
-                float output_data[NUM_OUTPUTS];
+                // Calculate error variables
+                float e_x = 0;
+                float e_y = 0;
+                float de_x = 0;
+                float de_y = 0;
+//                float e_x = ( xLeg - rDesFoot[0]);
+//                float e_y = ( yLeg - rDesFoot[1]); 
+//                float de_x = ( dxLeg - vDesFoot[0]);
+//                float de_y = ( dyLeg - vDesFoot[1]);
+                // Calculate virtual force on foot
+                float fx = 0;
+                float fy = 0;
+//                float fx   = -K_xx * e_x - K_xy * e_y - D_xx * de_x -D_xy * de_y;
+//                float fy   = -K_yy * e_y - K_xy * e_x - D_yy * de_y -D_xy * de_x;
+                // Set desired currents
+                current_des1 = 0;
+                current_des2 = 0;                
+//                current_des1 = (nu1*velocity1 + Jx_th1*fx + Jy_th1*fy)/k_emf;
+//                current_des2 = (nu2*velocity2 + Jx_th2*fx + Jy_th2*fy)/k_emf;         
+                //Form output to send to MATLAB     
+                float output_data[NUM_OUTPUTS];
+                // current time
                 output_data[0] =;
-                output_data[1] = encoderA.getPulses(); 
-                output_data[2] = encoderA.getVelocity();
-                output_data[3] = motorShield.readCurrentA();
+                // motor 1 state
+                output_data[1] = angle1;
+                output_data[2] = velocity1;  
+                output_data[3] = current1;
+                output_data[4] = current_des1;
+                output_data[5] = duty_cycle1;
+                // motor 2 state
+                output_data[6] = angle2;
+                output_data[7] = velocity2;
+                output_data[8] = current2;
+                output_data[9] = current_des2;
+                output_data[10]= duty_cycle2;
+                // foot state
+                output_data[11] = xFoot;
+                output_data[12] = yFoot;
+                output_data[13]= dxFoot;
+                output_data[14]= dyFoot;
+                output_data[15]= rDesFoot[0];
+                output_data[16]= rDesFoot[1];
+                output_data[17]= vDesFoot[0];
+                output_data[18]= vDesFoot[1];
                 // Send data to MATLAB
-                wait(.001); //run control loop at 1kHz
+                wait_us(impedance_control_period_us);   
             // Cleanup after experiment
+            currentLoop.detach();
             motorShield.motorAWrite(0, 0); //turn motor A off
+            motorShield.motorBWrite(0, 0); //turn motor B off
         } // end if
     } // end while
 } // end main