
Dependencies:   MatrixMath Matrix ExperimentServer QEI_pmw MotorShield

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Tue Nov 17 20:21:23 2020 +0000
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main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 8b4fd3d36882 -r 833008a20edd main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Oct 06 01:02:31 2020 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Nov 17 20:21:23 2020 +0000
@@ -204,7 +204,18 @@
             motorShield.motorAWrite(0, 0); //turn motor A off
             motorShield.motorBWrite(0, 0); //turn motor B off
+            float M11=0;
+            float M12=0;
+            float M22=0;
+            float Jx_th1=0;
+            float Jx_th2=0;
+            float Jy_th1=0;
+            float Jy_th2=0;
+            float L11=0;
+            float L12=0;
+            float L21=0;
+            float L22=0;   
             // Run experiment
             while( < start_period + traj_period + end_period) { 
@@ -221,16 +232,16 @@
                 const float dth2= velocity2;
                 // Calculate the Jacobian
-                float Jx_th1 = 0;
-                float Jx_th2 = 0;
-                float Jy_th1 = 0;
-                float Jy_th2 = 0;
+                float Jx_th1 = l_AC*cos(th1 + th2) + l_DE*cos(th1) + l_OB*cos(th1);
+                float Jx_th2 = l_AC*cos(th1 + th2);
+                float Jy_th1 = l_AC*sin(th1 + th2) + l_DE*sin(th1) + l_OB*sin(th1);
+                float Jy_th2 = l_AC*sin(th1 + th2);
                 // Calculate the forward kinematics (position and velocity)
-                float xFoot = 0;
-                float yFoot = 0;
-                float dxFoot = 0;
-                float dyFoot = 0;       
+                float xFoot = l_AC*sin(th1 + th2) + l_DE*sin(th1) + l_OB*sin(th1);
+                float yFoot = - l_AC*cos(th1 + th2) - l_DE*cos(th1) - l_OB*cos(th1);
+                float dxFoot = dth1*(l_AC*cos(th1 + th2) + l_DE*cos(th1) + l_OB*cos(th1)) + dth2*l_AC*cos(th1 + th2);
+                float dyFoot = dth1*(l_AC*sin(th1 + th2) + l_DE*sin(th1) + l_OB*sin(th1)) + dth2*l_AC*sin(th1 + th2);          
                 // Set gains based on buffer and traj times, then calculate desired x,y from Bezier trajectory at current time if necessary
                 float teff  = 0;
@@ -285,20 +296,27 @@
                 float dth2_des = (1.0f/dd) * ( -Jy_th1*vDesFoot[0] + Jx_th1*vDesFoot[1] );
                 // Calculate error variables
-                float e_x = 0;
-                float e_y = 0;
-                float de_x = 0;
-                float de_y = 0;
+                float e_x = -xFoot_inv-xFoot;
+                float e_y = yFoot_inv-yFoot;
+//                float de_x = vDesFoot[0]-dxFoot;
+//                float de_y = vDesFoot[1]-dyFoot;
+                float de_x = -dxFoot;
+                float de_y = -dyFoot;
                 // Calculate virtual force on foot
-                float fx = 0;
-                float fy = 0;
+                float fx = K_xx*(e_x) + K_xy*(e_y) + D_xx*(de_x) + D_xy*(de_y);
+                float fy = K_xy*(e_x) + K_yy*(e_y) + D_xy*(de_x) + D_yy*(de_y);
+                //float Torque_q1= (Jx_th1*fx+Jy_th1*fy);
+//                float Torque_q2= (Jx_th2*fx+Jy_th2*fy);
                 // Calculate mass matrix elements
-                float M11 = 0; 
-                float M12 = 0; 
-                float M22 = 0;
+                M11 = I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 + Ir + Ir*pow(N,2) + pow(l_AC,2)*m4 + pow(l_A_m3,2)*m3 + pow(l_B_m2,2)*m2 + pow(l_C_m4,2)*m4 + pow(l_OA,2)*m3 + pow(l_OB,2)*m2 + pow(l_OA,2)*m4 + pow(l_O_m1,2)*m1 + 2*l_C_m4*l_OA*m4 + 2*l_AC*l_C_m4*m4*cos(th2) + 2*l_AC*l_OA*m4*cos(th2) + 2*l_A_m3*l_OA*m3*cos(th2) + 2*l_B_m2*l_OB*m2*cos(th2); 
+                //    I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 + Ir + Ir*N^2 +      l_AC^2*m4 +      l_A_m3^2*m3 +      l_B_m2^2*m2 +      l_C_m4^2*m4 +      l_OA^2*m3 +      l_OB^2*m2 +      l_OA^2*m4 +      l_O_m1^2*m1 +      2*l_C_m4*l_OA*m4 + 2*l_AC*l_C_m4*m4*cos(th2) + 2*l_AC*l_OA*m4*cos(th2) + 2*l_A_m3*l_OA*m3*cos(th2) + 2*l_B_m2*l_OB*m2*cos(th2)
+                M12 = I2 + I3 + pow(l_AC,2)*m4 + pow(l_A_m3,2)*m3 + pow(l_B_m2,2)*m2 + Ir*N + l_AC*l_C_m4*m4*cos(th2) + l_AC*l_OA*m4*cos(th2) + l_A_m3*l_OA*m3*cos(th2) + l_B_m2*l_OB*m2*cos(th2); 
+                //    I2 + I3 + l_AC^2*m4 +      l_A_m3^2*m3 +      l_B_m2^2*m2 +      Ir*N + l_AC*l_C_m4*m4*cos(th2) + l_AC*l_OA*m4*cos(th2) + l_A_m3*l_OA*m3*cos(th2) + l_B_m2*l_OB*m2*cos(th2)
+                M22 = Ir*pow(N,2) + m4*pow(l_AC,2) + m3*pow(l_A_m3,2) + m2*pow(l_B_m2,2) + I2 + I3;
+                //    Ir*N^2 + m4*l_AC^2 + m3*l_A_m3^2 + m2*l_B_m2^2 + I2 + I3
                 // Populate mass matrix
@@ -314,22 +332,24 @@
                 // Once you have copied the elements of the mass matrix, uncomment the following section
                 // Calculate Lambda matrix
-//                JacobianT = MatrixMath::Transpose(Jacobian);
-//                InverseMassMatrix = MatrixMath::Inv(MassMatrix);
-//                temp_product = Jacobian*InverseMassMatrix*JacobianT;
-//                Lambda = MatrixMath::Inv(temp_product); 
+                JacobianT = MatrixMath::Transpose(Jacobian);
+                InverseMassMatrix = MatrixMath::Inv(MassMatrix);
+                temp_product = Jacobian*InverseMassMatrix*JacobianT;
+                Lambda = MatrixMath::Inv(temp_product); 
                 // Pull elements of Lambda matrix
-//                float L11 = Lambda.getNumber(1,1);
-//                float L12 = Lambda.getNumber(1,2);
-//                float L21 = Lambda.getNumber(2,1);
-//                float L22 = Lambda.getNumber(2,2);               
+                L11 = Lambda.getNumber(1,1);
+                L12 = Lambda.getNumber(1,2);
+                L21 = Lambda.getNumber(2,1);
+                L22 = Lambda.getNumber(2,2);               
+                float Torque_q1= (Jx_th1*L11+Jy_th1*L12)*fx+(Jx_th1*L12+Jy_th1*L22)*fy;
+                float Torque_q2= (Jx_th2*L11+Jy_th2*L12)*fx+(Jx_th2*L12+Jy_th2*L22)*fy;
                 // Set desired currents             
-                current_des1 = 0;          
-                current_des2 = 0;   
+                current_des1 = Torque_q1/k_t;           
+                current_des2 = Torque_q2/k_t; 
@@ -370,10 +390,21 @@
             motorShield.motorAWrite(0, 0); //turn motor A off
             motorShield.motorBWrite(0, 0); //turn motor B off
+            pc.printf("\n M11: %f", M11);
+            pc.printf("\n M12: %f", M12);
+            pc.printf("\n M22: %f", M22);
+            pc.printf("\n Jx_th1: %f", Jx_th1);
+            pc.printf("\n Jx_th2: %f", Jx_th2);
+            pc.printf("\n Jy_th1: %f", Jy_th1);
+            pc.printf("\n Jy_th2: %f", Jy_th2);
+            pc.printf("\n L11: %f", L11);
+            pc.printf("\n L12: %f", L12);
+            pc.printf("\n L21: %f", L21);
+            pc.printf("\n L22: %f", L22);
         } // end if
     } // end while
+//    using namespace std;
 } // end main