interface to chr_6dm and Baro bmp085

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chr.h	Mon Oct 17 19:43:06 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Null packet
+     #define  NO_DATA = 0x00;
+     #define  FAILED_CHECKSUM = 0x01;
+     int packet[100];
+     int packet_length = 0;
+// Tx packet types (responses) 
+     const int  SET_ACTIVE_CHANNELS       =  0x80;
+     const int  SET_SILENT_MODE           =  0x81;
+     const int  SET_BROADCAST_MODE        =  0x82;
+     const int  SET_GYRO_BIAS             =  0x83;
+     const int  SET_ACCEL_BIAS            =  0x84;
+     const int  SET_ACCEL_REF_VECTOR      =  0x85;
+     const int  AUTO_SET_ACCEL_REF        =  0x86;
+     const int  ZERO_RATE_GYROS           =  0x87;
+     const int  SELF_TEST                 =  0x88;
+     const int  SET_START_CAL             =  0x89;
+     const int  SET_PROCESS_COVARIANCE    =  0x8A;
+     const int  SET_MAG_COVARIANCE        =  0x8B;
+     const int  SET_ACCEL_COVARIANCE      =  0x8C;
+     const int  SET_EKF_CONFIG            =  0x8D;
+     const int  SET_GYRO_ALIGNMENT        =  0x8E;
+     const int  SET_ACCEL_ALIGNMENT       =  0x8F;
+     const int  SET_MAG_REF_VECTOR        =  0x90;
+     const int  AUTO_SET_MAG_REF          =  0x91;
+     const int  SET_MAG_CAL               =  0x92;
+     const int  SET_MAG_BIAS              =  0x93;
+     const int  SET_GYRO_SCALE            =  0x94;
+     const int  EKF_RESET                 =  0x95;
+     const int  RESET_TO_FACTORY          =  0x96;
+     const int  WRITE_TO_FLASH            =  0xA0;
+     const int  GET_DATA                  =  0x01;
+     const int  GET_ACTIVE_CHANNELS       =  0x02;
+     const int  GET_BROADCAST_MODE        =  0x03;
+     const int  GET_ACCEL_BIAS            =  0x04;
+     const int  GET_ACCEL_REF_VECTOR      =  0x05;
+     const int  GET_GYRO_BIAS             =  0x06;
+     const int  GET_GYRO_SCALE            =  0x07;
+     const int  GET_START_CAL             =  0x08;
+     const int  GET_EKF_CONFIG            =  0x09;
+     const int  GET_ACCEL_COVARIANCE      =  0x0A;
+     const int  GET_MAG_COVARIANCE        =  0x0B;
+     const int  GET_PROCESS_COVARIANCE    =  0x0C;
+     const int  GET_STATE_COVARIANCE      =  0x0D;
+     const int  GET_GYRO_ALIGNMENT        =  0x0E;
+     const int  GET_ACCEL_ALIGNMENT       =  0x0F;
+     const int  GET_MAG_REF_VECTOR        =  0x10;
+     const int  GET_MAG_CAL               =  0x11;
+     const int  GET_MAG_BIAS              =  0x12;
+ // Board status and data packets
+ #define PT_COMMAND_COMPLETE             0xB0
+#define PT_COMMAND_FAILED               0xB1
+#define PT_BAD_CHECKSUM                 0xB2
+#define PT_BAD_DATA_LENGTH              0xB3
+#define PT_UNRECOGNIZED_PACKET          0xB4  
+#define PT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW              0xB5
+#define PT_STATUS_REPORT                0xB6
+#define PT_SENSOR_DATA                  0xB7
+#define PT_GYRO_BIAS_REPORT             0xB8
+#define PT_GYRO_SCALE_REPORT            0xB9
+#define PT_START_CAL_REPORT             0xBA
+#define PT_ACCEL_BIAS_REPORT            0xBB
+#define PT_EKF_CONFIG_REPORT            0xC2
+#define PT_GYRO_ALIGNMENT_REPORT        0xC3
+#define PT_MAG_REF_VECTOR_REPORT        0xC5
+#define PT_MAG_CAL_REPORT               0xC6
+#define PT_MAG_BIAS_REPORT              0xC7
+#define PT_BROADCAST_MODE_REPORT        0xC8
+     /* D1 */
+#define YAW_FLAG                0x80
+#define PITCH_FLAG              0x40
+#define ROLL_FLAG               0x20
+#define YAW_RATE_FLAG           0x10
+#define PITCH_RATE_FLAG         0x08
+#define ROLL_RATE_FLAG          0x04
+#define MX_FLAG                 0x02
+#define MY_FLAG                 0x01
+/* D2 */
+#define MZ_FLAG                 0x80
+#define GX_FLAG                 0x40
+#define GY_FLAG                 0x20
+#define GZ_FLAG                 0x10
+#define AX_FLAG                 0x08
+#define AY_FLAG                 0x04
+#define AZ_FLAG                 0x02
+#define ZERO_FLAG               0x01
+    /* Scale factors
+     const double SCALE_YAW        = 0.0109863; // �/LSB
+     const double SCALE_PITCH      = 0.0109863;
+     const double SCALE_ROLL       = 0.0109863;
+     const double SCALE_YAW_RATE   = 0.0137329; // �/s/LSB
+     const double SCALE_PITCH_RATE = 0.0137329;
+     const double SCALE_ROLL_RATE  = 0.0137329;
+     const double SCALE_MAG_X      = 0.061035; // mGauss/LSB
+     const double SCALE_MAG_Y      = 0.061035;
+     const double SCALE_MAG_Z      = 0.061035;
+     const double SCALE_GYRO_X     = 0.01812; // �/s/LSB
+     const double SCALE_GYRO_Y     = 0.01812;
+     const double SCALE_GYRO_Z     = 0.01812;
+     const double SCALE_ACCEL_X    = 0.106812; // mg/LSB
+     const double SCALE_ACCEL_Y    = 0.106812;
+     const double SCALE_ACCEL_Z    = 0.106812;*/
+    const char PACKET_HEADER[] = {'s','n','p'};
+    const int HEADER_CHECKSUM = 's'+'n'+'p';
+#define MAX_BYTES 32
+enum _states { WAIT_s, WAIT_n, WAIT_p,PT, N, RX_PACKET, PROCESS_PACKET };