
Dependencies:   mbed-STM32F103C8T6 SHT21_ncleee

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/st7789v.cpp	Wed Apr 15 11:36:03 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+#include "main.h"
+void ST7789V_CTRL_Write(unsigned char data)
+    lcdBus.write(data);
+void ST7789V_writeCommand(unsigned char command)
+    TFTCS=0; 
+    TFTDC = 0;
+    ST7789V_CTRL_Write(command);
+    TFTWR = 0;
+    TFTWR = 1;
+    TFTCS=1; 
+void ST7789V_writeData(unsigned char data)
+    TFTCS=0; 
+    TFTDC = 1;
+    ST7789V_CTRL_Write(data);
+    TFTWR = 0;
+    TFTWR = 1;
+    TFTCS=1; 
+void ST7789V_writeOneDot(unsigned int color)
+    TFTCS=0;  
+    TFTRD=1;
+    TFTDC=1;   
+    ST7789V_CTRL_Write(color>>8); 
+    TFTWR=0;
+    TFTWR=1;
+    ST7789V_CTRL_Write(color);      
+    TFTWR=0;
+    TFTWR=1;
+    TFTCS=1;
+void ST7789V_Init(void)
+    TFTDC = 0;
+    TFTRD = 1;
+    TFTWR = 0;
+#if 0
+    TFTRST = 0; // reset the chip[]
+    wait_us(100);
+    TFTRST = 1; // take it out of reset
+    wait_us(100);
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x11);    /* exit SLEEP mode*/
+    wait_us(300);  
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x36);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x00);      /* MADCTL: memory data access control*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x3A);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x05);      /* COLMOD: Interface Pixel format*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xB2);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x0C);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x0C);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x00);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x33);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x33); /*PORCTRK: Porch setting*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xB7);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x75); /*GCTRL: Gate Control*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xBB);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x3d); /*VCOMS: VCOM setting*/
+    //ST7789V_writeCommand(0xC0);
+    //ST7789V_writeData(0x2C); /*LCMCTRL: LCM Control*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xC2);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x01);
+    //ST7789V_writeData(0xFF); /*VDVVRHEN: VDV and VRH Command Enable*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xC3);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x19); /*VRHS: VRH Set*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xC4);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x20); /*VDVS: VDV Set*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xC6);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x0F); /*FRCTRL2: Frame Rate control in normal mode*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xD0);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0xA4);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0xA1); /*PWCTRL1: Power Control 1*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xD6);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0xA1);
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xE0);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x70);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x04);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x08);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x09);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x09);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x05);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x2A);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x33);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x41);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x07);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x13);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x13);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x29);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x0F); /*PVGAMCTRL: Positive Voltage Gamma control*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0xE1);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x70);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x03);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x09);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x0A);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x09);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x06);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x2B);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x34);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x41);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x07);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x12);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x14);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x28);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x2E); /*NVGAMCTRL: Negative Voltage Gamma control*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x21);
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x29);
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x2A);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x00);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x00);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x00);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0xEF); /*X address set*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x2B);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x00);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x00);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0x00);
+    ST7789V_writeData(0xEF); /*Y address set*/
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x2C);
+    //wait_us(10);
+    //ST7789V_writeCommand(0x29); /*Enable Display*/
+void BlockWrite(unsigned int Xstart,unsigned int Xend,unsigned int Ystart,unsigned int Yend)
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x2a);   
+    ST7789V_writeData((Xstart)>>8);
+    ST7789V_writeData((Xstart)&0xff);
+    ST7789V_writeData((Xend)>>8);
+    ST7789V_writeData((Xend)&0xff);
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x2b);   
+    ST7789V_writeData((Ystart+40)>>8);
+    ST7789V_writeData((Ystart+40)&0xff);
+    ST7789V_writeData((Yend+40)>>8);
+    ST7789V_writeData((Yend+40)&0xff);
+    ST7789V_writeCommand(0x2c);
+unsigned char ToOrd(unsigned char ch)
+    if(ch<32)
+    {
+        ch=95;
+    }
+    else if((ch>=32)&&(ch<=47)) //(32~47)空格~/
+    {
+        ch=(ch-32)+10+62;
+    }
+    else if((ch>=48)&&(ch<=57))//(48~57)0~9
+    {
+        ch=ch-48;
+    }
+    else if((ch>=58)&&(ch<=64))//(58~64):~@
+    {
+        ch=(ch-58)+10+62+16;
+    }
+    else if((ch>=65)&&(ch<=126))//(65~126)A~~
+    {
+        ch=(ch-65)+10;
+    }
+    else if(ch>126)
+    {       
+        ch=95;
+    }
+    return ch;
+void WriteOneDot(unsigned int color)
+    ST7789V_writeOneDot(color);
+void  DispOneChar(unsigned char ord,unsigned int Xstart,unsigned int Ystart,unsigned int TextColor,unsigned int BackColor)   // ord:0~95
+   unsigned char i,j;
+   unsigned char  *p;
+   unsigned char dat;
+   unsigned int index;
+   BlockWrite(Xstart,Xstart+(FONT_W-1),Ystart,Ystart+(FONT_H-1));
+   index = ord;
+   if(index>95)    //95:ASCII CHAR NUM
+        index=95;
+   index = index*((FONT_W/8)*FONT_H);    
+   p = ascii;
+   p = p+index;
+   for(i=0;i<(FONT_W/8*FONT_H);i++)
+    {
+       dat=*p++;
+       for(j=0;j<8;j++)
+        {
+           if((dat<<j)&0x80)
+             {
+                WriteOneDot(TextColor);
+             }      
+           else 
+             {
+                WriteOneDot(BackColor);   
+             }
+         }
+     }
+void DispStr(unsigned char *str,unsigned int Xstart,unsigned int Ystart,unsigned int TextColor,unsigned int BackColor)
+    while(!(*str=='\0'))
+    {
+        DispOneChar(ToOrd(*str++),Xstart,Ystart,TextColor,BackColor);
+        if(Xstart>((COL-1)-FONT_W))
+        {
+            Xstart=0;
+            Ystart=Ystart+FONT_H;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Xstart=Xstart+FONT_W;
+        }
+        if(Ystart>((ROW-1)-FONT_H))
+        {
+            Ystart=0;
+        }
+    }   
+    BlockWrite(0,COL-1,0,ROW-1);
+void DispInt(unsigned int i,unsigned int Xstart,unsigned int Ystart,unsigned int TextColor,unsigned int BackColor)
+    if(Xstart>((COL-1)-FONT_W*4))
+    {
+        Xstart=(COL-1)-FONT_W*4;
+    }
+    if(Ystart>((ROW-1)-FONT_H))
+    {
+        Ystart=(Ystart-1)-FONT_H;
+    }
+    DispOneChar((i>>12)%16,Xstart,Ystart,TextColor,BackColor); //ID value
+    DispOneChar((i>>8)%16,Xstart+FONT_W,Ystart,TextColor,BackColor);
+    DispOneChar((i>>4)%16,Xstart+FONT_W*2,Ystart,TextColor,BackColor);
+    DispOneChar(i%16,Xstart+FONT_W*3,Ystart,TextColor,BackColor); 
+    BlockWrite(0,COL-1,0,ROW-1);
+void DispColor(unsigned int color)
+    unsigned int i,j;
+    BlockWrite(0,COL-1,0,ROW-1);
+    TFTCS=0; 
+    TFTDC=1;
+    TFTRD=1;
+    for(i=0;i<ROW;i++)
+    {
+      for(j=0;j<COL;j++)
+        {    
+            WriteOneDot(color);  
+        }
+    }
+    TFTCS=1; 
+void DispBand(void)  
+    unsigned int i,j,k;
+    //unsigned int color[8]={0x001f,0x07e0,0xf800,0x07ff,0xf81f,0xffe0,0x0000,0xffff};
+    unsigned int color[8]={0xf800,0xf800,0x07e0,0x07e0,0x001f,0x001f,0xffff,0xffff};//0x94B2
+    //unsigned int gray16[]={0x0000,0x1082,0x2104,0x3186,0x42,0x08,0x528a,0x630c,0x738e,0x7bcf,0x9492,0xa514,0xb596,0xc618,0xd69a,0xe71c,0xffff};
+  BlockWrite(0,COL-1,0,ROW-1);
+    TFTCS=0;
+    TFTRD=1;
+    TFTDC=1;                                                                                                      
+    for(i=0;i<8;i++)
+    {
+        for(j=0;j<ROW/8;j++)
+        {
+        for(k=0;k<COL;k++)
+            {
+                WriteOneDot(color[i]); 
+            } 
+        }
+    }
+    for(j=0;j<ROW%8;j++)
+    {
+        for(k=0;k<COL;k++)
+        {
+            WriteOneDot(color[7]); 
+        } 
+    }
+    TFTCS=1;
+void DispPic(unsigned int *picture)
+    unsigned int *p;
+    unsigned int  i,j; //i-row,j-col
+    unsigned char n,k; //n-row repeat count,k-col repeat count
+    BlockWrite(0,COL-1,0,ROW-1);
+    TFTCS =0;
+    TFTDC =1;
+    TFTRD =1;
+    for(n=0;n<ROW/PIC_HEIGHT;n++)         //n-row repeat count
+    {
+        for(i=0;i<PIC_HEIGHT;i++)
+        {
+            p=picture;
+            for(k=0;k<COL/PIC_WIDTH;k++) //k-col repeat count
+            {
+                for(j=0;j<PIC_WIDTH;j++)
+                {
+                        WriteOneDot(*(p+i*PIC_HEIGHT+j));
+                }
+            }
+            p=picture;
+            for(j=0;j<COL%PIC_WIDTH;j++)
+            {
+                WriteOneDot(*(p+i*PIC_HEIGHT+j));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<ROW%PIC_HEIGHT;i++)
+    {
+        p=picture;
+        for(k=0;k<COL/PIC_WIDTH;k++) //k-col repeat count
+        {
+            for(j=0;j<PIC_WIDTH;j++)
+            {
+                WriteOneDot(*(p+i*PIC_HEIGHT+j));
+            }
+        }
+        p=picture;
+        for(j=0;j<COL%PIC_WIDTH;j++)
+        {
+            WriteOneDot(*(p+i*PIC_HEIGHT+j));
+        }
+    }
+  TFTCS=1;
+void LCD_block_test(){
+  BlockWrite(0,COL-1,0,ROW-1);
+  DispColor(GREEN);
+  wait(2);
+  DispColor(BLUE);
+  wait(2);
+  DispColor(RED); 
+  wait(2);