Complete DS1621 library (all functions implemented)

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ds1621.h	Sat Jul 14 08:20:05 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#ifndef DS1621__H_
+#define DS1621__H_
+// Includes
+#include <string>
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Example
+#include <string>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ds1621.h"
+#define DS1621_ADDR 0     // I2c DS1621 address is 0x00
+static void myerror(std::string msg)
+  printf("Error %s\n",msg.c_str());
+  exit(1);
+int main()
+  DS1621 ds(p9,p10,DS1621_ADDR);  // Declare DS1621 i2c with sda = p9 and scl = p10
+  bool tlf,thf;
+  uint8_t i;
+  uint8_t config;
+  uint16_t count = 0;
+  float temp = 0.0;
+  printf("Test DS1621 I2C\n\n");
+  // Check error
+  if(ds.getError() != 0)
+    myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+  // Config with OneShot and Pol high and test error
+  ds.setConfig(DS1621_1Shot | DS1621_PolHigh);
+  if(ds.getError() != 0)
+    myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+  // Read Config register
+  config = ds.getConfig();
+  if(ds.getError() != 0)
+    myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+  printf("DS1621 Config : %02X\n",config);
+  printf("Test HR Temperature\n"); 
+  // Test HR temperature
+  for(i = 0;i < 24;i++) {
+     temp = ds.getHrTemp();
+     if(ds.getError() != 0)
+       myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+     printf("Measurment at start + %d seconds, Temperature HR = %.2f\n",(count*5),temp);
+     wait(5.0);
+     count++;
+  }
+  printf("Test Temperature\n"); 
+  // Test temperature
+  count = 0;
+  for(i = 0;i < 12;i++) {
+     temp = ds.getTemp();
+     if(ds.getError() != 0)
+       myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+     printf("Measurment at start + %d seconds, Temperature = %.2f\n",(count*5),temp);
+     wait(5.0);
+     count++;
+  }
+  // Config with Continuous and Pol high
+  ds.setConfig(DS1621_PolHigh); 
+  if(ds.getError() != 0)
+    myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+  // Read Config register
+  config = ds.getConfig();
+  if(ds.getError() != 0)
+    myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+  printf("DS1621 Config : %02X\n",config);
+  // Write trigger temperatures
+  ds.setTemperature(18.0,DS1621_Access_TL);
+  if(ds.getError() != 0)
+    myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+  ds.setTemperature(25.5,DS1621_Access_TH);
+  if(ds.getError() != 0)
+    myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+  printf("Test temperature and triggers\n");
+  while(1) {
+             temp = ds.getTemp();
+             if(ds.getError() != 0)
+               myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+             ds.getTF(tlf,thf);
+             if(ds.getError() != 0)
+               myerror(ds.getErrorMessage());
+             printf("Temperature=%.2f  TLF %d  THF %d\n",temp,tlf,thf);
+             wait(5.0);
+  }
+// Defines
+#define DS1621_address     0x90
+#define DS1621_PolHigh     0x02
+#define DS1621_1Shot       0x01
+#define DS1621_DONE        0x80
+#define DS1621_CFG_1SHOT      0
+#define DS1621_CFG_POL        1
+#define DS1621_CFG_TLF        5
+#define DS1621_CFG_THF        6
+#define DS1621_CFG_DONE       7
+#define DS1621_Access_TH      0
+#define DS1621_Access_TL      1
+#define DS1621_NoError     0x00
+#define DS1621_BadAddress  0x01
+#define DS1621_I2cError    0x02
+#define DS1621_ParamError  0x03
+#define DS1621_MaxError       4
+static std::string _ErrorMessageDS1621[DS1621_MaxError] = {
+                                                            "",
+                                                            "Bad chip address",
+                                                            "I2C error (nack)",
+                                                            "Invalid parameter",
+                                                          };
+// Class
+class DS1621 {
+    /*
+     * Constructor, initialize the ds1621 on i2c interface.
+     * @param sda : sda i2c pin (PinName)
+     * @param scl : scl i2c pin (PinName)
+     * @param address : ds1621 address between 0 and 7 (uint8_t) 
+     * @return none
+    */
+    DS1621(PinName sda, PinName scl, uint8_t address);
+    /*
+     * Get temperature from the ds1621 with 0.5 degrees resolution
+     * @param : none
+     * @return current temperature in degrees Celsius between -55 and +125 (float)
+    */
+    float getTemp(void);
+    /*
+     * Get temperature from the ds1621 with 0.01 degrees resolution
+     * @param : none
+     * @return current temperature in degrees Celsius between -55 and +125 (float) 
+    */
+    float getHrTemp(void);
+    /*
+     * Read config register
+     * @param : none
+     * @return  current config register value (uin8_t)
+    */
+    uint8_t getConfig(void);
+    /*
+     * Write config register
+     * @param config : config value (uint8_t) 
+     * @return none
+    */
+    void setConfig(uint8_t config);
+    /*
+     * Start / stop convert
+     * @param flag : start convert if true else stop 
+     * @return none
+    */
+    void startConvert(bool flag);
+    /*
+     * Wait end of conversion (Config register bit 7 at 1)
+     * @param : none
+     * @return none
+    */
+    void waitEndConvert(void);
+    /*
+     * Get Temperature High Flag
+     * @param : none
+     * @return thf flag (bool)
+    */
+    bool getTHF(void);
+    /*
+     * Get Temperature Low Flag
+     * @param : none
+     * @return tlf flag (bool)
+    */
+    bool getTLF(void);
+    /*
+     * Get Temperature Low and High Flags
+     * @param tlf : temperature low flag (uint8_t&)
+     * @param thf : temperature high flag (uint8_t&)
+     * @return none
+    */
+    void getTF(bool& tlf,bool& thf);
+     /*
+    *Get 1Shot bit
+    *@param : none
+    *@return true if 1Shot (bool)
+    */
+    bool get1Shot(void);
+    /*
+    *Set Temperature (High or Low)
+    *@param temp : temperature, the fractionnal part is rounded to 0.5 (float)
+    *@param trig : mode,low or high (uint8_t) [DS1621_Access_TL DS1621_Access_TH]
+    *@return none
+    */
+    void setTemperature(float temp,uint8_t trig);
+     /*
+    *Get Temperature (High or Low)
+    *@param trig : mode,low or high (uint8_t) [DS1621_Access_TL DS1621_Access_TH]
+    *@return  temperature, with 0.5 degrees Celsius resolution (float)
+    */
+    float getTemperature(uint8_t trig);
+    /*
+    *Get current error message
+    *@param  : none
+    *@return current error message(std::string)
+    */
+    std::string getErrorMessage(void)
+    { 
+      if(_errnum < DS1621_MaxError)
+        return(_ErrorMessageDS1621[_errnum]);
+      else
+        return("errnum out of range");
+    }
+    /*
+     * Get the current error number (DS1621_NoError if no error)
+     * @param  : none
+     * @return current error number (uint8_t)
+    */
+    uint8_t getError(void);
+//---------- local variables ----------
+    I2C _i2c;        // Local i2c communication interface instance
+    int _address;    // Local ds1621 i2c address
+    uint8_t _errnum; // Error number
+    uint8_t _config; // Config register value
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